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Rising Sun doesn't like to watch the Dragon rise

There is no such thing as hindu or indian dna u total walley! :hitwall:

Time for you to go back school me thinks


See this? Look at this map, look at where India is normally located.

See IN and DR?

IN is Indo European and DR is Dravidian. Notice how they have 50%+ of Haplogroup L? while no other country has Haplo group L? Only the people living around India has Haplogroup L, it is Indian dna
ERMMMMM Guys i am studying Japanese and i am applying to this University in Japan. But i don't like the racial quotes, that Japans' polictics have said. I always thought Japan was peaceful, please tell me i ain't got nothing to worry about.

Just learn Japanese etiquette and you will be fine. Bow dont shake hands etc and there is some food related issues you could learn for your trip.

See this? Look at this map, look at where India is normally located.

See IN and DR?

IN is Indo European and DR is Dravidian. Notice how they have 50%+ of Haplogroup L? while no other country has Haplo group L? Only the people living around India has Haplogroup L, it is Indian dna

Gene study reveals Indian origins › News in Science (ABC Science)

US and Indian scientists took blood samples from 132 individuals from 25 diverse groups in India, representing 13 states, all six language families as well as tribal groups and castes.
By examining the volunteers' DNA, two ancestral populations emerge, which dominate the Indian genome today, the researchers say.
"Different Indian groups have inherited 40% to 80% of their ancestry from a population that we call the Ancestral North Indians, who are related to western Eurasians, and the rest from the Ancestral South Indians, who are not related to any group outside India," says Harvard Medical School geneticist David Reich.
The north-south finding is in line with a scenario that suggests a small number of venturers, the so-called Austro-Asiatic people, first moved into the sub-continent about 60,000 years ago.

For example, the Siddi people in south-western India have a signature of African genes, consistent with their origin, which involved the Arab slave trade. The Nyshi and Ao Naga groups in the far northeast, cluster with Chinese genotypes, which correlates with their use of Tibeto-Burman languages.
The investigators, whose work is published by the journal Nature, point to a range of intriguing discoveries.
Things would be even worse if USA leaves Japan to be the BOSS in East Asia. World War 2 stills haunts Asia.

Bad blood: China-Japan timeline
Bad blood: China-Japan timeline

Also I doubt USA will be happy to let Japan have be independent politically and militarily from USA. USA still remembers Pearl Harbour and USA doesn't want Japan to be a threat to the USA in the future.

Anyways :

The Japan That Can Say No

The Japan That Can Say No - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is wrong with Japan being the Boss of Asia? Yes, WW II still haunts Asia, but let me reminds you western nations had also ravaged Asia for more than a century. Even though I don't agree with the action of the Japanese had taken during the WW II, but one of their objective was to free Asia from western colonist powers and united everyone under one Asia. And as today Japanese can certainly be the role model of Asian countries, and the disciplines of its citizen had displayed will take more than hundred years for any other nations to learn. If you have been to any game or event that have Japanese hold you will understand what I mean. Just take a look at how people behave in Shanghai expo this year and how people behave in Aichi expo 2005. This has nothing to do with the income level or anything else in that matter. China passed Japan for GDP this year, and maybe sometimes in this century will come close for GDP per capital with Japan, but it will take much longer for people in China to reach the maturity that Japanese have shown to the world.

Since we are on this object, let me tell you this. Even the language itself, China in the history had brought Chinese characters into Japan through Korea, but for modern Chinese language its was heavily influenced by Japanese. Words like service(服务), organization(组织), discipline(纪律), politics(政治), revolution(革命), government(政府), party(政党), guideline(方针), policy(政策), application(申请), solution(解决), theory(理论), philosophy(哲学), principle(原则), economics(经济), science(科学), business(商业), officers(干部), health(健康), socialism(社会主义), capitalism(资本主义), communism(共产主义), law(法律), feudalism(封建), republic(共和), aesthetics(美学), literature(文学), abstract(抽象) and much more were all imported words from Japan. There is a really good book about the relationship between Japan and China on this in Chinese called "100 Excuses". There is a more complete list of these words. So yes, I think they have the right to be the leader of Asia for now until let's say China can compete with Japan in all aspect including individual levels.

Japan is the only one country in this world had suffered from nuclear attack. Militarism is not going to be very popular among its people, even though there some people from time to time will make some noise about it, but they are the minorities as every country has those. The sooner China and Korea can move beyond what happened in WW II, the sooner Japan will move towards a better directions. The unfair mistreatment and distrust towards Germany after WW I did not helped Germany becoming a more peaceful and friendly country, it actually pushed it toward the other direction. It is a lesson people in Asia should learn.
Well there's one problem with Japan being "boss of Asia"

That is it doesn't want to be and it is even written in its Constitution. They need special exemptions every time they want to deploy military force.

