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Rising Sun doesn't like to watch the Dragon rise

The sad part is that vast part of Manchu homeland is now Russian territory. Even now some Chinese still habor the hope of gettig back these territory, but let's face it, what is gone is gone.

correction,it is not vast part of Manchu homeland, it is most part that are russian territory. outer manchuria is actually where the manchus originated, but now it is complete russia. manchu as a nomadic race used to move accross the entire siberia which is almost as large as today's china. but, at least we are luckier than the germans. the entire prussia which united the whole germany is now poland.

however, nothing is forever. if we can win ww3, we might get back those land, otherwise we will lose even more.
The truth is japs never gave up the dream of world domination. After all Mitsubishi, NEC, sony and etc are all companies supported and built by imperial Japan. together, they provided all the equipments for the jap army in ww2. toyota, although created after WW2, is not clean either since its largest shareholder is mitsubishi ufj. when you look at former japanese prime ministers' family trees, you will see that most of them are descendants of convicted war criminals. the son of emperor showa, who had absolute control of japan before losing the war under the divine power, is still holding the throne of japan. even though all evidence points to emperor showa as the main culprit for ww2, he maintain his status using us-soviet rivalry.

western power never seem to learn. the british first supported japan with resource, money and technology to counter russia in the far east. in the end, britain lost all its interest and advantage in china to the japanese after ww1. in ww2, japan was nearly successful in re-colonizing all the british colony in asia. the creation of soviet union is partly due to russia's lost in the russo-japan war, heavy military must by stationed in the far east which reduce the number of force to protect Moscow. by supporting japan, britain ended up with two enemies, the imperial japanese army in ww2 and communist force. usa used japan to block the ussr, yet in the 1980, japanese toppled many american companies and most of the us economy . they bought half of hawaii and Rockefeller centre, the symbol of us empire. soviet union collapsed by themself yet usa will have created another malignant super power were there no us force in japan. now usa is ignoring the re-arming of japan in hope to curb china, but as history has repeatedly shown, supporting japanese rise will lead to backfire. once japan is successful regain its military power, will the usa be able to win another pacific war? the consequence for usa might even be worse.

Well, USA has troops in Japan for a reason --> The West doesn't want Japan to become too powerful.
however, nothing is forever. if we can win ww3, we might get back those land, otherwise we will lose even more.
And what's the point? China is already risking being contained, if not already. Last thing you want is your northern neighbour be part of that containment.
We should follow the example of western Europe, where the national territories changes so often during past centuries, Germany, Poland, Austro-Hungary empire, Austria etc had seen their nations expand and shrinked, yet today they co-exist peacefully.

China and Japan must let go of the past ghost of first and second Sino-Japan War and other wars before that, no matter how bloody and painful it was. And Japan should not so sentive to every movement of Chinese naval ships into Pacific Ocean.

I can not understand "the Chinese Threat to Japan" as China has never invade Japan, (the unsuccessful Mongolian invasion fleet under Ghenghis Khan is not considered Chinese action). Morever the Japanese Marine Self Defence force (not a navy officially) is far more powerful than the PLA Navy.
the Japanese Marine Self Defence force (not a navy officially) is far more powerful than the PLA Navy.

With due respect i do not agree with this..and I'm sure more members here will have same feeling..
the Japanese Marine Self Defence force (not a navy officially) is far more powerful than the PLA Navy.

With due respect i do not agree with this..and I'm sure more members here will have same feeling..

Don't sweat it. The chinese members here aren't.

A point though. A Naval war between Japan and China won't be a pure naval war. Land based aircraft and cruise missiles will have sufficient range to play the bigger role in a conflict than the navy. Unless Japan moves itself 1000 miles to the east, it will have to deal with the whole of the PLAAF as well.
the Japanese Marine Self Defence force (not a navy officially) is far more powerful than the PLA Navy.

With due respect i do not agree with this..and I'm sure more members here will have same feeling..

I think you have mistaken the concept of the "Japanese Self Defense Force" as a whole. They are compeled to purchase Aegis Combat System and subcontract a significant portion of all military hardware (including F-2) manufacturing to US companies. In an all out war scenario, the US military assumes full command of the Japanese military, South Korea and Nato alike.
And what's the point? China is already risking being contained, if not already. Last thing you want is your northern neighbour be part of that containment.

There are much easier targets around china. The Japs went all the way to India for territorial expansion instead of the much closer soviet union.
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I think you have mistaken the concept of the "Japanese Self Defense Force" as a whole. They are compeled to purchase Aegis Combat System and subcontract a significant portion of all military hardware (including F-2) manufacturing to US companies. In an all out war scenario, the US military assumes full command of the Japanese military, South Korea and Nato alike.

Japanese Navy is in general technologically superior to Chinese navy. Although Aegis is the most mature shipborne air defence system, it cannot intercept cruise missiles like YJ-8 series that operate 2metres above sealevel. also you have to understand that FAC of the Chinese navy can cause significant damage since the two countries are so close.

You know the the Japanese navy operates the largest conventional submarines in the world. however, the average depth of east sea and yellow sea is very shallow compared to south sea or the middle of pacific. although Japanese subs probably have lower ascorbic signature, yet their sheer size makes them easy target in shallow water. the north korean type mini sub is a much better choice for japan if it is preparing for war against each other.
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