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Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine

I respect your opinion brother. :china::pakistan:

Though I must disagree with you in this particular instance. :P

Anyway, I'm sure we can both agree that we ALL want a peaceful resolution to this crisis, and with as little suffering as possible for all sides.

And I yours Brother ! :pakistan: :china:
I'm not sure about helping, it's a big step for China to take, Russia may not want us to get involved or even actively support as that may escalate the situation more than desired.

However, one thing is for sure we won't stand on the side of America. There may be talks that if things get too bad, China will get involved, but if there isn't any backlash, there's no reason for the world to think Russia is doing anything that needs support and not just business as usual.


if you don't import PAK FA, you will have no fifth gen fighter, your AMCA or whatever is not coming online in 2025, estimates for J-31 is around 2022-23, that's already been test flying for a while. The Indian fighter will be lucky if it test flys in 2025.

India doesn't have the expertise in aircraft manufacturing as we do, this time no Euro country can help, only three country have the know how, and none will export it, save Russia, but only sort of.
IF russia give pak fa engine tech to china its ovious its against our agreement and russians are not fools first fall they know that india is their only hope in financing the project bec china has his own fifth gen programs and dont think we have other options Usa offered us F-35 tech in mmrca i know there is string attach in it but im sure usa will fully permit us too use there tech against there statergic rival china and that suits are motives never the less it will not happen we all know bond of russian-indian friendship;)
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not the same Ukrainians. These Ukrainians are pro-Western nations, they will sanction just as the West does, if the West ever deems it necessary.

Brother read this : Ukrainian exports of the T-80UD have been moderately successful. In 1993 and 1995 Ukraine demonstrated the tank to Pakistan, which was looking for a new main battle tank. The tank was tested in Pakistan and in August 1996 Pakistan decided to buy 320 T-80UD tanks from Ukraine for $650 million in two variants: a standard Ob'yekt 478B and export Ob'yekt 478BE.[30][33][34][35]The tanks were all supposed to be delivered in 1997. After the first batch of 15 vehicles were shipped in February 1997, Russia protested that they held the rights to the tank and that Ukraine couldn't export it.[30][33] Nearly 70% of T-80UD components were produced outside of Ukraine (mainly in Russia). Under the guise of keeping good relations with India, one of its most important military customers, Russia withheld 2A46-2 125 mm smoothbore guns, cast turrets and other technology, which forced Ukraine to make its tank industry independent.[35] It developed domestic components, including a welded turret which was in use on the new T-84. Ukraine was able to ship 20 more T-80UD tanks to Pakistan between February and May 1997.[30][33] These 35 tanks were from Ukrainian Army stocks of 52 T-80UDs; they were built in the Malyshev plant several years before but were not delivered to their original destination. Their capabilities were below the standard agreed by both Ukraine and Pakistan.[33] The contract was completed by shipping another 285 Ukrainian T-80UD MBTs between 1997 and early 2002. These had the welded turret and other manufacturing features of the T-84.[30][33]

T-80 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Russia has said China is largely "in agreement" over Ukraine, after other world powers condemned Moscow for sending troops into the country.

Hundreds of Russian soldiers have surrounded a military base in Crimea, preventing Ukrainian soldiers from going in or out.

The convoy blockading the site, near the Crimean capital Simferopol, includes at least 17 military vehicles.

Russian troops are also reported to have taken control of a ferry terminal in the city of Kerch on the eastern tip of Crimea, which has a majority Russian-speaking population.

Ukraine's defence ministry said two Russian fighter jets violated the country's air space in the Black Sea on Sunday night and that it had scrambled an interceptor aircraft to prevent the "provocative actions".

And reports claimed pro-Russian protesters had occupied a floor of the regional government building in Donetsk. The 11-storey building has been flying the Russian flag for the last three days.

Ukrainian prime minister Arseny Yatseniuk has insisted his country "will never give up Crimea to anyone" and urged Russian forces to withdraw.

Mr Yatseniuk said: "I was and am a supporter of a diplomatic solution to the crisis, as a conflict would destroy the foundations for stability in the whole region."

In an interview with Sky News, Foreign Secretary William Hague said the crisis is likely to take some time to resolve.

He said: "I think we probably are looking at a long period of very active diplomacy and looking for solutions to this since there is no sign of a change in the Russian position on this.

"It's impossible to be optimistic at the moment. We're not in any position to be optimistic about the security situation and what is happening in the Crimea."

The crisis has had a huge knock-on effect on global stock markets, with Moscow's stock exchange plunging as much as 10% on Monday morning .

