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Rs 502bn corruption in ministries exposed

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Rs 502bn corruption in ministries exposed
* Report has been sent to PAC for scrutiny

The Auditor General of Pakistan has unearthed Rs 502 billion corruption and irregularities in several ministries and their subordinate departments.

According to audit documents available with Daily Times, the auditor general has disclosed that due to violation of rules, regulations, principle of propriety and probity in public operations national exchequer had to bear Rs 15.8 billion losses due to fraud. On the other hand, a loss of Rs 1.7 billion was reported due to embezzlement, thefts and misuse of public resources. Rs 257.5 billion were wasted due to accounting errors and weakness of internal control systems, ministries were deprived of Rs 210 billion and there were several cases in which ministries failed to recover their dues and made overpayments to various parties as a result of which Rs 14 billion were stuck.

The audit report of financial year 2014-15 revealed irregularities and corruption cases worth Rs 391 billion, Rs 26 million in aviation division, Rs 11.89 billion in Benazir Income Support Programme, Rs 112 million in Cabinet Division, Rs 41.139 million in Capital Administration Division, Rs 1.25 million in Election Commission, Rs 157.4 million in Establishment Division, Rs 3.37 billion in FATA Secretariat, Rs 54.8 million in the Education Ministry, Rs 1.39 billion in Higher Education Commission, Rs 170 million in the Interior Ministry, Rs 123.9 million in inter-provincial Coordination Ministry, Rs 30.7 million in Law Ministry, Rs 14.7 million in NAB, Rs 23.4 million in Planning and Development Ministry, Rs 15.5 million in petroleum Ministry, Rs 262 billion in Ports and Shipping Ministry, Rs 46 million in Privatization Commission, Rs 8.55 billion in Religious Affairs Ministry, Rs 37.5 million in Statistics Division and Rs 6 million in Water and Power Ministry.The report has been sent to the Public Accounts Committee for scrutiny and investigation.
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40 thousands to 80 thousands when zardari vame now its 120 thousands per person in Pakistan and estimatidly its 190 million people my math is not that good some one multiply it. And auditor general got only 504 billion rupees its maybe 504 billion dollars.
502 billion rupees.

That would be 5.02 billion dollars. We could have gotten our own S-400 with that kind of cash.

Corruption is a huge issue and the more we enter, the more we will discover. I am highly skeptical of the Baluchi sardars, the Punjabi and Sindhi waderas.
Mind boggling!

Corruption, incompetence is costing the country so much!

This pains me seriously more, since there are so many brilliant Pakistanis in every field which could make this country next Korea!

I hope same thing happens to all these political dynasties as with Qadafi. They can take all the billions they gave gathered to their graves. Even that won't be allowed!
In Headline, Rs. 502 Billion lost due to Corruption;
And in the article, Rs. 1.7 Billion lost due to embezzlement, theft and misuse of public resources and rest "Rs 257.5 billion were wasted due to accounting errors and weakness of internal control systems, ministries were deprived of Rs 210 billion and there were several cases in which ministries failed to recover their dues and made over payments to various parties as a result of which Rs 14 billion were stuck."
Accounting error? fail to recover their dues ? etc ..............,.are these qualify as corruption?
Do we have original detailed audit report available?
That would be an interesting read.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/rs-502bn-corruption-in-ministries-exposed.456360/#ixzz4NKYfcU6y
there is no accountablity they will keep.looting as long as they want!

Take dr asim for example rangers caught him almost 2 years back and i am sure they have proof what other people are involve in curroption and looting but they are coward or something or partners that all the curropts are free and happy!

I think PA,rangers etc are involved
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Where are the members in this forum who wouldn't stop praising Nawaz like a god. What else do you expect from the likes of him and his minions. This is the tip of the iceberg.
Look at the loans from 2008 to now and you'll have a very good idea of the loot
That's what happens when You elect a guy who didn't shy away to make fool of ppl in 1990s on the name of karaz utharo and mulk sawaro and then Finance minister Ishaq Dollar ho tho what you cant expect !! these Nooni Toons do it professionally by giving some %age to all parties specially Media and Big %age of money goes into Noonis pocket..when ppp was ruling then every week there was a scandal/case of corruption and every channel used to dance on these scandal tunes and now there is no debate,talk-shows on Pml-n corruption bcz they get their due share !! well played Noonies,well played...
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