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Romans vs Han China

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We all are prejudiced, to deny this basic psychological manifestation is a mooting lie. From my observation in the threads here, asiatics are keen to racist albeit almost basic comments on each other. Reading the comments by some Chinese posters, Pakistani posters, Indian posters, and even Vietnamese posters here.

The degree of ethnocentric prejudice makes it a reason why the British were so successful in conquering the Indian subcontinent and key territories in south east asia. Policy of divide and conquer was effective.

We all have our prejudices to some degree, prejudices that we gravitate towards, but not all of us are racists.

For example I am confident that I am not a racist to any degree. Regardless of who I meet I do not look at the color of their skin alone and think something, nor do I think European history is based on the color of a person's skin, a person isn't inherently smarter or stronger based on the pigment in their skin, etc.

Those are my beliefs on the subject.

Of course there are also those who have prejudices based on wealth, gender, status etc.

My poison that I have to keep in control and temper is nationalist/patriotic tendencies, and to some smaller extent cultural tendencies like many on this forum as well. By cultural tendencies I mean something like viewing the 'Western Civilization' grouping in a favorable light by default.

This 'default favorability' applies not just to the united states but to a smaller scale on countries and alliances that are widely considered beneficial major allies to it, such as Canada, UK, the EU/NATO, Australia, Japan, etc.

The first step of controlling a prejudice is to recognize that one exists, so I am not ashamed in admitting I have one, and I do believe everyone to some extent has a prejudice or two that they are susceptible to.
Hans empire is gone. Greco-Roman culture/values still survive today. Matter a fact it was spread through out the world by the people the Romans conquered.

Han evolved into the modern day PRC, physically and notionally. Han culture continues in East Asia, not just China. Where is the physical Rome of today?
We all have our prejudices to some degree, prejudices that we gravitate towards, but not all of us are racists.

For example I am confident that I am not a racist to any degree. Regardless of who I meet I do not look at the color of their skin alone and think something, nor do I think European history is based on the color of a person's skin, a person isn't inherently smarter or stronger based on the pigment in their skin, etc.

Those are my beliefs on the subject.

Of course there are also those who have prejudices based on wealth, gender, status etc.

My poison that I have to keep in control and temper is nationalist/patriotic tendencies, and to some smaller extent cultural tendencies like many on this forum as well. By cultural tendencies I mean something like viewing the 'Western Civilization' grouping in a favorable light by default.

This 'default favorability' applies not just to the united states but to a smaller scale on countries and alliances that are widely considered beneficial major allies to it, such as Canada, UK, the EU/NATO, Australia, Japan, etc.

The first step of controlling a prejudice is to recognize that one exists, so I am not ashamed in admitting I have one, and I do believe everyone to some extent has a prejudice or two that they are susceptible to.

But you are not Roman? English, I am assuming this is your ancestral race, is Part German part Celtic, and part everything else, but definitely not Roman.

If being in America for a while has taught me anything is that Americans look down on the Europeans.
Incorrect. There never was a continuity of Han government; China's history is full of dynastic change , representing the anithesis of stasis. Your country's history is rich in dynastic change, conquests by foreign peoples.

In regards to Rome, there may no longer be a "Roman State", however, the cultural imprint of Rome is everlasting and has influenced the formation of the West.

Rome was intrinsic in the Christianization of all Europe, in addition to the forms of government per se republicanism. I would deign to say that Rome lives today through its cultural imprint.

Britain was one of the 'successor' states of the Roman Empire, the British Empire ruled 1/4th of the world. After the fall of the British Empire, the United States, a former colony, succeeded Britain. One can say that the Roman Empire lives on to this day in the form of the United States of America.

Our form of government, our freedoms, and our military supremacy is akin to the Romans'.

