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Russia and India to Create Gen. 5 Fighter


Wiki isn't a reliable source and even facts are publically amendable so I take whatever is published there with a pinch of salt.
JSF will not be offered to Pakistan untill J-XX is available of the obvious reasons, opposition is US Congress would never release such advanced technology to Pakistan.

Just rememer that AMRAAM-120C was only offered after Chinese SD-10 became available. ;)

I believe current block 52 F-16 deal is the last major defence order to go to the Americans, we'll be relianing on Chinese, Europeans and indegenous designs for future needs.

So its like they (US) wants to keep pakistan distanced away from the lastest tech and only when other countries like China for instance is able to provide us with something that could reach the potential of the american technology, US fears pakistan migh get out of the US nexus, they open sales up.
I agree with you completely on this, its better we rely on chinese and french stuff then going for the US stuff.
So its like they (US) wants to keep pakistan distanced away from the lastest tech and only when other countries like China for instance is able to provide us with something that could reach the potential of the american technology, US fears pakistan migh get out of the US nexus, they open sales up.
I agree with you completely on this, its better we rely on chinese and french stuff then going for the US stuff.

Guys I think you are missing the point........It is all part of the big game.......A multi polar world means that PAK has options and thy should go for the best one available. the fact that there are three superpowers vying for attention is nothing but a benefit. Power A won't give it to PAK then they can just shop for the better deal. A buyers market, provided the buyer doesn't push their luck.

If india follows through with what it is doing--then it is a clear signal to the americans that the indians do not like the change in american policy at the whim of the american congress---a chameleon changes less colors than the american congress. The indians always had reliable defence equipment suppliers and there were no dictation taken from anyone and niether they had to jump----to prove their loyalty. The stronger that india has becomes financially, the more independent it has grown over the years.

America may sell its euipment to anyone---but if it cannot make the nuclear power plant and F 18 deal stick with india, it is a failure of american policy in the region and how america is portrayed. And that is what counts.
It is all part of the big game........

That's the big point!
To me India has attempted a calculated gamble.
This may have multiple repercussions on various dimensions.
To get the some idea we have to analyse its effects on involved states individually. i.e. mainly Russia and US.
We also have to keep in mind what is actually what India need or is aiming?

In my quick approach India is over-estamating its geopolitical importance and is thinking that this act might put US under pressure and will help to force US senate to give in to Indian wishes without any conditions, what so ever.

Secondly, from Russian dimenssion they were really concerned with its changing allies indicators and where as himself was badly tied with the ongoing orders and existing equipment. Indian defence may collapse if Russia get angry.
At the same time there is no doubt that Russia and China are emerging fast as ecnomic and military super powers and future of Russia is based on stable energy resources.
India will not loose much if it choose Russia over US where as in opposite case US offer is not too bad but very risky becuase Indians have to start all over again with it's defence philosophy.
In former case India will have the benifit of direct of US investment in its civil sector (which again can be use as dual purpose) while he continue to enjoy Russian support and will try to diversyfy its dependence slowly.

What India need is immediate source of energy and all the advance technology in his lap just using its geopolitical situation visa vi Pakistan.
Indian strategy is to threat the world from Pakistan and show him self who can be used as a potential and reasonable launch pad for hostile activities against Pakistan.

Indian Russia relations renissance is not a result of Indian politics instead it is a well thought and calculated step by Indian think tank.
That's the big point!
To me India has attempted a calculated gamble.
This may have multiple repercussions on various dimensions.
To get the some idea we have to analyse its effects on involved states individually. i.e. mainly Russia and US.
We also have to keep in mind what is actually what India need or is aiming?

In my quick approach India is over-estamating its geopolitical importance and is thinking that this act might put US under pressure and will help to force US senate to give in to Indian wishes without any conditions, what so ever.

Secondly, from Russian dimenssion they were really concerned with its changing allies indicators and where as himself was badly tied with the ongoing orders and existing equipment. Indian defence may collapse if Russia get angry.
At the same time there is no doubt that Russia and China are emerging fast as ecnomic and military super powers and future of Russia is based on stable energy resources.
India will not loose much if it choose Russia over US where as in opposite case US offer is not too bad but very risky becuase Indians have to start all over again with it's defence philosophy.
In former case India will have the benifit of direct of US investment in its civil sector (which again can be use as dual purpose) while he continue to enjoy Russian support and will try to diversyfy its dependence slowly.

What India need is immediate source of energy and all the advance technology in his lap just using its geopolitical situation visa vi Pakistan.
Indian strategy is to threat the world from Pakistan and show him self who can be used as a potential and reasonable launch pad for hostile activities against Pakistan.

Indian Russia relations renissance is not a result of Indian politics instead it is a well thought and calculated step by Indian think tank.

uhhh....well put up
there r few concepts around
i like this one ....must say eligant

What could be the reason why Russia and China cannot make the Stealth type of aircraft?

I believe both are capable to build a stealth aircraft within next ten years but it will be inferior to F-22 or F-35.

When it comes to aerodynamics and designs Russia is much ahead of China but then again Chinese have far reaching contra intelligence all around the world including USA, no one knows how much intelligence they've gathered on stealth.

Here's an image of the J-XX, according to various sources China seems to have progressed with the project.

i think there's something wrong with the mock-up. look at the air-intake. its too narrow to provide sufficient air for the engines
Ya PAF has also plans to counter it effectively don't you guys see the SUPER 7A the most stealthy feature and internal weapon bay also with the super cruise capable and advanced avionics , go and take a look at it :
What could be the reason why Russia and China cannot make the Stealth type of aircraft?

because china already has it's own J-XX programme which is far more advanced than anything that the russians has to offer.;)
When it comes to aerodynamics and designs Russia is much ahead of China but then again Chinese have far reaching contra intelligence all around the world including USA, no one knows how much intelligence they've gathered on stealth.

Here's an image of the J-XX, according to various sources China seems to have progressed with the project.

Shealth is no magic bird which only the US has. The basic concept is about building the airframe able to not transmit back radar waves.

The effort is not about able to build it rather optimize the aircraft for stealth and also make them flyable. During the F-117 design LM had build a software which calculates the angle to deflect the radar waves for different part of the aircraft. One of the reason F-117 is so "rectangular".

The Chinese don't have to steal the aircraft to build a stealth. The majority of the effort is about testing the airframe for operation. Compare the time the Chinese have taken to test for IOC J-10 where they got the Lavi Design stock & barrel.

Personally I feel the Chinese still dont have the infrastructure for for that kind of effort.They will have within a decade of so,but not know. Specially around the avonics & EW systems.

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