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Rohingya insurgency declares ‘open war’ in Myanmar

Then why bother opening dozens of threads and talk about it?

Let the war of attrition rage.

These protesting countries are most welcome again to accept them.

Despite the so-called religious brotherhood, no one is coming forward.

Nor should they unless absolutely necessary

Let the anger build

Let the hypocrisy reveal itself

Let even moderate places like Indonesia, Malaysia become gradually saturated by the information, then once they are angry enough get them to respond
No wonder groups like radical jihadist emerge and take up
Arms when atrocities are commited on masses , taliban buddhist asked for it
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Why should I answer? When the topic was, Indians raping Indians...

As per @idune India rapes Bangladesh every day.

Since you people call India as a Rapestan.

I don't mind.

Bangladesh has a higher growth rate then you, ours is above 5% now and your latest has fallen to 5.7%

You got owned murtard.

Muslims are at the bottom of South Asia.
. . .
Had the eastern wing not back stabbed us
back stabbed?? really?? Do you always make up your own facts and presume others don't have access to the truth?
we would have turned the Monkland into Yugoslavia in a few years time.
Sahi hai..... Australia mein kya kar raha hai? Aa ja apne watan mein.... Australians nowadays are monitoring Social Media posts.... please be careful..

otherwise actually apne watan wapas aake bandook uthana padega8-)
. .
I see Pakistani crying over Rohingyans. WHy they keep silent when Muslims are oppressed in China? Dollars shut the mouth. Plain and simple.
I see Pakistani crying over Rohingyans. WHy they keep silent when Muslims are oppressed in China? Dollars shut the mouth. Plain and simple.

Can we have some proof?

Did you know that after Uighurs attacked many Chinese in the past, Chinese army did not launch an orgy of killing against them. In fact they stopped retaliation from their own kin.

You really are the lowest form of humanity.
Can we have some proof?

Did you know that after Uighurs attacked many Chinese in the past, Chinese army did not launch an orgy of killing against them. In fact they stopped retaliation from their own kin.

You really are the lowest form of humanity.
Cursing me won't change the fact. China doesn't even allow muslims under 65 years to grow beards. FOrget uighars.
Cursing me won't change the fact. China doesn't even allow muslims under 65 years to grow beards. FOrget uighars.

আপনি শুধু অস্ত্র ও প্রশিক্ষন দিন, আমি একলক্ষ তরুণ যোদ্ধা দেবো: প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে মুহিব খান
Date: সেপ্টেম্বর ০৯, ২০১৭
ইনসাফ টোয়েন্টিফোর ডটকম | আলাউদ্দিন বিন সিদ্দিক

গাজী তারেক রহমান: বাংলাদেশের জনপ্রিয় গায়ক, লেখক ও রাষ্ট্রীয় চিন্তাবিদ জাগ্রত কবি মুহিব খান এবার মুখ খুলেছেন রোহিঙ্গা প্রশ্নে। গতকাল (০৮সেপ্টেম্বর) সন্ধ্যা ৮:৪০ মিনিটে কবি মুহিব খান তার ব্যক্তিগত ফেসবুক আইডিতে রোহিঙ্গাদের পাশে বাংলাদেশের প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে সরাসরি এগিয়ে আসার আহ্বান জানিয়ে মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনাকে উদ্দেশ্য করে বলেন-

শ্রদ্ধাভাজন প্রধানমন্ত্রী,
আসসালামু আলাইকুম।
নির্যাতিত রোহিঙ্গা মুসলিমদের প্রতি যথেষ্ট সহানুভুতিশীল হওয়ায় আপনাকে আন্তরিক অভিনন্দন। দেশের নিরাপত্তা ও শৃঙ্খলা অক্ষুণ্ণ রেখে তাদের সার্বিক সেবা ও সুরক্ষাও এখন আপনারই মানবিক কর্তব্য। কঠিন কাজ, তবু আপনাকেই করতে হবে, আপনিই পারবেন।

শুধু তাই নয়, জরুরি অবস্থায় সাময়িক আতিথেয়তার পর তাদেরকে নিজভূমিতে পূণর্বাসিত ও পূর্ণ প্রতিষ্ঠিত করতে মগের মুল্লুক মিয়ানমারের অত্যাচারী শোষকগোষ্ঠীর বিরুদ্ধে তাদের মুক্তিসংগ্রামেও আপনাকে পাশে দাঁড়াতে হবে। মুসলিম বিশ্বের সাথে হাত মিলিয়ে হতে হবে তাদের স্বাধীনতার সঙ্গী।