There is no Roman empire of today, you are simply pointing out 'spiritual successors' and abstract quasi lineages. The boundries of Han are still within the modern day PRC (infact, its now substantially larger). What if Chinese followed your line of argument and argue that because Japanese, Korean and some SE Asian countries are confucian states, they are infact the spiritual continuation of Han?
Then we would get into a big East vs West argument.
Absolutely, Humans are tribal at heart and favor their own. Which is why Im going to point out the higher IQ of East asians as a whole, relative to the rest of the world. Whites are successful today because of a ruthlessness that other races do not possess. Just as Rome was built on the backs of slaves and economic windfalls from looting and conquest, The USA(the biggest, baddest white alpha wolf) and European countries( wolf pack ) did exactly the same by enslaving the blacks and looting every other country left and right in the colonial age.
The atrocities of whites cannot be rivaled and their indolent nature can easily be seen in their ludicrously rotund physiques.

History bears witness that most of the ancient empires of the world utilized slaves to build its commerce, or religio-political infrastructure. Ancient Egyptians used slaves from Numidia , Arabia and even ancient Hebrews. The ancient Assyrians, Babylonians, Hittites, Persians all utilized slaves. And these were non-white peoples.

Even ancient African Kingdoms such as the Zulu, Songhai and Hausa (to name a few) enslaved conquered tribes. The ancient mesoamerican empires of the Atlhuatl (Aztec), Incans, Maya, etc enslaved foreign tribes. The Atlhuatl (Aztecs) even went so much as to offer foreign slaves as sacrifices to their deities.

So for you to make a baseless statement to say that White Europeans are the only ones guilty of brutality and slavery is utterly unsupported. Come on man, it was the white man who abolished slavery. lol.

It was the British who implemented that law. LOL.

IT really depends on what you mean by foreign people. As I said, do you consider German conquest of Roman Gaul, or Saxon England or any of the other places conquests?

I can understand the American members want to defend Rome and some have merit, but the Indian members? You guys know you are not white right? I'm not surprising you or anything right? Or is it anything smear China now?

After the Roman Empire collapsed; many successor states took up the mantle. Franconia, Spain, Italian States, Brittania and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany) inherited Rome's glory. These successor states eventually conquered and colonized most of the world. Implanting their will , their policy, and culture abroad.

The fact that we are responding to each other in English is testament to that. lol.

We all have our prejudices to some degree, prejudices that we gravitate towards, but not all of us are racists.

For example I am confident that I am not a racist to any degree. Regardless of who I meet I do not look at the color of their skin alone and think something, nor do I think European history is based on the color of a person's skin, a person isn't inherently smarter or stronger based on the pigment in their skin, etc.

Those are my beliefs on the subject.

Of course there are also those who have prejudices based on wealth, gender, status etc.

My poison that I have to keep in control and temper is nationalist/patriotic tendencies, and to some smaller extent cultural tendencies like many on this forum as well. By cultural tendencies I mean something like viewing the 'Western Civilization' grouping in a favorable light by default.

This 'default favorability' applies not just to the united states but to a smaller scale on countries and alliances that are widely considered beneficial major allies to it, such as Canada, UK, the EU/NATO, Australia, Japan, etc.

The first step of controlling a prejudice is to recognize that one exists, so I am not ashamed in admitting I have one, and I do believe everyone to some extent has a prejudice or two that they are susceptible to.

Thanks for sharing your view; your self-evaluative view.

Very Kaizen of you. lol.
But you are not Roman? English, I am assuming this is your ancestral race, is Part German part Celtic, and part everything else, but definitely not Roman.

If being in America for a while has taught me anything is that Americans look down on the Europeans.

Majority of Americans are White. 75% of America is White. How can we look down on our ancestors? lol.

I personally don't look down on the fact that my father's parents came from Germany (after the war) and my mother's side are originally from England. Ancestrally speaking, I come from lands that were successor states to the Roman Empire; or at least former provinces of the Empire.
History bears witness that most of the ancient empires of the world utilized slaves to build its commerce, or religio-political infrastructure. Ancient Egyptians used slaves from Numidia , Arabia and even ancient Hebrews. The ancient Assyrians, Babylonians, Hittites, Persians all utilized slaves. And these were non-white peoples.

Even ancient African Kingdoms such as the Zulu, Songhai and Hausa (to name a few) enslaved conquered tribes. The ancient mesoamerican empires of the Atlhuatl (Aztec), Incans, Maya, etc enslaved foreign tribes. The Atlhuatl (Aztecs) even went so much as to offer foreign slaves as sacrifices to their deities.

