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Russia accuses US for stirring election protests

US is a two way sword and Russia is better off by not trusting it. Whoever befriended or trusted US went down the drain of history!
thats what happens when you have been a subservient slave to the white man for 300 years.

Just to clarify, this subservient slave mentality is an Indian trait. No other South Asian country worships the British or 'white man' - it is uniquely an Indian behavior.

Indians are indeed very miserable, but do not feel sorry for them, and why should you? They don't feel sorry for themselves. In fact, it actually makes them happy. Self-respect and dignity is not for everyone.

It will come with time but you will eventually learn about the Indian egoism and white skin obsession. Ther supremacist Brahman love to relate themselves to Aryans. India is the biggest market for skin whitening creams. Indian want to be white and India wants to be called a white country. Everywhere around UK, you will see an Indian boy flaunting his white mem saab and all friends get envious of him while his family starting starts envisioning him as the alpha-male. Not knowing that these mem saab are as easy as off the shelf birth control!
US is a two way sword and Russia is better off by not trusting it. Whoever befriended or trusted US went down the drain of history!

like whom? Who was befreinded , was non dependent on it's aid , could be viewed not as a perputual crutch- went down the drain? the country you reside in now, would be called Iraq if it was not for the US.
Hmmmm.......... Help the wall street protestors. Then u can be even..........
Putin sounds like the mullah brigade -Amerika did it.
Muslim dictators killing Muslims ' Amerika did it!'
You had an earthquake? Amerika did it

The replies on this post is like the who's who of those been traumatized by Amerika, club. From the garden variety hater to the 'let's out do all the as top pyscho's here
ALA, PREPARE FOR WAR! chanters...

---------- Post added at 01:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 PM ----------

Free visas to Amerika - swoosh the haters club loses 99% of it's membership :D

At least Russia is still the biggest weapon supplier of your motherland, just don't be so ungrateful and bite the hand that feeds you.
Russia accuses US for stirring election protests

A war of words has erupted between Moscow and Washington with the Russian prime minister accused the White House of encouraging protests against his government.

Vladimir Putin’s opponents claim the outcome of the recent general election, which he won, was rigged, and both international observers and the US have expressed concerns about the vote.

He directed his criticism at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“She set the tone for some opposition activists, gave them a signal, they heard this signal and started active work,” he said.

There’s a heavy military presence on the streets of Moscow after several days of protest in the city and elsewhere. The anti-Kremlin rallies have been among the biggest ever seen the capital. Hundreds of people have been arrested and there are new accusations of a clampdown on online media.

But there have also been pro-Putin demonstrations and he remains on course to win the presidential election in March.

Russia accuses US*of*stirring election protests | euronews, world news

Old Violence Vs New Violence in Russia :usflag:

Vladimir Putin win 'set' to trigger violence

A WAVE of violent protests and civil disobedience in Moscow is expected to follow the almost inevitable coronation of Vladimir Putin as president for a third term in today's Russian election. Opposition 'activists' have vowed to defy a ban on a staging a rally today at the Lubyanka, the headquarters of the former KGB.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Look on these Australian ‘nationalist’ newspapers and their patriot supporters. On one place it is believed that majority have voted for Mr Putin, then on the other hand, Western policy makers are hopeful with those ‘activists’ who may trigger violence against Mr Putin, to teach a lesson to the Russian majority who might have ‘dared’ to vote for Mr Putin. This is the definition of ‘Western Democracy’. and those who oppose this type of ‘intentions’ in another country, they are called traitors in Australia. :hitwall:

Australia, the nation is making, and the combined national efforts to get their national interests done, and the Australian patriots who are now hopeful with those ‘Russian activists’ who may teach a lesson to Russian majority by new violence, they hope CIA may again organise something this time also :usflag:
This aint the 70s.US is the Boss now.Russia can only Talk.

