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Rising middle class in Bangladesh

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Since you can't acheive any of those-an ICBM,a moon mission,a car,a Metro system you keep bragging here....
If we hadn't done 1972 there would have been NO bangladesh:chilli:
There are millions of illegal bangladeshi immigrants in India...you know that:rofl:
If you want to compare kid compare with kerala with HDI of 0.92

My suggestion, when you fly for a moon landing ask BD to supply you a toilet for use in there. Indians, learn the basics of living a civilized life. Your space mission has already angered the British taxpayers and the Parliament because that country donates about $439 million each year to provide basic amenities to your poors. In the one hand you beg from other countries, on the other hand you fantacize with moon landing! Indians are very shallow minded.
Go away idiots,this thread is not about how superior you are.
satisfy yourselves in your section.

Did you think their backward den of Hindutva terror is somehow 'superior' to Dhaka? Do you live in Dhaka, Mr?

Remember, all of the following is true when BD is under a stooge regime that has held back progress through its mismanagement, treachery, irregularities, corruption and what not.

Some night time images of Dhaka, Bangladesh






There is essentially nothing at which they are 'superior' at the current stage that is not cancelled by the enormous problems plaguing their society. While BAL has failed to progress with a mass transit project in any of the major cities, for example, Bangladesh still does not have to cope with a fraction of the enormous number of uncouth barbaric Hindutva radicals that they have to do.

What a joke of a country is the backward hub of radical Hindutva extremist Brahminist terror that they wallow in the filth of their own Nanga Sadhus by the side of the polluted Ganges while worshipping their "Lord" Hanuman.
In Gulshan, from street level, in broad day light.



Also in Dhaka


The attempt should be to compete with Bangkok, Jakarta, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, then Greater Malaysia, SG, HK, Tokyo maybe a long, long time in the future. No well informed and sane person should try to link up BD with the radical "Ram Rajya" that Hindutva terrorists have established, and the other failed state led by some military junta who would go back to eating dead insects and monkey brains the moment some determined, intelligent statesman is at the helm of affairs in BD.
All Mumbai/Delhi and Dhaka are very beautiful in my opinion, I find them all mindblowing. all have Good and bad in them so stop arguing.
Looks like bombed out craters glowing in the dark? Show some daytime images that are not heavily edited
A$$ burning :rofl:
A picture edited with fill light option....
For you only

List of tallest buildings in Mumbai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Computer generated imagery?
Project already started:P

Is that supposed to be impressive?
A whole skyline of glasss and steel buildings do not make you impressed??
compare this with dhaka...

road quality....:rofl:

Road in a tier 3 city Thiruvavanthapuram

lso in Dhaka

compare this with India...


The attempt should be to compete with Bangkok, Jakarta, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, then Greater Malaysia, SG, HK, Tokyo maybe a long, long time in the future. No well informed and sane person should try to link up BD with the radical "Ram Rajya" that Hindutva terrorists have established, and the other failed state led by some military junta who would go back to eating dead insects and monkey brains the moment some determined, intelligent statesman is at the helm of affairs in BD.

Nah...Dhaka is much better than those cities....
What happened to $ 5 billion airport???
Did you think their backward den of Hindutva terror is somehow 'superior' to Dhaka? Do you live in Dhaka, Mr?

Remember, all of the following is true when BD is under a stooge regime that has held back progress through its mismanagement, treachery, irregularities, corruption and what not.

Some night time images of Dhaka, Bangladesh




Really really impressed I am:rofl:
I have seen such skyline in tier 2/3Indian cities
Kochi skyline


There is essentially nothing at which they are 'superior' at the current stage that is not cancelled by the enormous problems plaguing their society. While BAL has failed to progress with a mass transit project in any of the major cities, for example, Bangladesh still does not have to cope with a fraction of the enormous number of uncouth barbaric Hindutva radicals that they have to do.

Whine whine and whine...

Kolkata airport...

Now bring on your $5 billion airport
Your space mission has already angered the British taxpayers and the Parliament because that country donates about $439 million each year to provide basic amenities to your poors. In the one hand you beg from other countries, on the other hand you fantacize with moon landing! Indians are very shallow minded.
UK gives 280 million dollar aid to India...
What do India give??