So for you to make a baseless statement to say that White Europeans are the only ones guilty of brutality and slavery is utterly unsupported. Come on man, it was the white man who abolished slavery. lol.

It was the British who implemented that law. LOL.

Child, the white man abolished slavery after having their fill after centuries of practicing it on an unprecedented scale. Now you ride a moral high horse over the impoverished African nations you looted and the corpses of blacks worked to death. Bravo.
The British abolished slavery you say but still held onto their colonies well into the mid 20th century, leeching the wealth but now with complicit British laws claiming the legality of the process.
English is a Germanic language. Not a Romance language like France or Spanish.

Since you can't speak Chinese we have to in English. Though I know some Americans like to pretend ignorance is might.
There is no Roman empire of today, you are simply pointing out 'spiritual successors' and abstract quasi lineages. The boundries of Han are still within the modern day PRC (infact, its now substantially larger). What if Chinese followed your line of argument and argue that because Japanese, Korean and some SE Asian countries are confucian states, they are infact the spiritual continuation of Han?
Then we would get into a big East vs West argument.

The Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese, do, owe their confucian culture to China. I think its important to observe the cultural and social impact in a historico-social psychological point of view. To deny these is mitigating the very formation of identity in the macroscopic context.

English is a Germanic language. Not a Romance language like France or Spanish.

Since you can't speak Chinese we have to in English. Though I know some Americans like to pretend ignorance is might.

In actuality, English is influenced by Latin and borrows some Latin roots.

Child, the white man abolished slavery after having their fill after centuries of practicing it on an unprecedented scale. Now you ride a moral high horse over the impoverished African nations you looted and the corpses of blacks worked to death. Bravo.

Slavery was a social practice by civilizations throughout the world, irrespective. The use of the slave trade during the colonization of the new world does not impart blame on the europeans for the use of slavery, when in fact, slavery was being utilized by the africans who were selling enslaved africans to white traders.

In South East Asia, kingdoms such as Siam, Lan Xang, Angkor (Lovek), and even Malay princely states enslaved conquered peoples.

So, come on, buddy. lol.
But you are not Roman? English, I am assuming this is your ancestral race, is Part German part Celtic, and part everything else, but definitely not Roman.

If being in America for a while has taught me anything is that Americans look down on the Europeans.

I am of Russian Jewish descent, from around Rostov on don actually. My ancestors left Russia with the clothes on their backs after the rise of the Communists (they were well to do before) and immigrated to the US where my great grand-father made a fortune in much the same way they were well off in Russia (selling Hardware). That particular chapter of my ancestry is very interesting, but just that. I was born in the US ,grew up in the US, and so view myself as American and a part of Western Civilization by upbringing.

As for Europeans, I can't say I look down on them at all, though I also don't view them as superior to Americans, of which I've heard is a trend in European countries.

As I said because of their longtime status of being allies with the US through NATO I view much of Europe in a default favorable light.
Nothing wrong with that; we borrow from the Romans. Afterall, Rome was destroyed by Germanic peoples. :)
The Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese, do, owe their confucian culture to China. I think its important to observe the cultural and social impact in a historico-social psychological point of view. To deny these is mitigating the very formation of identity in the macroscopic context.

In actuality, English is influenced by Latin and borrows some Latin roots.

Slavery was a social practice by civilizations throughout the world, irrespective. The use of the slave trade during the colonization of the new world does not impart blame on the europeans for the use of slavery, when in fact, slavery was being utilized by the africans who were selling enslaved africans to white traders.

In South East Asia, kingdoms such as Siam, Lan Xang, Angkor (Lovek), and even Malay princely states enslaved conquered peoples.

So, come on, buddy. lol.

No race in the world EVER enslaved others on a scale that Europeans did, just look around your own country and see all the black faces.
Think of it as an early form of Globalization. Nothing wrong with black faces.
Lol i only spoke about my mother's side ( as im not in touch with my father's family), my father's side has Irish heritage.
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