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Rumors: Pakistan to acquire five C-130J Super Hercules

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OK, Am I the only one questioning this? I am calling BS on this. No aviation Journo has reported this, no DSCA notification, no DoD contract notification. Just fan boys seeking attention on the forum. This is FAKE NEWS.

Only country buying C-130Js is New Zealand (5 of them)
The new Erieye photographed on transit was a surprise too. There was no news about it as well. So with regards to Pakistan no news does not mean something isn't cooking up.
But till we actually get the hardware, should be considered just rumor. Nothing to get worked up about.
OK, Am I the only one questioning this? I am calling BS on this. No aviation Journo has reported this, no DSCA notification, no DoD contract notification. Just fan boys seeking attention on the forum. This is FAKE NEWS.

Only country buying C-130Js is New Zealand (5 of them)

Unless it lands in Pakistan, it is NOT a done deal. US is one very unreliable SoB.
i remember reading Panzerkiel's posts in another thread, where he was having a conversation with Joe Shearer about northern areas, and how Pakistan extensively used C130s to airlift a large number of troops. i really doubt that the y-9s will be able to deliver that type of performance consistently without requiring heavy maintenance.
But Y9 uses Prat Whitney engines the same engines used in Airbus C295 which have been proven capable in Hot Deserts like Egypt and Algeria, And Cold Winters like Poland and Finland.
Although Having same engines does not mean same aircraft. But Y-9 was designed specifically to compete with C130J in international market. And so Far Chinese Designed Aircraft have held up in reliability and performance.
Considering the large numbers of AH-1Ws stored at AMARC it might be the case that we acquire a few of these alongside the Zulus and skip the 129s for the time being. Pure speculation on my part..but wouldn't rule it out.
The new Erieye photographed on transit was a surprise too. There was no news about it as well. So with regards to Pakistan no news does not mean something isn't cooking up.
But till we actually get the hardware, should be considered just rumor. Nothing to get worked up about.

US Arms sales are a very open process. Ever single sale above $50 million to a country needs to be notified. This is one thing that holds this forum back is that attention seekers post stuff like this just to feel superior. This forum could become a really valuable platform for real information and insight into Pakistan armed forces, instead it is becoming like Facebook for Pakistani Defence.
So that dude Khafee was right all along.... Hope those who insulted and humiliated him will find a cup to drown themselves in ....shame on those members who chased him away ..:
Never doubted Khafee...

Why would someone even do that...

And some people went lengths to call him a crack foji or what not...

I believe a formal Apology is required
You're delusional for assuming we trust the Yanks blindly. We rejected their F-21 (aka F-16 Blk-72) deal despite significant ToT and complete local production. They threatened us with sanctions and even offered both Patriot & THAAD to derail our S-400 deal but we still defied em. Javelin ATGM was rejected in favor of Israeli Spike ATGM but eventually Spike was cancelled as well favoring DRDO's Nag ATGM and the list goes on

From the very start, we're well aware that we'd fight our battles alone expecting little to no help from outside. Your dealings with the US and how Uncle Sam ditched you refusing to provide additional F-16s or AH-1Zs along with kicking out Turkey from the F-35 program have all been cautionary tales

Ok tiger

don’t call people delusional for a difference in opinion. Your otherwise good argument needlessly ruined by a prefaced insult.
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