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Royal Saudi Air Force to take part in Anatolian Eagle 2011 exercise

Example for you wil be. it is not allowed to bomb innocent civilians on the streets its forbidden by Islam you fool.

Fool???? plz answer my question...
YES its forbidden in Islam so????whats the point??
well, we dont know how Allah C.C looks like where Allah C.C is and stuff like that. that is what i learned when i was six! did they teach you something different? that Allah C.C lives in the skies or something like that?

---------- Post added at 12:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ----------

and what do you mean by turkish way of islam?

Come on bro.
who told you Allah lives in skies or anything like that. no body even salfis dont say that Allah lives above the skies.. its misconceptions about them.
what i meant to say about turkish way of islam is the way he said about salfi islam..
THere is one Islam, irrespective of any way..
Come on bro.
who told you Allah lives in skies or anything like that. no body even salfis dont say that Allah lives above the skies.. its misconceptions about them.
what i meant to say about turkish way of islam is the way he said about salfi islam..
THere is one Islam, irrespective of any way..

Well thats officially claimed by most influential Wahhabi clerics its all over the internet.. i can prove it and provide you with some links if you didnt know.
Well thats officially claimed by most influential Wahhabi clerics its all over the internet.. i can prove it and provide you with some links if you didnt know.

Blunder No.1: Trusting internet as a source of information. Just because its on the internet does not mean its authentic.. You have have vandered into some anti-wahabi website makign false claims..for the record of it there are very few and hard to find wahabi sites because they are not intrested in any kind of publicity negative or positive.

God / Allah lives in the skies came through hindu methodology and is propelled by followers of Jamat e Janglee. Otherwise I have been missing out something on education.? may be>?
They encourage muslims in doing this kind of attacks against their own people .. Im i wrong? just 2 days ago they attacked Mehran navy base.. bombs are going off on the streets killing innocent people randomly and the responsible ones do this all in name of Allah swt. infact the leaders working for other countries Right or not? This is not Islam, and Saudis obviously dont represent Islam and you dont have to be a ''wahhabi'' in order to be a good muslim that's nonsense those people are the worse. I understand you dont mind Pak getting attacked by own countrymen.. But this is something we dont want.. To keep peace and unity in the country these devils must be kept outside of Turkey.

Secular experiement gone wrong or identity crisis?

The Saudis have always delcared sucide bombing as forbiden however the traditional rival, Iran not only promoted but pioneered the use of sucide bombings and manufacturing of sucidal blast gears during iraq-iran war.

Taliban, TTP and Al-Q being the brain child of CIA not saudis. The saudis gave money on request of Pakistan to who ever came forward and they were not paid out for sucide bombing unlike Iran.
Blunder No.1: Trusting internet as a source of information. Just because its on the internet does not mean its authentic.. You have have vandered into some anti-wahabi website makign false claims..for the record of it there are very few and hard to find wahabi sites because they are not intrested in any kind of publicity negative or positive.

God / Allah lives in the skies came through hindu methodology and is propelled by followers of Jamat e Janglee. Otherwise I have been missing out something on education.? mbe>?

Its not about internet. These are well known facts about those cults corrupt understandings.. maybe you dont know, the average muslim dont know but their Sheiks believe that.. and teach that to their students.. you know better then me? i grew up with them. Most of my friends are Arabs from Morocco. They all have such believes that Allah swt has a hand neuzubillah..
Its not about internet. These are well known facts about those cults corrupt understandings.. maybe you dont know, the average muslim dont know but their Sheiks believe that.. and teach that to their students.. you know better then me? i grew up with them. Most of my friends are Arabs from Morocco. They all have such believes that Allah swt has a hand neuzubillah..

Evidence please..I am living in this country for last 25 years and have never come across an authentic book praising sucide bombing. Wahabis are often defamed by your friend Iran for being pro-stablity and pro-peace and not taking up arms against the zionist like ahmedinejad wants to.

If you belive in Islam then you definately have a strong faith that powers and empires are given by Allah and taken by Allah. And if Allah choose Saudis to be the care taker then it must be by some logic.

When did arab from morocco became saudis?

On the truth side, the belief of Allah SWT resembling a human came from the Christian who belive in Jesus as son of God, into the Alawite / Nusayries of Northern Arabia.
Mustafa Kemal belongs to this sect and so are most of Turkey top commanders of armed forces.
Secular experiement gone wrong or identity crisis?