Bharthi, your name and the ongoing conflicts in Russia reminded me a movie of Bharat Kumar. I was just a kid that time but I remember one Indian movie of Mr Bharat Kumar (Manoj Kumar), "Purab Aur Paschim", (East and West), and in that movie, at the end, Ashok Kumar asked Bharat, “What West gave him after living there for so long, is this Western culture?” and Prem Chopra suddenly came in middle and replied, “West gave this Pistol to me/ to world which may help us win any lost competition.” and then he shot down Bharat. And similar things are happening with Russia also, we now find Western nationalists, like those who are based in Australia, now having that same type of arms like Prem Chopra had, which may now help the “Western Democracy” win over Mr Putin :usflag:

And what Mr L.B. Shastri have said, “Jai Jawan Jai Kishan”, with clearly stating on the republic day of India, “without having arms, we can’t resist the aggression. there is no way that we can fight with those who have arms, if we also don’t have arms to resist them.” :meeting:
hope putin kills every single american bought and paid protestor.
its time to get tough on NGOs, america's favourite tool for revolution.
ban all NGOs.

as per The Australian newspaper, “Vladimir Putin win 'set' to trigger violence”, then here, who will be responsible if this expected violence will result in death of those who walk on the streets and might have voted for Mr Putin? What type of 'peace' Russian rulers will establish in Russia by letting these ‘activists’ harm the common people walking on the streets? Is there any other way to resist this type of foreign funded/ foreign backed violence, if the security forces of Russia don’t open fire in very tough circumstances, if they find this ‘set’ violence may result in loss of lives of the people walking on the streets, as per "The Australian" newspaper which is well known as a ‘speaker’ of CIA, as per my over 5 years of valuable experience? :pop:

Vladimir Putin reclaimed the presidency Sunday in a landslide victory, winning more than 61 percent of the vote, according to early results.

The Moscow Times | Russia's only daily English-language newspaper
Bharthi, your name and the ongoing conflicts in Russia reminded me a movie of Bharat Kumar. I was just a kid that time but I remember one Indian movie of Mr Bharat Kumar (Manoj Kumar), "Purab Aur Paschim", (East and West), and in that movie, at the end, Ashok Kumar asked Bharat, “What West gave him after living there for so long, is this Western culture?” and Prem Chopra suddenly came in middle and replied, “West gave me this pistol which may help me reverse result of any competition.” and then he shot down Bharat. And here in Russia also, we now find Western nationalists now having that same type of Pistol on hands, like Prem Chopra had, which may again help the “Western Democracy” win against Mr Putin :usflag:

And what Mr L.B. Shastri have said, “Jai Jawan Jai Kishan”, with clearly stating on the republic day of India, “without having arms, we can’t resist the aggression. there is no way that we can fight with those who have arms, if we also don’t have arms to resist them.” :meeting:
You and I both know your view is not popular nowadays. india is becoming lost to the dark influence of the indian-American lobby, and Russia especially Putin distrusts india now because india is making trouble for China.

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : The cold wind from Russia

“India's stand on Syria came as a surprise to the Kremlin,” says Prof. Andrei Volodin of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Diplomatic Academy. He thinks it is shortsighted on the part of India to cast its lot with the U.S., whose global power is declining, and with conservative Gulf monarchies, which are historically doomed. But he admits that India's Syria stand falls into a trend.

“Some upper echelons in the Ministry of External Affairs, alarmed by China's fast rise and backed by the U.S. Indian community and a corporate lobby, are trying to impose a foreign policy course on the country's leadership that goes against India's long-term interests,” the Russian scholar who closely follows India's political scene told The Hindu. Prof. Volodin sees this trend as part of an ongoing struggle in the Indian elite between advocates and opponents of the foreign policy tradition of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, a struggle aggravated by a general decline in the level of strategic thinking in the Indian foreign policy establishment.

“India's stand on Syria betrays the same lack of strategic foresight as its recent decision to buy in a tender a 20th century fighter plane for 21st century tasks at a time when a fifth-generation platform that India is jointly developing with Russia is in the pipeline.”

Five years ago, Mr. Putin, then President, placed India along with Russia and China in an exclusive club of world powers that “can afford the luxury of genuine sovereignty”. As he prepares to reclaim presidency, Mr. Putin has again invoked the issue of sovereignty in foreign policy.

“Everything we do will be based on our own interests and goals, not on decisions other countries impose on us … Russia has practically always had the privilege of pursuing an independent foreign policy and this is how it will be in the future,” Mr. Putin wrote in his election manifesto.