India is a net recipient of aid from western countries. Yet, when India's poors die of malnutrtion, its PM arranges a kind Africa-aid summit to impress others. He makes hoax promises that are never delivered. Check and inform us the follow-ups of the promises it makes to Africa. By the way, India has more poor population than the total of Sub-Sahara Africa.
India is a net recipient of aid from western countries. Yet, when India's poors die of malnutrtion, its PM arranges a kind Africa-aid summit to impress others. He makes hoax promises that are never delivered. Check and inform us the follow-ups of the promises it makes to Africa. By the way, India has more poor population than the total of Sub-Sahara Africa.

Any thing more....???
India gives a lot of aid to Africa ,afganistan and even Bangladesh....:chilli::rofl:

"Indian aid to Afghanistan

India has no military presence in Afghanistan. An estimated 3,000 Indian nationals in Afghanistan work for reconstruction companies, international aid agencies or are Indian government employees working at the consulates and embassies.
As part of its humanitarian mission, India established field clinics and a children's hospital. It also runs a program providing midday-meals to about 2 million Afghan schoolchildren.
In the construction sector, an important work constructed by Indians is the 217 kilometreDelaram–Zaranj Highway, or Route 606 by Indian construction agencies in Southern Afghanistan, the completion of which in August 2009 has given a viable alternative route for duty free movement of goods through the Chahabar port in Iran to Afghanistan. Road building has been a prominent component of India reconstruction aid – over 700 kilometres of roads have been built in the preceding eight years. The hallmark project of the Indian aid effort is a majestic domed edifice costing $125 million for the Afghan Parliament which is likely to be completed at the end of 2011.
The government of India has also provided assistance in strengthening institutions and human resource development. Scholarships were provided in 2009 for 700 Afghan citizens while Afghan public servants were granted access to government training institutions in India for periods ranging from days to six months. The Indian government furthermore provides scholarships to more than 1,000 Afghan students per year.
According to Foreign Policy, which analysed perceptions about India especially among Pashtuns from Kabul to Kandahar, "the widespread support in the Pashtun heartland for an even greater Indian role in rebuilding the Afghan economy and society" is "striking".[2] In 2011 India and Afghanistan signed the Strategic Partnership Agreement which would allow India to train and equip Afghan security forces."

'China and Indiahave showed increasing interest in emerging African economies in the 21st century. Reciprocal investment between Africa and China increased dramatically in recent years amidst the current world financial crisis.'

"Our Good Friend and Cousin": India in Afghanistan / ISN



What about other things i said above???
Real Mumbai and Bangalore as seen by a foreign tourist. Notice how Indians also heap lots of praise on the tourist for the 'nice' photographs.

ChErGi's Mumbai & Bangalore trip!! - SkyscraperCity

Real Mumbai and Bangalore as seen by a foreign tourist. Notice how Indians also heap lots of praise on the tourist for the 'nice' photographs.

ChErGi's Mumbai & Bangalore trip!! - SkyscraperCity

The member as a girl....that explains the praise:lol::lol:
She just photographed suburbs....she didnt even photograph Downtowns....

Now see the downtown..

also real mumbai !!!


Bombay and beyond - Page 39
Any thing more....???
India gives a lot of aid to Africa ,afganistan and even Bangladesh....:chilli::rofl:

"Indian aid to Afghanistan

India does not give aid to Bd and BD does not want it from a poor country like India. India has extended only a credit line to sell its low quality goods to BD. See what our BRAC is doing in Afghanistan. Comparing to this your govt effort is only 10% of what BRAC is doing in social sectors.

BRAC in Afghanistan: Quietly Making Large Impact | BRAC-BRAC in Afghanistan: Quietly Making Large Impact

BRAC in Afghanistan: Quietly Making Large Impact

We hope that this is the beginning of more press coverage over the work being done by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Afghanistan.

BRAC is one such organization, and we have been working in Afghanistan since 2002. Many Afghan refugees began returning to their war-torn country that year. To BRAC’s founders, such post-conflict humanitarian crisis was similar to what they lived through in Bangladesh after the Bangladesh War. It was in such post-war environment that BRAC was first founded in 1972, not unlike how BRAC Afghanistan was started thirty years later.

With its trademark multi-sector operations in the country, BRAC is now the largest NGO operating in Afghanistan. BRAC Afghanistan is following the path of BRAC Bangladesh to become a fully-scaled up NGO with interventions across multiple sectors to attack the various causes of poverty and create nation-wide impact. BRAC in Bangladesh became an NGO conglomerate over its 38-year history, with great depth and breadth of development activities. BRAC Afghanistan is thirty years younger than BRAC Bangladesh, but the same is in the making in Afghanistan too.