I know what im saying.. And nothing wrong with it... Im grandson of Ottomans.. im Turk.. Sunni Hanafi medheb. Only because i dont agree with your Wahhabi friends you keep mentioning the Secular bs thats or identity crisis ? as i said Muslim Turk and Ottoman. Just 1 more thing i understand you people deserve it..well i dont care if only my people be safe from these backward arabs i will be okay so have a good day and good luck with them :wave:
well i dont care if only my people be safe from these backward arabs i will be okay so have a good day and good luck with them :wave:


please calm down and dont give my country a bad name..we Turks doesnt feel any hostility to the Saudis or other Arabs..you did the same thing to the chinese,calm down a bit...

please calm down and dont give my country a bad name..we Turks doesnt feel any hostility to the Saudis or other Arabs..you did the same thing to the chinese,calm down a bit...

I give your country a bad name? man you are a true disgrace im just trying to protect my people here and you trying to bash me.. i thought you people would agree with me but i see you are even worse.. let me guess u probably one of those Erbakan supporters right?..and please since when do you own the country? did i missed something? and who the f... are you anyway trying to disrespect me for the second time? Are you Prime minister or President of Turkey what the hell is wrong with you boy acting like you own this site, i have my own opinions and i will express my opinions the way i like it. And you can bark all you want. I dont give a fu.. about your stupid concerns.

And i did the same against Chinese? I didnt make the video myself got it from youtube didnt notice the title so i didnt do it on purpose as i already pointed that out in Turkish but you need to bring it up here again.. And dont worry that much we must say the truth always against anyone even if its China. Thats how they raised me. So i will defend my brothers anytime anywhere.

Im saying this again i dont feel any hostility towards Arabs or Saudi people its about the regime and their ideology which can do serious damage to our people. Examples of the damage they already made are Erbakan supporters like you. We cannot afford more of these traitors.. :wave:
I give your country a bad name? man you are a true disgrace im just trying to protect my people here and you trying to bash me.. i thought you people would agree with me but i see you are even worse.. let me guess u probably one of those Erbakan supporters right?..and please since when do you own the country? did i missed something? and who the f... are you anyway trying to disrespect me for the second time? Are you Prime minister or President of Turkey what the hell is wrong with you boy acting like you own this site, i have my own opinions and i will express my opinions the way i like it. And you can bark all you want. I dont give a fu.. about your stupid concerns.

And i did the same against Chinese? I didnt make the video myself got it from youtube didnt notice the title so i didnt do it on purpose as i already pointed that out in Turkish but you need to bring it up here again.. And dont worry that much we must say the truth always against anyone even if its China. Thats how they raised me. So i will defend my brothers anytime anywhere.

Im saying this again i dont feel any hostility towards Arabs or Saudi people its about the regime and their ideology which can do serious damage to our people. Examples of the damage they already made are Erbakan supporters like you. We cannot afford more of these.. :wave:

You really have to calm down mate. With that attitude you can't befriend anyone beside ultra turkish nationalist which is disgusting. Of course we respect our Arab brothers, what is the problem? And there isnt something called Turkish Islam. What the heck is that? Did you create your own religion?

And how did you conclude he is a Necmetting Erbakan supporter? And IF he is, is there any problem with that? YOU can't be Erbakan's nail, so behave.
You really have to calm down mate. With that attitude you can't befriend anyone beside ultra turkish nationalist which is disgusting. Of course we respect our Arab brothers, what is the problem? And there isnt something called Turkish Islam. What the heck is that? Did you create your own religion?
And how did you conclude he is a Necmetting Erbakan supporter? And IF he is, is there any problem with that? YOU can't be Erbakan's nail, so behave.

first off people like you should learn to deal with other peoples opinions, i dont have to think the way you wannabees 'do i have my own views just respect it if you dont well then dont agree with it and dont respect it fine.. but why do you call the ultra nationalist Turks disgusting you are the disgusting one here, Atleast they fighting for the country whenever needed...what have you fuc... done for the country? those nationalists are not like you, only thing you do is complaining and bitches all the time about how bad Turkey is and backstabbing the country. Turkish Islam? i never said something like that..

I cant be his nail? your father told you that?? yeahh riiiight typiccal villager bs.. but he achieved a lot before he passed out thats something everyone of us can take an example of.. i also never said one worth about Erbakan himself thats not my point you f...tards. I always behave myself.. you should do the same and know your place.
One thing is for sure, your ideas can only find place in twisted minds. Your writings is full of ignorance and hatred, thank god that there isn't a single soul in here that accepts that.
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