China being boss of Asia however has many benefits. First, after North Korea falls it will probably take it over and provide much needed stability. Second, check on Russia. Third, mass produced toys for Americans ;).

Although Japanese electronics are really sexy so hard to say.
but one of their objective was to free Asia from western colonist powers and united everyone under one Asia

Why did Japan invade Russia then?

Why did they kill babies?

Reports also showed that soldiers would throw newborn babies in the air and use them as moving bayonet practice.The Japanese soldiers would also cut off the heads of the Chinese with their Samurai swords and stack them in various ways.


Japan was there to exterminate not liberate
Yes but I never said that Hindus were inferior, just that Hindu DNA has never mixed with Tibetan DNA while most Tibetans have DNA that is 40%+ Chinese

If you keep emphasizing on the superiority of DNA, then I have to say that from what I can see, Japanese has proven to be a much superior race than the Chinese as they had shown in the last century. So stop this idiotic claim of yours.
One Japanese told me we were coming to India to liberate not conquer during the British raj i took that with a pinch of salt lucky we kicked their *** in burma.
Why did Japan invade Russia then?

Why did they kill babies?

Reports also showed that soldiers would throw newborn babies in the air and use them as moving bayonet practice.The Japanese soldiers would also cut off the heads of the Chinese with their Samurai swords and stack them in various ways.

Japan was there to exterminate not liberate

After 50 years of occupation of Japanese in Taiwan, many of them are actually quite fond of Japanese. During WW II, China was too big for Japan to peacefully to occupy, even though I strongly disagree with Japanese's method, but they deployed what you call shock and awe tactics to the Chinese population, as Mongols and Manchurian had did with China in the past. Believe me on this when I say Mongols and Manchurians killed much more Chinese during their invasion and early occupation of China in the past. During the 50 years of late Ming dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, China's population dropped from 140 millions to less than 40 millions.
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Did Japan ever say sorry for these acts on mainland China? do Japan even admit to them taking place in the first place i wonder
Did Japan ever say sorry for these acts on mainland China? do Japan even admit to them taking place in the first place i wonder

Like said we can only learn from history, we're a fortunate generation not to have endured that terrible times. This is a new generation of Japanese and they should not have to pay the sins of their ancestors. If not this generation will only be stuck in bitterness.
Like said we can only learn from history, we're a fortunate generation not to have endured that terrible times. This is a new generation of Japanese and they should not have to pay the sins of their ancestors. If not this generation will only be stuck in bitterness.

Oh yeah i totally agree its 2010 not 1940's even during India partition millions died but its time to move on and leave the past behind.

The way i look at it is if Germany and Uk can be friends who fought ww1 ww2 on the opp sides then why not the rest of us.
Did Japan ever say sorry for these acts on mainland China? do Japan even admit to them taking place in the first place i wonder

See, that you really got to blame the Americans. Because right after the WW II, many of the Japanese War Criminals including Taro Aso's grandfather Shigeru Yoshida were brought back into politics from imprisonment by the Americans because no one else left in Japan has the power to fight politically with the communist party of Japan. It is much easier for Germany to blame everything on and apologize for the previous government where as for Japan it is different. They did apologize for what they did in WW II, but I guess not as sincere as others has demanded. Give it time, they will face that period of history with better attitude. It happens with all the countries with their incumbent government. How long it took US to apologize for its government's wrong doings?
It may be pointless to try to establish which World War Two Axis aggressor, Germany or Japan, was the more brutal to the peoples it victimised. The Germans killed six million Jews and 20 million Russians [i.e. Soviet citizens]; the Japanese slaughtered as many as 30 million Filipinos, Malays, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Indonesians and Burmese, at least 23 million of them ethnic Chinese. Both nations looted the countries they conquered on a monumental scale, though Japan plundered more, over a longer period, than the Nazis. Both conquerors enslaved millions and exploited them as forced labourers—and, in the case of the Japanese, as [forced] prostitutes for front-line troops. If you were a Nazi prisoner of war from Britain, America, Australia, New Zealand or Canada (but not Russia) you faced a 4% chance of not surviving the war; [by comparison] the death rate for Allied POWs held by the Japanese was nearly 30%.

Japan without dispute certainly committed appalling acts during that period.
But a few Japanese people i spoke to disputed the figures of the number of dead, i was told China exaggerated claims. Even when i said 'why were u trying to come to India' the japanese said to me the reason was to liberate India from the british raj, i took that with a pinch of salt though.
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