Russia's central bank raised its rate to 7% from 5.5% as the ruble hit an historic low against the dollar and the euro.

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov discussed Ukraine by telephone with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, on Monday, and claimed they had "broadly coinciding points of view" on the situation there, according to a ministry statement.

Speaking at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva later, Mr Lavrov said Russian troops were necessary in Ukraine "until the normalisation of the political situation" and dismissed threats of sanctions and boycotts.

He added: "We call for a responsible approach, to put aside geopolitical calculations, and above all to put the interests of the Ukrainian people first."

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said: "China has always upheld the principles of diplomacy and the fundamental norms of international relations.

Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine - Yahoo News UK
Do not worry about stock markets. Its just a casino filled with electronic virtual currency.

China Russia paranoia at this point is unfounded, China won't expand territorially into Russia, Chinese population will stablize at around 2025, and then start to massively decrease by 2050.

With advances in tech, less and less lands are needed, farming and manufacturing will move to African and other developing nations as we become developed.

Our population will be about 900 million by 2100. About 500 million less than 2025 numbers.

So at least for foreseeable futures no conflict, at least in terms of land.

As to Vietnam and India, if they want we can sell them weapons to use against us if they want. The all mighty dollar is just that all mighty.

Why da hell do we want our population to decline? You are brainwash by western propaganda. We need to maintain 1.3b going forward, not drop to 900m. Your views are somewhat troubling.
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Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine

And the other 188 countries think your a dick. HAHAHAHAHA !!!

Do not worry about stock markets. Its just a casino filled with electronic virtual currency....

Spoken like a true fool. :jester:
Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine

And the other 188 countries think your a dick. HAHAHAHAHA !!!

Spoken like a true fool. :jester:
Lol. Sure buddy, whatever you say. i'm hoping 188 countries think we're a dick but can't do anything to us.
Resources China is fine, Russia will sell to China, we don't want to take it, the market is buy and sell, not rob. Having is not necessarily better than buying.

Our middle class is competing with Americans and Western Europeans for resources, not Russians, we are taking jobs away from them, we will first dominate our own market than expand in a big way in theirs, unless they dare to impose massive protectionism policies on China they cannot compete, but if they did then they would lose their biggest and second biggest trade partner.

Contrary to popular belief, they export to China just as much, well not just as, but still a very health numbers, this is all not taking into account investments.

BTW, Chinese could destroy the US, recent studies have shown even if China drops all its nukes on China the world would still end. Unless the Americans can live in a toxic nuclear winter that have wiped the dinosaurs then all mankind is doomed as is most other animals.
us can destroy entire planet on daily basis
.... my god where this elite kids came from. .
actually his eyes are closed .. he is just grouping India with Vietnam. . we can give hard time to them.. Chyna is more powerful that doesn't we are power less..

The thing is we don't really have any conflicting interests aside from racist oppression of Tibetans, Burmans and others in India. If India would just let AP, Sikkim and Ladakh go there would be peace again.
IF russia give pak fa engine tech to china its ovious its against our agreement and russians are not fools first fall they know that india is their only hope in financing the project bec china has his own fifth gen programs and dont think we have other options Usa offered us F-35 tech in mmrca i know there is string attach in it but im sure usa will fully permit us too use there tech against there statergic rival china and that suits are motives never the less it will not happen we all know bond of russian-indian friendship;)

Russia and China are neighbors. Russia and India are far away from each other. Russia and China are natural allies. :yes4:
Everyone in the world is a natural ally when they're being tyrannized by the United States of PedoBankerTerrorists
The US is afraid to see a coalition between China and Russia.

The modern Russian Federation is not a threat to China anymore, instead they are our partner/ally.

While the present common enemy for Russia and China is the US.

I believe that India is a bigger enemy of China than the US. Its India that is obsessive with China, not US.
Then export your pak fa too them not us:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: and finance it your self even past soviets are better thinking than you

His statement just show that for Russia to counter the west. Russia need Chinese support, not Indian support. Heck, even Russia do not know which side India would be with if there is a conflict between Russia and the west. To Russians, they are clear that China would side with them.

I personally don't know which side is India in myself, to be honest. Who can count on India?

I don't think they will be for long once they abandon their imperialist ambitions

But Indian is the 2nd hand imperialist. They are trying to continue the British imperialism in South Asia.
I believe that India is a bigger enemy of China than the US. Its India that is obsessive with China, not US.
What you believe is incorrect, you don't know anything just utter rubbish in here.
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