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RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism .

I am against any such public mass conversion by any religion. And setting targets like in this example is simply beyond retarded.
Religion should be something very personal. Not a public circus.
But the real danger is that its done by the RSS, which obviously has some political power. This is real threat to the nation.
Either you are blind towards such stunts by other religion or a simply a hypocrite.
I know they are happening, and I hate such events as much as this one. But since the RSS holds political power, its more serious... at least to me

There was bound to be a reaction to the evangelism.
What you and i feel, doesn't matter. Ever been so poor that you have to give up your god for another one? I hope we are never in that situation, but millions in the developing world are in that situation. The rich and educated minority members in Pakistan are living just like me or Oscar or Horus....no body gives a shyt if they are non-muslim. Problem starts when you go to semi-urban and rural areas where people are poor and stuck in a constant cycle of giving and taking. Same is true for India or Srilanka. Cherry picking doesn't help....it is a common problem. However, India has no such rules like Sharia or blasphemy and what not........so why are such RSS types using the human poverty and misery for their own agenda? Why not present these 'converts' in courts and ask 'bhai sahib, you were muslim all this time...what changed....why today..why now?'

Normally it is the poor who are targeted like in any country.... But from what i understand it used to happen the other way... I have seen christian's converting HIndu's (obviously the poor one's) by giving them freebies..... I have seen Hindu's (poor ofcourse) getting converted to islam just because when there was a trouble it was muslims who helped him when he was in need..... I have seen Hindu's converting becuase they fell in love with a girl or boy from other religion (I am not talking about the love jihad sh!t, this is infact true love and that person does not want to leave the girl or boy at any cost)..... But no one is taken to court or asked this system.... This is a secular country and there are communal forces with in this society..... as long as religion is there this is going to happen (unfortunately)
RSS is seriously messing up peace within the country.

People with a mentality like those fuc*heads are the reason that India is still underdeveloped and why it has to fight so many social problems.

If we cant get our priorities right, we will never develop. Religion should be something personal, not a public fukcing show.

Dude who is the real culripts here?
Secular parties that allow extra privilage to certain minority communities or rightwing parties that formed under the formersecular members who are fed up to appeasement policies?
Do you know how much money is flowing in to India for conversion from Western World and Saudi ?And
Can you imagine the conversion take place in last 10 years under UPA?
This is a ground reality .I have first hand experience about it when the shepherds guys give me evangelical notes and preaching paper in the front of our temple .
So if you want to blame ,then blame entire wrong secular policy of secular governments.One side blaming would only add fuel on fire.
Read my first sentence again.
your first sentence was "RSS is seriously messing up peace within the country".

So Hindus practicing, preaching and propagating their religion as allowed by the constitution of India will seriously mess up the peace within the country? And there was no threat to the peace when other religions were harvesting souls claiming the same right?

Dude who is the real culripts here?
Secular parties that allow extra privilage to certain minority communities or rightwing parties that formed under the formersecular members who are fed up to appeasement policies?
Do you know how much money is flowing in to India for conversion from Western World and Saudi ?And
Can you imagine the conversion take place in last 10 years under UPA?
This is a ground reality .I have first hand experience about it when the shepherds guys give me evangelical notes and preaching paper in the front of our temple .
So if you want to blame ,then blame entire wrong secular policy of secular governments.One side blaming would only add fuel on fire.
how dare you? evangelists were rescuing the poor people with backward mentality, so what if they deceive them.

And yet, you are always 100% ready to trash talk about Pakistan.

I am not against any other nation in this regard and I dont even think about it.All I am saying outsiders dont have any say in our internal matters.I am sure you also dont like when outside world interfere in your matters.
I know they are happening, and I hate such events as much as this one. But since the RSS holds political power, its more serious... at least to me

The rise of RSS is partially because of certain elements.. As a Keralite, I dont have to say how and why RSS become popular in our state!! If the political parties stop their third rate actions in the name of minority appeasement, RSS wouldnt have grown this much..

I am all for this faith marketing. Use whatever legal means to better your condition. There is freedom of religion in India and people are welcome to believe any fairy tale they wish to.

Another good thing is that, no one will cry about anti conversion law. :haha:
I am not against any other nation in this regard and I dont even think about it.All I am saying outsiders dont have any say in our internal matters.I am sure you also dont like when outside world interfere in your matters.

Yes.....but just as a wake up call....visit any Pakistan related thread and you'll see Indians there.

I mean, what possible contribution can Indians have on JF-17 thread? Or the F-16s? Or US-PAK relations?
But you'll see Indian members everywhere.
Yes.....but just as a wake up call....visit any Pakistan related thread and you'll see Indians there.

I mean, what possible contribution can Indians have on JF-17 thread? Or the F-16s? Or US-PAK relations?
But you'll see Indian members everywhere.
Indians are everywhere in world. Just tell me how can I change country flags.Anyhow your signature is cool,specially the line with "Amber and Green".
Like i said to the indians before....if yr sincere with yourself u will try to stop them if not them the world also wont be keeping quiet.

How did ur ancestors become muslims??
Will u shed some light here please?

Rss seems to be doing the same thing apparently so u have no right to complain at all.

On topic-----This is stupidity by rss,they need to grow a brain.(Which is not possible now)

Yes.....but just as a wake up call....visit any Pakistan related thread and you'll see Indians there.

I mean, what possible contribution can Indians have on JF-17 thread? Or the F-16s? Or US-PAK relations?
But you'll see Indian members everywhere.

Yes u will find me in those threads:D
The rise of RSS is partially because of certain elements.. As a Keralite, I dont have to say how and why RSS become popular in our state!! If the political parties stop their third rate actions in the name of minority appeasement, RSS wouldnt have grown this much..

Another good thing is that, no one will cry about anti conversion law. :haha:

Bajrangdal,VHP ,Shiv Sena etc these are more dangerous than RSS.Some of them even dont have good relation with RSS due to the creation of Muslim Morcha in RSS .
They are the real creation of the pseudoseculars in our nation.
I had some experience in RSS and I saw how the moderate nation first guys in RSS suddenly change for SS or Dal.
Bajrangdal,VHP ,Shiv Sena etc these are more dangerous than RSS.Some of them even dont have good relation with RSS due to the creation of Muslim Morcha in RSS .
They are the real creation of the pseudoseculars in our nation.
I had some experience in RSS and I saw how the moderate nation first guys in RSS suddenly change for SS or Dal.

Read the above Post#72
Yes.....but just as a wake up call....visit any Pakistan related thread and you'll see Indians there.

I mean, what possible contribution can Indians have on JF-17 thread? Or the F-16s? Or US-PAK relations?
But you'll see Indian members everywhere.

Those are pure technical discussion and not that sensitive.But these religion,belief etc are sensitive and emotionful .Even our SC dont have any say in it.
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