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Rising India or Falling India

One American scholar Mr. Huck Gutman had said in his Article that in the last decade of previous Century, American corporations had increased their businesses and thus profits worldwide and there is no benefit of this to the common Americans. Their Wages are still standing where that was in 1978 or decreasing.

The other American, The editor of Black Agenda Radio, Mr. Glen Ford, in his article “Numbers tricks mask declining wages and rising inequality” describe that Americans made fool by capitalists. He said that the current economical conditions are far worst than the stock market crash in 1929, but still Americans do not bother to talk about the economy. The reason is that the big corporations have hold over America and its media. And they made it so complex, that the common people could not understand the economy without advanced knowledge. So making them unable to find out how money gathers in the pockets of rich people.

From the article, these are merely statements that are untrue and have no data to back up. This is called "Rich envy" in America, where the uneducated masses are feed with propaganda for benefitting for a political means. In the world of economic and free market society it is a Charles Darwins theory where you have to compet. These people can easily play a blame game, but never once thinks that the person that needs to improve is ME.

Such shameful article where taking example of small aspect of the population and making it from rise to fall. This game is played in America everyday, just go to inner cities where there lies nothing but hopelessness that rich people has done this to us, and constantly thriving on gov't money, which the middle class is burden with.

And I hope you start doing that from now

I am already responding calmly and positively.

And where is that coming from. Not out of thin air but because of the industriousness of ordinary Indians.

Indians are not becoming poorer. Their income is increasing every year. I see that all around me. Though obviously a lot remains to be done. Same as in your country

Vinod, don't be silly. The one in Zimbabwe, whose earning was far less than what he is earning now is also getting poorer every day. If you start getting more units of currency than past that does not mean that your poverty started declining. The price of egg in Zimbabwe was less than a Zimbabwe dollar and what is the price now???

If you need 1000 Rs to spend your month, while you earn 100. How can you consider yourself as not poor? Then, your earnings increased from 100 to 150 but the cost of life went to 1500. How can you say that your poverty is decreasing, as you getting more than past?

Yes india is rising and thats the truth...the poverty is decreasing day by day...if i take ur logic than poverty haven't not decreased for the last 50 years around the world..china is still da same..is'nt it??indian earning power has increased more then the inflation in the past few years...even though there r large no. of poor ppl in india its not static..

And I hope you start doing that from now

I am already responding calmly and positively.

And where is that coming from. Not out of thin air but because of the industriousness of ordinary Indians.

Indians are not becoming poorer. Their income is increasing every year. I see that all around me. Though obviously a lot remains to be done. Same as in your country

Vinod, don't be silly. The one in Zimbabwe, whose earning was far less than what he is earning now is also getting poorer every day. If you start getting more units of currency than past that does not mean that your poverty started declining. The price of egg in Zimbabwe was less than a Zimbabwe dollar and what is the price now???

If you need 1000 Rs to spend your month, while you earn 100. How can you consider yourself as not poor? Then, your earnings increased from 100 to 150 but the cost of life went to 1500. How can you say that your poverty is decreasing, as you getting more than past?

Yes india is rising and thats the truth...the poverty is decreasing day by day...if i take ur logic than poverty haven't not decreased for the last 50 years around the world..china is still da same..is'nt it??indian earning power has increased more then the inflation in the past few years...even though there r large no. of poor ppl in india its not static..

I really have no idea what are you talking about. You are making a compareson of apples and oranges. Indian inflation rate has stayed steady for a decade know, there are lots of indicator for growth and decline. But one key indicator for a fast growth is the employment rate. You will see in the last decade how India's employement rate has grown, and that is the meaning of trickle down effect, where a economy would grow and starts benefiting the people.
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