Study INR for at least 10 yrs. You will learn how it appreciated from 46 to 40 in 2008 and from 57 to 49 in 2012 in terms of USD. Also study its stability in 2000s. Recent depreciation is due to all time high CAD@6.7%of GDP in Q3 of FY12-13. Q4 data is yet to come and it is projected to be about 4.5%. Then, you will see the result.
And, by the way, who told you depreciation of currency is bad for a country who wants to increase export and attract FIIs and FDI???
INR's original strength post 2008 is more or less 53 to 55. This recent fluctuation is due to Federal Reserve's statement on liquidity, India's CAD appreciations coming out in June and RBI's upcoming strategy meet in mid June and on previous month's trade deficit. INR lost 7% MoM, but it is more or less same for Brazil, Mexico and S. Africa. INR is going to hit 60 as per indications before starting to rebound. Don't worry, by DEC ,According to STAN CHAT, it will be around 53/54. Study previous year's appreciation from 57 to 49. It's mere speculation. Artificial intervention will only do bad.