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Rocket with Indian satellite explodes after launch

Indian scientists are rubbish when comes to satellite and missile technolgy they are failed in alll programmes without any foreign help they are dump most of missile test are failed now this huge explosion in sky imagine when the rocket got in sky indian scientist took deep breath and keep clapping but after few seconds it blows up hahahah imagine how would be their faces would be after clapping so hard

Well, I guess they are weak in Missile technology only.
Well, I guess they are weak in Missile technology only.


Than you are much weaker than us. We build long range SLBM and ICBM like K-4 and Agni-V. We have ballistic missile defence and SAM network. Forget them just look at Agni-III.

Why so jealous?
Being a senior member doesnt give you any right to troll.
If there isint a country as Pakistan, then how are you on PAKISTAN DEFENCE FORUM??

Then what is this if there isint any Pakistan?
YouTube - Pakistan growing fast militarily

Before posting read to the post I WAS REPLYING!!! We watch TV and call phone through Indian satellites than how Indian satellites are not there? If than there is nothing.
i dont think that a country who cant even built a satellite or even have launcher can comment on our success or failure because its our hard work may be we have failed but our success rate is far above than our failure rate
and pakistan space agency was established in 1961 ie 49 years and till now they had not even launched a single SLV..........
Indian space agency was established in 1969 8 years after pakistan and see where wee are

For kind Information

Pakistan has built its own satellite

Pakistan has two launch ranges: Somiani and Tilla

Somiani was constructed with NASA help and Tilla was constructed with Chinese and Polish help.

Pakistan has launched research rockets from its bases but our budget constrains dont permit us to do more therefore Chinese launch facility is used instead.

We are on a path of learning and building rather copy and pasting. Expect us to take time...a long time indeed given our budgetary situation.


Than you are much weaker than us. We build long range SLBM and ICBM like K-4 and Agni-V. We have ballistic missile defence and SAM network. Forget them just look at Agni-III.



Lots of hot air!
For kind Information

Pakistan has built its own satellite

Pakistan has two launch ranges: Somiani and Tilla

Somiani was constructed with NASA help and Tilla was constructed with Chinese and Polish help.

Pakistan has launched research rockets from its bases but our budget constrains dont permit us to do more therefore Chinese launch facility is used instead.

We are on a path of learning and building rather copy and pasting. Expect us to take time...a long time indeed given our budgetary situation.


Lots of hot air!

We will prove one day.
We dont have enough budget, but have got brains.
We will invent our own, not modify others!
Actually that happens only in cases

  1. when you have space program?
  2. when you are doing more than paint job
  3. when you testing new missiles not already tested missiles

so we are doing paint jobs and not developing our missiles but purchasing our missiles :rofl::rofl:
Indian scientists are rubbish when comes to satellite and missile technolgy they are failed in alll programmes without any foreign help they are dump most of missile test are failed now this huge explosion in sky imagine when the rocket got in sky indian scientist took deep breath and keep clapping but after few seconds it blows up hahahah imagine how would be their faces would be after clapping so hard

We will prove one day.
We dont have enough budget, but have got brains.
We will invent our own, not modify others!

What about your comment of 'Indian missile technology is weak'? Over? lol You didn't replied to my post!!! Do you have anything like that posted?

See one of this just launched from our previous launch vehicle..... learn first.... do you have any idea what this is?


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