আপনি বঙ্গবন্ধুকন্যা। আপনার কিংবদন্তী পিতার মতো সাহসী হয়ে উঠুন। নিষ্পেষিত মানবতার পক্ষে রোহিঙ্গাদের শান্তি, নিরাপত্তা ও স্বাধীনতায় অবদান রাখুন। সুচি’র শান্তি (!) নোবেল ছিনিয়ে আপনার হাতে তুলে দেবে সভ্য পৃথিবী। তাই যেন হয়।

অযাচিত যুদ্ধে জড়িয়ে শক্তি ও সৈন্যক্ষয়ের ভয়! ঠিক, আমাদের জানবাজ সামরিক সন্তানদের ব্যাক আপে রিজার্ভ রাখুন।

আমি একজন অতি সাধারণ মানুষ। একজন কবিমাত্র। তবে শব্দ-বারুদ আগুন জ্বালাতে পারি বরফখন্ডেও। সুর-ঝংকারে চেতনা জাগাতে পারি লাশের মিছিলেও।
‘আপনি শুধু অস্ত্র ও প্রশিক্ষণ দিন, আমি সারাদেশ থেকে একলক্ষ দেশপ্রেমিক বেসামরিক জানবাজ তরুণ যোদ্ধা আপনাকে উপহার দেবো।’
আল্লাহ্ আপনার সহায় হোন।

সারাদেশে তরুণদের মাঝে জনপ্রিয়তার শীর্ষে থাকা বিখ্যাত এই কবি ও গবেষক প্রতিনিয়তই রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমানদের খোঁজ-খবর সহ রোহিঙ্গা সংকটের পর থেকেই তার বিশেষ বিশেষ জ্বালাময়ী ছড়া ও কবিতার মাধ্যমে রোহিঙ্গাদের পাশে এগিয়ে যাওয়ার জন্য বাংলাদেশের সর্বস্তরের জনগণকে বেশ উৎসাহ জোগাচ্ছে।

বর্তমানে আরাকানকে স্বাধীন রাষ্ট্র গঠনে ও মুসলমানদের সহযোগিতার জন্য প্রধানমন্ত্রী’র প্রতি জাগ্রত কবি মুহিব খানের আবেনদটি সারাদেশের প্রাণের দাবি হয়ে উঠেছে।

I don't see this escalating into a conflict between B.D and Mynamar.Far from it , looking from the feeble response from the B.D government , it looks like there is some background diplomacy going between the government.

Curious , has there ever been a war between B.d and MN?
nothing.... bro
this idiots thinking of they can win war against Myanmar.
Dude, BD military can defeat Myannar now with the forces it has got.
Need some actual verification on this claim before
we start talking about this.
Lost your humanity here my friend?

Rakhine Violence: On the Ground in Maungdaw

By The Irrawaddy 9 September 2017

Kyaw Zwa Moe: Welcome to Dateline Irrawaddy! It has been 10 days since Muslim terrorists launched attacks in Rakhine State’s Maungdaw District. According to government figures as well as information we’ve collected, about 500 people were killed in 10 days. Our reporter Ko Moe Myint recently went to Maungdaw to interview the people there and also witnessed attacks and damage. We’ll discuss who he interviewed, what he saw and the situation on the ground. I’m Irrawaddy English editor Kyaw Zwa Moe.

KZM: According to a government release, around 400 ARSA [Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army] members were killed. The worst thing is reports that more than 80 Hindus—[Moe Myint] also interviewed some Hindu community members—were allegedly killed. You went to Maungdaw where attacks were taking place and houses were burned down. Would you recount what you saw?

Moe Myint: As soon as we got into Buthidaung, we could feel the severity of the conflict in Maungdaw. We saw clouds of smoke billowing into the sky. As soon as we arrived at Buthidaung Jetty, we heard the bad news that four Arakanese people were killed near Zula village in Maungdaw’s three-mile camp. There is a village called Myo Thugyi which is just a five-minute walk out of Maungdaw. It is a big Muslim village. There are around 1,200 houses there. All the houses were torched and none of them remained intact.

I went to Maungdaw after attacks in Oct. 9, 2016. At that time, the situation was different. Myo Thugyi village was lively with bazaars and students. But now, all of the houses have been reduced to ash. The whole village is gone. This was the first sign of the immensity of the conflict on the ground. I went to [relief] camps and interviewed Hindus. After the conflict broke out on Aug. 25, Muslim crowds threatened them [they said]. Hindus live together with Muslims in No. 4 and No. 5 wards [of Maungdaw]. All those wards have been torched. Witnesses said arson attacks were carried out by religious extremists. I also witnessed [their feelings].

