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Royal Saudi Air Force to take part in Anatolian Eagle 2011 exercise


Feb 20, 2008
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The Royal Saudi Air Force will participate in this year’s Anatolian Eagle military training exercise, which will begin next month in the central Anatolian province of Konya, a newspaper in Saudi Arabia has reported.

This year the participation of the Royal Saudi Air Force, which joined last year’s Anatolian Eagle exercise as an observer, will be a first. Jordan, Pakistan, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Turkey are other participants in the exercise which will run June 13-24.

Saudi Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Ayish and Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khaled Bin Sultan are expected to travel to Turkey for the Anatolian Eagle exercise.

The report published in Saudi Arabia by the Al Jazirah newspaper highlighted that the exercise carries the utmost importance, while citing earlier remarks by Prince Khaled.

These kinds of exercises to be carried out with Arab, Muslim and friendly countries will bring in a significant contribution to the air forces in regards to gaining combative capabilities, the Saudi prince was quoted as saying in remarks delivered earlier.

In the fall of 2009, the Turkish military changed the Anatolian Eagle exercise, which is a joint international military exercise and which was to have included Israel, into a national military exercise, in a move widely seen as a way to exclude Israel.

A delay in the delivery of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Turkey from Israel was linked to the tension sparked by this cancellation, which is contrary to popular speculation that the delay was due to Turkey’s disapproval of Israel’s devastating offensive against the Gaza Strip in the winter of 2008/2009.

Short URL: Royal Saudi Air Force to take part in Anatolian Eagle exercise | TR Defence
2010 Anatolian Eagle exercise Chinese and Turkish fighters are side by side on air...

why is it so few european nations there? wasnt netherlands and italy a part of it to?
U.K.'s trying to significantly reduce military budget, so they may have decided to drop their participation in the AE for a couple of years.

It costs millions to fly over to Turkey and take part in these exercises.

Nevertheless, AE is a top-gun-class exercise where a great variety of aircraft take part in the exercises and pilots' skills are tested in various SAM threats from Rapier to S-300. :azn:
Is Pakistan and China taking place this year?
No its not a great news.

The goverment should be very carefull with those saudis and try to keep them out of Turkey. because soon or later they will bring in their wahhabi ideology and brainwash our people and then after few years you will see people declaring our own people and country enemies and kaffir. Their understandings of Islam is very corrupt (example they say Allah has fingers and sits on his trown in the heavens) agressive, hostile, militant, extremist. It is totally opposite from the true Islamic values. This will destroy our people, so they have nothing to offer us just problems. Maybe should only have trade and economic relations with them is enough.
^ Something Pakistani's should read. Actually, from what is visible Pakistan is a worse source of extremism, and it's bordering on full blown as there is a haven for them in a chunk of the country.
No its not a great news.

The goverment should be very carefull with those saudis and try to keep them out of Turkey. because soon or later they will bring in their wahhabi ideology and brainwash our people and then after few years you will see people declaring our own people and country enemies and kaffir. Their understandings of Islam is very corrupt (example they say Allah has fingers and sits on his trown in the heavens) agressive, hostile, militant, extremist. It is totally opposite from the true Islamic values. This will destroy our people, so they have nothing to offer us just problems. Maybe should only have trade and economic relations with them is enough.

Didnt the AKP already won twice and the secular fabric of turkish society is in shambles not at all helped by recent sex scandals against secular party only holding 14% of seats?

I live in a wahabi country for last 25 years and yes I agree they are harsh on the biddatis but never i have heard a government sanction preaching adovating people to kill and declare kafir. Yes that does happen by individual clerics but they are more often found in royal guest house of security services than the throne they like to lecture on.
No its not a great news.

The goverment should be very carefull with those saudis and try to keep them out of Turkey. because soon or later they will bring in their wahhabi ideology and brainwash our people and then after few years you will see people declaring our own people and country enemies and kaffir. Their understandings of Islam is very corrupt (example they say Allah has fingers and sits on his trown in the heavens) agressive, hostile, militant, extremist. It is totally opposite from the true Islamic values. This will destroy our people, so they have nothing to offer us just problems. Maybe should only have trade and economic relations with them is enough.

The bold part is bullshit...
PLZ can you elaborate what is ISlamic values???
i want to know the turkish way of islamic view..
somebozo im not even secular or CHP supporter i support AKP aswell but the thing is.. i really dont care about (Saudi arabia) because while the non muslims is devolloping space and laser technology your oil rich friend saudis are discussing wheither its better to marry 4 wives or more? they really great thinkers philosofers right? see thats one example. And to make it clear for you my brother. If Islam is truely Deen of Allah and the truth which i believe its the Truth, then it should be no doubt always the best. Most forward in science, technology, education, economy. etc.etc. Now thats something we cant say about muslims today right? All backward and poor, How come? See you dont have to label me a enemy of Islam or (secularist, bla bla,)just because im pointing out some facts. You may think ''well atleast they are rich'' but if they didnt have the oil it would be worse then Somalia. Their mentality is backward my friend and we really dont need that.
somebozo im not even secular or CHP supporter i support AKP aswell but the thing is.. i really dont care about (Saudi arabia) because while the non muslims is devolloping space and laser technology your oil rich friend saudis are discussing wheither its better to marry 4 wives or more? they really great thinkers philosofers right? see thats one example. And to make it clear for you my brother. If Islam is truely Deen of Allah and the truth which i believe its the Truth, then it should be no doubt always the best. Most forward in science, technology, education, economy. etc.etc. Now thats something we cant say about muslims today right? All backward and poor, How come? See you dont have to label me a enemy of Islam or (secularist, bla bla,)just because im pointing out some facts. You may think ''well atleast they are rich'' but if they didnt have the oil it would be worse then Somalia. Their mentality is backward my friend and we really dont need that.

I appreciate your thoughts but you have to understand few facts clearly:

1. Most of the saudi populance the young and old are reform and progression minded. Baring few staunch tribals of nejd who fail to evolve

2. The saudi regime does no represents the intrests of Islam. It represents the instead of Bayt Al Saud and its loyalist tribes.

3. The goal of saudi regime is to strengthen its hold on Arabian peninsula by any means..even if that means living in stone age.

4. I did not call you enemy of Islam or anything just posted a query about current state of politics in Turkey.

5. Ata Turk was the most able leader any Muslim country could wish for. Baring any opnion on his personal life or religion, the way politics should be conducted.
No i did not mean the people.. its the state and ideology and their culture.
The bold part is bullshit...
PLZ can you elaborate what is ISlamic values???
i want to know the turkish way of islamic view..

Example for you wil be. it is not allowed to bomb innocent civilians on the streets its forbidden by Islam you fool.
The bold part is bullshit...
PLZ can you elaborate what is ISlamic values???
i want to know the turkish way of islamic view..

well, we dont know how Allah C.C looks like where Allah C.C is and stuff like that. that is what i learned when i was six! did they teach you something different? that Allah C.C lives in the skies or something like that?

---------- Post added at 12:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ----------

well, we dont know how Allah C.C looks like where Allah C.C is and stuff like that. that is what i learned when i was six! did they teach you something different? that Allah C.C lives in the skies or something like that?

and what do you mean by turkish way of islam?
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