Eight years since starting out, BRAC Afghanistan now employs over 3,400 people across five programs – microfinance, health, education, capacity building & training, and the National Solidarity Program. BRAC has a nationwide footprint, with at least one program in all 34 provinces of Afghanistan. Afghans make up about 3,200 of the total staff, and their ethnic make-up is diverse – Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, etc. Over 40% of the staff is comprised of Afghan women. BRAC Afghanistan’s work in aggregate impacts over 12 million people in the country.

BRAC is also a force in cultivating Afghanistan’s SME sector. In 2006 BRAC founded BRAC Bank Afghanistan (BBA), a full service bank with an SME focus. To date, the bank has made over $35 million in loans to 6,000 customers.

It goes without saying that the security situation makes it difficult to operate in Afghanistan. Staff members have been held up at gunpoint before. One branch of BRAC Bank Afghanistan was actually attacked by a group of armed men, resulting in a firefight with the police as the branch staff remained holed up inside (fortunately, no staff members were hurt). Challenges there are many, too many to list here. But in the face of these challenges, BRAC staff in Afghanistan has been resilient. It is their resilience that will grow BRAC Afghanistan into an even larger organization creating greater impact.

Speaking to the youthful staff, BRAC to them is less a Bangladeshi organization and more a home-grown one in Afghanistan. Tameem, a manager at BRAC Bank Afghanistan, said “I have to work hard and study hard. Someday I want to be the Managing Director of this bank.”

Naila is the Bank’s Compliance Manager. She spent the last seven years working during the day while attending school at night to earn her BBA degree. She is the first person in her family to take up a career in banking. “I am hopeful about the future,” she says. “There is big potential for BRAC Bank in Afghanistan.”

A part of Afghanistan’s rebuilding effort is the “South-South collaboration,” and BRAC Afghanistan is at the forefront of it. About 200 of 3,400 total staff at BRAC Afghanistan are Bangladeshis who honed their field expertise through their work with BRAC in Bangladesh. They are starting and running programs, developing capacity, and cultivating people so BRAC becomes a 100% locally managed development organization in Afghanistan. The flow of personnel is not just one-way; Afghan managers also travel to Bangladesh for advance training with BRAC, matriculatation in public health degree programs at BRAC University in Dhaka, etc. They return to Afghanistan to commence their work with BRAC there at the completion of their education and training.

This form of “South-South collaboration” has had spillover effects in other countries. Over the last nine years, many Bangladeshis who were replaced by qualified Afghan staff have moved on to other post-conflict countries where BRAC also operates. With field experience from both Bangladesh and Afghanistan, such colleagues are now starting up and managing BRAC programs in places such as Uganda, Tanzania, Southern Sudan, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Haiti, and Pakistan.

Regardless of what debate rages among the media or inside the Beltway over Afghanistan, the 3,400+ staff of BRAC Afghanistan quietly carry on with their work at all 34 provinces of the country. They are credit officers, Community Health Workers, teachers of BRAC’s community based schools, trainers at BRAC’s Training and Resource Center, managers of the National Solidarity Program, loan officers of BRAC Bank Afghanistan, and much more.
India does not give aid to Bd and BD does not want it from a poor country like India. India has extended only a credit line to sell its low quality goods to BD. See what our BRAC is doing in Afghanistan. Comparing to this your govt effort is only 10% of what BRAC is doing in social sectors.
lol super rich bangladesh....:P
A$$ burning :rofl:
A picture edited with fill light option....
For you only

List of tallest buildings in Mumbai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. If your posterior is burning, it may be due to numerous reasons including lack of sanitation for 800 million in your country. There is no need to explain your pain in such explicit manner.
2. Wikipedia=BS.
3. Tallest buildings in the world are mostly located in GCC, and East Asia.

Dhaka in broad daylight

Looks much better than any gawdy, tasteless, unaesthetic piece of architecture in India reminiscent of bombed out Berlin.

1. Indian media=BS
2. Even you now admit that was a computer generated imagery because project has not been completed.

A whole skyline of glasss and steel buildings do not make you impressed??
compare this with dhaka...


You post this against




There is no need to argue, members can judge on their own which one is far more pleasing to the eye. Nevertheless, it must be mentioned that no sane and knowledgeable member from BD should even compare with the hapless backward regime of India. Instead, BD should aspire to be as developed as HK.
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