KZM: You mean Hindu witnesses?

MM: Yes.

KZM: You have also reported about this. Were [Hindus] killed by Muslim militants?

MM: Muslims made threats. Some shot with a gun and one [Hindu] was killed. I also interviewed the mother of a victim.
She could identify from where the gun was fired. But things are different from what we usually see in movies—not every one of them is shooting with a gun. Some have improvised firearms, some have guns and some have swords. They are a large crowd and it is easier for them to threaten and attack small groups of people. Hindus are the minority there and they dare not talk back to them. What they can do is to avoid conflict. So, they flee. But the town is too small, only four or five wards. So, they flee to Arakanese wards. They escaped, but unluckily some were killed on the way.

KZM: According to witnesses, how many Hindus were killed?

MM: I met the survivors of a family whose members included children [and said] about four or five [members of the family] were killed. She was a Hindu woman called ‘Kamala’ who was receiving treatment at Buthidaung Township Hospital. Her 12-member family came back from southern Maungdaw on Aug. 26 and 27 after conflict broke out. And they took a rest at three-mile camp where police were providing security. They followed a police convoy to go to Ward No. 4 [in Maungdaw]. But by that time, that ward had already been reduced to ashes. The security convoy encountered hundreds of Muslim militants in Myo Thugyi village on their way to Maungdaw. It was followed by an exchange of fire, and the Hindu family fled in fright to the district court, which was under construction. The security convoy didn’t care about the people who were travelling behind them. Perhaps they wanted to avoid conflict with large crowds or perhaps they hadn’t noticed the people travelling behind them. They left. The [Hindu] family was too frightened and so they fled into a nearby building. Some of the people in the crowd had guns and they shot [at them]. Kamala was hit. She was shot in the chest and lost consciousness. The rest were killed with swords. Witnesses told us that [attackers] said words related to religion like ‘Allah is taking you. So you must go.’ [Attackers] left her because they thought she was dead. We can say her account is very credible.

KZM: Did you interview any Muslims living in Maungdaw or Sittwe? What did they say?

MM: I met about six Muslims. Most of them were educated and businesspeople. Anyway, it is fair to say they were educated. They said they condemned such violence. Violence disrupts regional stability and order. They are in hardship now. There were attacks on 30 locations in Maungdaw District, and that also impacts urban areas. Grassroots poor Muslim families who have to rely on rivers and creeks for their daily livelihoods and who know nothing about politics also suffered from the impact of that conflict. They could not go to the market. There is no food and they have to share food with each other. There are two separate things here: ARSA claimed that it fights for its political goal, but its actions have shifted to terrorism. Their acts cannot move the situation for everyday people in a positive direction. At least, they should have displayed tolerance. Kofi Annan’s [Rakhine State Advisory] Commission formed by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has also provided recommendations. But [ARSA] didn’t wait for the implementation of those recommendations, and instead it launched attacks.

MM: We discussed this in last week’s Dateline. Attacks were launched on Aug. 25, the same day Kofi Annan submitted his recommendations to the government, the president and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The government said it would implement those recommendations. Then, immediately, attacks followed. It is fair to say attacks were launched even before that. [ARSA’s] response is that they didn’t accept Kofi Annan’s recommendations and their implementation by the government. They responded in a violent way.

MM: I think they are undermining the positive move made by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s government to solve the problem. Viewing ARSA’s recent official video clips on YouTube, its ultimate political goal is to build an Islamic State [for the Rohingya]. To put it bluntly, it is no longer about human rights. It is about self-interest, which is contrary to human rights. Reconciliation, I think, would be difficult in Maungdaw if they work to that end.

KZM: You mean it will be hard to reconcile between the two communities?

MM: Not just two sides, it is three parties now. One more party has been involved—the Hindu community. I’ve asked Hindus, and all of them unanimously said they dare not live together with [Muslims]. They will not go back to stay within Muslim quarters anymore and also refuse to accept government suggestions that they live together with Muslims. They asked the government for segregation.

KZM: What about other sub-ethnic groups such as the Mro [an Arakanese sub-group]? Did you interview them and what did they say?

MM: Mro people also dare not live [alongside Muslims]. They know nothing about politics. They don’t know who the Rohingya are. To put it bluntly, they don’t even know who the president of Myanmar is. Such people who lead a simple life on farms and who know nothing about urban life were killed, and fell victim to the conflict. They are frightened to death. They have lived and worked on hillside farms for generations and never experienced this before. Now, they have all moved.

KZM: Before you went to Maungdaw, the government declared ARSA a terrorist organization. Did you witness its activities on the ground in Maungdaw? To what extent is it involved in the Maungdaw [attacks]?