“Syria has put to the test the ability of countries to take sovereign decisions,” says Prof. Volodin. “Russia and China have passed the test; India, unfortunately, has not.”
russia, china and iran are the 3 major independent countries.

india is bought by the american empire, the indian lobby in the US have forced india into the palm of the US.

good that india voted against russia and china, it showed to the world who are the true sovereign countries and who are the puppets of the west.

once you are in the palm of these empires, its extremly difficult to get out of it, the empire will allow you to develop to a certain point and then when you are about to overtake the empire in power, the empire puts blocks to your development. it happened with japan with the plaza accord just when japan was about to challenge american economic power.

just look at what america is doing to china just when the world is starting to talk about the chinese economy overtaking america, the americans suddenly find bin laden, kill him, dont show his picture, then have a sudden strategic shift to asia. then the amount of trade and investment protectionism by the US against china and the new body created by obama to destroy the chinese economy.

the goal of the western empires is to use countries all over the world to keep its empire going and anyone that challenges them, will get disastrous policies enforced upon them(if you are a puppet of the empire like india) or containment(if you are an independent country like china).

russia, china and iran can see right through all this fake democracy, human rights, etc. these are buzz words used by the west to infiltrate countries.
they use NGOs to spead these things. NGOs are the main tool for funding revolutions.

the gullible people will buy this hook, line and sinker.
india is one of those countries.

its that classic western concept of divide and conquer method.
that method is used both in internally and externally to checkmate its rivals.
IMO, india siding with USA is a natural consequence of the rise of China on its periphery and its internalized hate toward China. india simply regards China as a much bigger threat to its brand of hindu fundamentalism than USA, that's all. If China were not as strong, india would definitely move in the opposite direction.

india regards China as a threat to its very existence because of internal reasons (i.e. they are a hindu fundamentalist state that hate communists, Maoists, mongoloids, atheists, beef eaters and powerful neighbors) and because they covet Tibet for its strategic depth and water resources.

I think Nehru said either india must be an empire or india will separate. It's just like what we saw with the Japanese after Hideoyoshi united all the clans. They immediately had to go conquer or else they will fall apart. The biggest obstacle to india's expansionist dreams is China. Ergo we are the targets of their hate, as long as india stays together as a single nation.

Forces are pushing india apart very fast -- inflation, corruption, permanent underclass, political dynasties, Maoists, northeast insurgency -- so they are getting more expansionist as well.

Look at their military spending -- the real figure is about 2x their published figure -- ~$60 billion. I think that was our spending around 2008 or 2009, and their economic is a pithy 1/6th the size of ours. They are spending like 5% of their GDP on defense.
The western democracy is bullsh!t, It is trap for other country. The intention is to mess other countries up, Don't believe the western forever, You should maintain vigilance on what the western said, they always have the "magnificant" and hypocritic lies, Seems to help your people, but the actual is that just putting you down, let you in the mess of democracy. Not for you, but for their hegemony in the world!!!
Bharthi, your name and the ongoing conflicts in Russia reminded me a movie of Bharat Kumar. I was just a kid that time but I remember one Indian movie of Mr Bharat Kumar (Manoj Kumar), "Purab Aur Paschim", (East and West), and in that movie, at the end, Ashok Kumar asked Bharat, “What West gave him after living there for so long, is this Western culture?” and Prem Chopra suddenly came in middle and replied, “West gave me this pistol which may help me reverse result of any competition.” and then he shot down Bharat. And here in Russia also, we now find Western nationalists now having that same type of Pistol on hands, like Prem Chopra had, which may again help the “Western Democracy” win against Mr Putin :usflag:

And what Mr L.B. Shastri have said, “Jai Jawan Jai Kishan”, with clearly stating on the republic day of India, “without having arms, we can’t resist the aggression. there is no way that we can fight with those who have arms, if we also don’t have arms to resist them.” :meeting:
r u russian??
This thread is of russia accusing US for stirring protests.

But somehow every chinese poster has managed to bring India into the situation.

For chinese posters: Russia was, is and will be our friend for decades ahead. There are several projects going in between India and russia.
So worry about your country not about India.
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