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Russia Detains 300 Muslims During Prayer

Arzamas 16

Mar 30, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian police rounded up 300 people at a Muslim prayer room in Moscow on Friday after President Vladimir Putin ordered a crackdown on radical Islamists ahead of next year's Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Putin has put security forces on high alert to safeguard the Games in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, which lies near to mainly Muslim southern provinces where Russia is battling an Islamist insurgency that has targeted Moscow. "We must fight back hard against extremists who, under the banners of radicalism, nationalism and separatism, are trying to split our society," Putin said.

"The policy in the fight against corruption, crime and the insurgency has to be carried out harshly and consistently," Putin told a meeting of security force officers. "The situation in the North Caucasus should be kept under particular control."

Friday's raid, the third targeting Muslim places of worship in Moscow or St Petersburg this year, led to the detention of 300 people including 170 foreigners and the confiscation of Islamist literature to check for extremist content, Russian news agencies quoted the Federal Security Service (FSB) as saying.

The FSB did not say why the people had been detained. Russia is keen to boost its counter-terrorism credentials after the deadly Boston Marathon bombing allegedly carried out by two ethnic Chechen men, one of whom spent time last year in the North Caucasus province of Dagestan that borders Chechnya.

The Islamist insurgency, led by the 'Caucasus Emirate' group and Russia's most wanted man Doku Umarov, is rooted in two post-Soviet wars between Moscow and Chechen rebels. The insurgents want to create an Islamic emirate in the North Caucasus region. Fears of Islamist militants in Moscow have risen since police killed two men and detained another two who allegedly belonged to an outlawed Islamist group that was plotting an attack during a major holiday earlier this year.

Human rights activists say Russia's Islamist insurgency is fuelled by a combination of religion, official corruption and strong arm tactics against suspected militants by local leaders. In Dagestan, which has become the focal point for insurgent violence, police disarmed two suicide bomber belts and detained two women, Interfax reported on Friday.

Russian President Vladmir Putin orders crackdown on radical Islamists, police detain 300 people - World - DNA

Expect those 170 foreigners too be deported immediately within 48 hours
Has any report been released on whether these detainees had any federal records in FSB? Were they tracked?

Because Sochi is pretty much in the hot-zone and therefore conducting Olympic Games there would be a challenge, if not extra precautions are taken.

However, if these guys are not radicalized or don't have any negative records, they should be released.
Russian police rounded up 300 people at a Muslim prayer room in Moscow on Friday after President Vladimir Putin ordered a crackdown on radical Islamists ahead of next year's Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Putin has put security forces on high alert to safeguard the Games in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, which lies near to mainly Muslim southern provinces where Russia is battling an Islamist insurgency that has targeted Moscow. "We must fight back hard against extremists who, under the banners of radicalism, nationalism and separatism, are trying to split our society," Putin said.

"The policy in the fight against corruption, crime and the insurgency has to be carried out harshly and consistently," Putin told a meeting of security force officers. "The situation in the North Caucasus should be kept under particular control."

Friday's raid, the third targeting Muslim places of worship in Moscow or St Petersburg this year, led to the detention of 300 people including 170 foreigners and the confiscation of Islamist literature to check for extremist content, Russian news agencies quoted the Federal Security Service (FSB) as saying.

The FSB did not say why the people had been detained. Russia is keen to boost its counter-terrorism credentials after the deadly Boston Marathon bombing allegedly carried out by two ethnic Chechen men, one of whom spent time last year in the North Caucasus province of Dagestan that borders Chechnya.

The Islamist insurgency, led by the 'Caucasus Emirate' group and Russia's most wanted man Doku Umarov, is rooted in two post-Soviet wars between Moscow and Chechen rebels. The insurgents want to create an Islamic emirate in the North Caucasus region. Fears of Islamist militants in Moscow have risen since police killed two men and detained another two who allegedly belonged to an outlawed Islamist group that was plotting an attack during a major holiday earlier this year.

Human rights activists say Russia's Islamist insurgency is fuelled by a combination of religion, official corruption and strong arm tactics against suspected militants by local leaders. In Dagestan, which has become the focal point for insurgent violence, police disarmed two suicide bomber belts and detained two women, Interfax reported on Friday.