MM: What I found out is—I didn’t witness it—from the car I was in, I saw the location of a mine explosion on the way. It is obvious that ARSA has influence over local Muslim people. When I interviewed Muslim sources about ARSA, they were reluctant to answer. We must understand this. I also understand this, so I don’t disclose the identity of Muslim sources. Because if they criticize the government—they are businessmen and educated—it could impact their long-term relations [with the government]. But on the other hand, if they criticize ARSA and if we disclose their identity—there are previous examples of Muslim men beheaded after they gave interviews to the government. The situation is dangerous for them in the conflict zone.

KZM: Do you think this conflict will go on?

MM: It is very likely that it will continue. An Islamic State, which is the ultimate goal of ARSA according to their online video clips, will continue the conflict. This is quite sure. And regarding the geographical location of Maungdaw, it is surrounded by three large Muslim villages. There are at least 30,000 people. Of them, only Myo Thugyi is gone and two others remain intact. No houses were burned and there was no conflict there. So, it is fair to say there is still some hope for remedy. But if the goal of an Islamic State is real and people from those villages join them, the problem will get worse.

KZM: Thank you for your contribution!

Rakhine Violence: On the Ground in Maungdaw

By The Irrawaddy 9 September 2017

Kyaw Zwa Moe: Welcome to Dateline Irrawaddy! It has been 10 days since Muslim terrorists launched attacks in Rakhine State’s Maungdaw District. According to government figures as well as information we’ve collected, about 500 people were killed in 10 days. Our reporter Ko Moe Myint recently went to Maungdaw to interview the people there and also witnessed attacks and damage. We’ll discuss who he interviewed, what he saw and the situation on the ground. I’m Irrawaddy English editor Kyaw Zwa Moe.

KZM: According to a government release, around 400 ARSA [Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army] members were killed. The worst thing is reports that more than 80 Hindus—[Moe Myint] also interviewed some Hindu community members—were allegedly killed. You went to Maungdaw where attacks were taking place and houses were burned down. Would you recount what you saw?

Moe Myint: As soon as we got into Buthidaung, we could feel the severity of the conflict in Maungdaw. We saw clouds of smoke billowing into the sky. As soon as we arrived at Buthidaung Jetty, we heard the bad news that four Arakanese people were killed near Zula village in Maungdaw’s three-mile camp. There is a village called Myo Thugyi which is just a five-minute walk out of Maungdaw. It is a big Muslim village. There are around 1,200 houses there. All the houses were torched and none of them remained intact.

I went to Maungdaw after attacks in Oct. 9, 2016. At that time, the situation was different. Myo Thugyi village was lively with bazaars and students. But now, all of the houses have been reduced to ash. The whole village is gone. This was the first sign of the immensity of the conflict on the ground. I went to [relief] camps and interviewed Hindus. After the conflict broke out on Aug. 25, Muslim crowds threatened them [they said]. Hindus live together with Muslims in No. 4 and No. 5 wards [of Maungdaw]. All those wards have been torched. Witnesses said arson attacks were carried out by religious extremists. I also witnessed [their feelings].

KZM: You mean Hindu witnesses?

MM: Yes.

KZM: You have also reported about this. Were [Hindus] killed by Muslim militants?

MM: Muslims made threats. Some shot with a gun and one [Hindu] was killed. I also interviewed the mother of a victim.
She could identify from where the gun was fired. But things are different from what we usually see in movies—not every one of them is shooting with a gun. Some have improvised firearms, some have guns and some have swords. They are a large crowd and it is easier for them to threaten and attack small groups of people. Hindus are the minority there and they dare not talk back to them. What they can do is to avoid conflict. So, they flee. But the town is too small, only four or five wards. So, they flee to Arakanese wards. They escaped, but unluckily some were killed on the way.

KZM: According to witnesses, how many Hindus were killed?

MM: I met the survivors of a family whose members included children [and said] about four or five [members of the family] were killed. She was a Hindu woman called ‘Kamala’ who was receiving treatment at Buthidaung Township Hospital. Her 12-member family came back from southern Maungdaw on Aug. 26 and 27 after conflict broke out. And they took a rest at three-mile camp where police were providing security. They followed a police convoy to go to Ward No. 4 [in Maungdaw]. But by that time, that ward had already been reduced to ashes. The security convoy encountered hundreds of Muslim militants in Myo Thugyi village on their way to Maungdaw. It was followed by an exchange of fire, and the Hindu family fled in fright to the district court, which was under construction. The security convoy didn’t care about the people who were travelling behind them. Perhaps they wanted to avoid conflict with large crowds or perhaps they hadn’t noticed the people travelling behind them. They left. The [Hindu] family was too frightened and so they fled into a nearby building. Some of the people in the crowd had guns and they shot [at them]. Kamala was hit. She was shot in the chest and lost consciousness. The rest were killed with swords. Witnesses told us that [attackers] said words related to religion like ‘Allah is taking you. So you must go.’ [Attackers] left her because they thought she was dead. We can say her account is very credible.

