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Russia Blocks Sale of Chinese JF-17 Fighter Jets to Pakistan

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bull, but india got the offer from U.S for the f-18 super hornet i dont know but heard something of a ToT with that and tata industries playing some role now if you going in with mig 35 (which is a good aircraft no doubt about it) for the mrca deal but then when you were already bieng offer the f-18 hornet with ToT, is just something doesnt sound very intelegent eighter. its just an honest opinion
on a personal note::tup: uncle sam deserved this smack on the face from india after the way it treated pakistan with the f-16 deal.

Even with a full ToT there would be still be areas that would be vulnerable to sanctions.
And yeah you are right we learned our lesson with the pakistani experience with F-16s.
Russia Denies Blocking Supplies Of Chinese Jets To Pakistan

BANGALORE, Jan 23 (Bernama) -- Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov has denied speculations that Russia blocked supplies of Chinese jet fighters to Pakistan, its news agency Itar-Tass reported Tuesday.

"Russia blocks nothing - this is our policy," he said on Tuesday in reply to an Indian journalist's question. "In military-technical cooperation with any state we always adhere to one very simple principle, it's even not our obligation, but international law - an end user certificate," he said.

Ivanov, who is also the Defence Minsiter said Russia sells arms only if such a certificate is available and controls how it is complied with.

In general, political considerations and not only economic ones often matter in military-technical cooperation, he said.
It means that China has signed an end user agreement or what you call EULA(End user lincencing agreement) and accrding to it, China cannot give any Russian equipment to a third country including Pakistan. Russia as a policy does not block any sales, but it expects China to abide by the EULA signed before the deliveries of the engines to China began. It essentially means the same thing.
We'll find a way out to bypass the EULA nonsense, what if we lease the jets till the WS-13 comes online? ;)
According to EULA, China cannot give the engine to any third party, leasing or for outright sale. Its an international agreement, it cannot be ignored. The only thing that can be done is make Russia agree to allow the re-export of the engines. That can be done by China.
But did he say that Pakistan is disallowed by Russia to be one of the end-users?

Aha, it had to be an Indian press Misquote. Nice find, Cheetay!
But did he say that Pakistan is disallowed by Russia to be one of the end-users?

Aha, it had to be an Indian press Misquote. Nice find, Cheetay!

LOL No mate. EULA is only signed once on the specific item. The EULA with China states that the engines cannot be sent to any third country. China now wants an exception, to which Russia said that they dont ban any country as a matter of policy , but they expect China to follow the EULA protocols.
But did he say that Pakistan is disallowed by Russia to be one of the end-users?

Aha, it had to be an Indian press Misquote. Nice find, Cheetay!

This was posted before and it came in the Indian news media itself.
Russia Helps China Screw Russia

February 12, 2007: Russia recently announced that none of the 500 Russian RD-93 jet engines China is buying could be exported to a foreign country. This is a problem, as China needs those engines for the 150 JF17 fighters it is building for Pakistan. What makes this particularly nasty is that Pakistan has invested $150 million in the development of the JF17. Pakistan thought Russia would give China permission to export the RD93 equipped aircraft. After all, China was such a large customer for RD93 engines (originally designed for the MiG-29), and those 500 RD93 engines are worth $1.25 billion. But apparently India played hardball, and demanded that the Russians forbid the export of the RD93s from China to Pakistan. India is a major customer for Russian weapons, including cooperative development deals. China is a big customer for Russian weapons as well, but India buys more stuff, and is seen as less of a future threat to Russia than China.

But it gets more interesting. China has been developing a similar (apparently identical) engine to the RD93, the WS-13. Actually, this effort is being aided by Russia, which is selling China technology needed for the manufacture of key engine components. Russia isn't happy about this, because they don't want competition in the low cost jet engine market. Then again, China has a history of stealing technology it cannot buy, so the Russians are making the best of a bad situation. China says the WS-13 is nearly ready for service. Maybe, maybe not. Building high performance military jet engines is difficult, and China has had problems mastering this kind of stuff. Not that they will not eventually acquire the skills, but if they don't, they could just ship RD93 equipped JF17s to Pakistan and say that the aircraft are using WS-13s. Would Russia make a big stink about this? Probably not. China and Russia have financial incentives to lie together, and all India can do is complain about what might be (as far as they know) a Chinese deception. As the fictional Don Corleone so factually put it, "it's business."
Won't let China use our engines for Pak planes: Moscow

Wednesday January 24, 2007

On the eve of President Vladimir Putin's visit to India for Republic Day, Moscow has given a categorical assurance to New Delhi that it will not allow China to supply JF-17 Thunder multi-role fighter aircraft to Pakistan equipped with Russian RD-93 engines.

Government sources confirmed that the Russian assurance was conveyed by Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov to visiting National Security Advisor M K Narayanan at a meeting in Moscow on January 11.

Funny how the Indian government never really secured any assurance from the Russians and now there's rumors of Russia might be supplying Su-35s to Pakistan but if not, no problem.
On a lighter note, with Dassault not wanting to take full responsibility of OEMs and whatnots with Rafales, things are looking fruitful for LM to jump back in and sell F-16s to India. :lol:

Meanwhile the JF-17s are putting up flight displays at airshows with sharp vertical take-offs, equipped with Mr Putin's blessings: the RD-93. Not to mention the possible imminent arrival of J-10Bs into PAF squadrons which will most likely be equipped with Mr Putin's AL-31FN-S3, producing 137kN thrust.
i almost had an heart attack- :fie:
Funny how the Indian government never really secured any assurance from the Russians and now there's rumors of Russia might be supplying Su-35s to Pakistan but if not, no problem.
On a lighter note, with Dassault not wanting to take full responsibility of OEMs and whatnots with Rafales, things are looking fruitful for LM to jump back in and sell F-16s to India. :lol:.

Russia might be supplying Su35 to pakistan:rofl:

why not say PAk-FA there is no capital punishment for bluffing

Why reopen a 8 yr old thread

Many Young PDFrs would have fainted looking at the headline
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