Russian President Vladmir Putin orders crackdown on radical Islamists, police detain 300 people - World - DNA

Expect those 170 foreigners too be deported immediately within 48 hours

are these people from Tablighi -Jamaat/Saudi funded/ Wahabi group ?
They have just been detained.. What a fuss?? I was detained during Delhi procession along with 1000s of other Indian.. It doesn't qualify as a news, niether it deserve a post in valuable forum like PDF..
i hope russian gov will do juistice with them if they r not guilty they must b released...
turkic terrorists funded by saudi money and motivated by saudi ideology - they deserve to die

Soon they will flood xinjiang[especially afganisthan goes to talibs],chinese members laugh when u support taliban in afganisthan.Remeber if that happens xinjiang will be flooded by talibs funded by saudi.
Why Sonia Govt was scared of me??? why her govt detained me along with 1000s other?? Bro, its just dentition, nothing more than that...

I never heard that Indian Govt. Detain some Hindus from a "Mandar" in such large quantity or Russians detain Russians who are not Muslim....Or Americans who are not Muslim...:taz:
This is a clumsy manner to go after Islamists - Mr. Putin is better advised to develop networks within the various communities of Muslims and to ensure Bad things happen to Bad people, however, even more important is to uncover the networks that finance Islamists, that publish them, that preach the vices Islamists find appealing. All Islamists that display a propensity towards violence need to be kpt under surveillance and must be brought to justice.
You know, I'm getting real sick of this whole "blame the Saudis and the Wahabis" mindset of some of the members here. If most of you bothered to actually do a bit of reading, you'd know that most of the insurgents in the caucuses are Sufi and same with Xinjiang. In Lebanon, it's Shia, in Afghanistan, it's Pashtun deobandi groups that are almost always confused with Salafis and Wahabis.

Wahabis are a problem and must be dealt with, but don't blame the cat, when the mouse is the one who ate the cheese.
well if they were in possesion of banned literature they are screwed Big Time .

LIfe and time and Works of Wahhab ( cant remember the exact title) is banned in russia amongst other things .
Soon they will flood xinjiang[especially afganisthan goes to talibs],chinese members laugh when u support taliban in afganisthan.Remeber if that happens xinjiang will be flooded by talibs funded by saudi.

No, the Uyghur separatists were supported by the Soviet Union. Thats why China supported the Afghan Mujahideen against the Soviets. The Uyghur nationalist movement was created by the Soviets to split Xinjiang from China and annex it as another Soviet Republic,

The first time the Uyghurs revolvted in 1933, it was at the instigation of pan Turkists. However, the 10,000 strong Uyghur rebel army of the first East Turkestan Republic was easily defeated by 2,000 Hui Muslim soldiers, who killed two of their Emirs and forced Muhammad Amin Bughra into exile in British India. The Hui also inflicted major losses on a joint Soviet- White Russian Cossack intervention in Xinjiang.

The second time in 1944, Soviet supported Communist Uyghur nationalists under Ahmad Jan Qasim revolvted and established the Second East Turkestan Republic as a pro Soviet sattelite state. The rebels were backed by the Soviet army and airforce, and White Russian cossacks. In response, China sent cavalry units of Hui and Salar Muslims to crush and stop the Uyghurs and Russian army. A ceasefire was reached, but Hui cavalry continued to skirmish against Soviets forces.

The Soviets were forced to dismantle their Second East Turkestan Republic project and allow it to go back to China because of the sudden Communist victory which they did not expect, they didn't want either side in the civil war in China to win, because that meant they would not be able to split Xinjiang and Tibet and annex them as Soviet republics and have a weakened China to control.

The Soviets then reactivated their support for Uyghur separatists after the Sino Soviet split and spent a major amount of time on propaganda, military activities and infiltration attempts in Xinjiang. Uyghur nationalist historiography was written by Soviet "historian" propagandists (fiction par excellence). China in response stationed hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Xinjiang because of the Soviets, and it began supporting the mujahideen in Afghanistan to strike back.

And after all its attempts to split Xinjiang from China, the Soviet Union was the one who ended up getting split up. Lesson? Don't mess with other countries internal affairs.
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