KZM: Did you interview any Muslims living in Maungdaw or Sittwe? What did they say?

MM: I met about six Muslims. Most of them were educated and businesspeople. Anyway, it is fair to say they were educated. They said they condemned such violence. Violence disrupts regional stability and order. They are in hardship now. There were attacks on 30 locations in Maungdaw District, and that also impacts urban areas. Grassroots poor Muslim families who have to rely on rivers and creeks for their daily livelihoods and who know nothing about politics also suffered from the impact of that conflict. They could not go to the market. There is no food and they have to share food with each other. There are two separate things here: ARSA claimed that it fights for its political goal, but its actions have shifted to terrorism. Their acts cannot move the situation for everyday people in a positive direction. At least, they should have displayed tolerance. Kofi Annan’s [Rakhine State Advisory] Commission formed by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has also provided recommendations. But [ARSA] didn’t wait for the implementation of those recommendations, and instead it launched attacks.

MM: We discussed this in last week’s Dateline. Attacks were launched on Aug. 25, the same day Kofi Annan submitted his recommendations to the government, the president and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The government said it would implement those recommendations. Then, immediately, attacks followed. It is fair to say attacks were launched even before that. [ARSA’s] response is that they didn’t accept Kofi Annan’s recommendations and their implementation by the government. They responded in a violent way.

MM: I think they are undermining the positive move made by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s government to solve the problem. Viewing ARSA’s recent official video clips on YouTube, its ultimate political goal is to build an Islamic State [for the Rohingya]. To put it bluntly, it is no longer about human rights. It is about self-interest, which is contrary to human rights. Reconciliation, I think, would be difficult in Maungdaw if they work to that end.

KZM: You mean it will be hard to reconcile between the two communities?

MM: Not just two sides, it is three parties now. One more party has been involved—the Hindu community. I’ve asked Hindus, and all of them unanimously said they dare not live together with [Muslims]. They will not go back to stay within Muslim quarters anymore and also refuse to accept government suggestions that they live together with Muslims. They asked the government for segregation.

KZM: What about other sub-ethnic groups such as the Mro [an Arakanese sub-group]? Did you interview them and what did they say?

MM: Mro people also dare not live [alongside Muslims]. They know nothing about politics. They don’t know who the Rohingya are. To put it bluntly, they don’t even know who the president of Myanmar is. Such people who lead a simple life on farms and who know nothing about urban life were killed, and fell victim to the conflict. They are frightened to death. They have lived and worked on hillside farms for generations and never experienced this before. Now, they have all moved.

KZM: Before you went to Maungdaw, the government declared ARSA a terrorist organization. Did you witness its activities on the ground in Maungdaw? To what extent is it involved in the Maungdaw [attacks]?

MM: What I found out is—I didn’t witness it—from the car I was in, I saw the location of a mine explosion on the way. It is obvious that ARSA has influence over local Muslim people. When I interviewed Muslim sources about ARSA, they were reluctant to answer. We must understand this. I also understand this, so I don’t disclose the identity of Muslim sources. Because if they criticize the government—they are businessmen and educated—it could impact their long-term relations [with the government]. But on the other hand, if they criticize ARSA and if we disclose their identity—there are previous examples of Muslim men beheaded after they gave interviews to the government. The situation is dangerous for them in the conflict zone.

KZM: Do you think this conflict will go on?

MM: It is very likely that it will continue. An Islamic State, which is the ultimate goal of ARSA according to their online video clips, will continue the conflict. This is quite sure. And regarding the geographical location of Maungdaw, it is surrounded by three large Muslim villages. There are at least 30,000 people. Of them, only Myo Thugyi is gone and two others remain intact. No houses were burned and there was no conflict there. So, it is fair to say there is still some hope for remedy. But if the goal of an Islamic State is real and people from those villages join them, the problem will get worse.

KZM: Thank you for your contribution!
Again you faggot came with baseless propaganda!

Where is the neutral source? Faggot...
Welcome back Aung Zaya,we all were really missing your delusional posts, were you the noble knight in shining armour,finally able to save the maiden from the hands of the evil monster?

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