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Rising India or Falling India



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Jan 20, 2008
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Sajjad Ahmad
13 February 2008

India had successfully presented itself as a rising nation. But, for some reasons, they did not mention that India is rising from which aspect. India had made a significant progress in business and economy though but the impact of this progress is not visible inside India in any manner.

In the last 18 years, India’s foreign reserves increased from 1 billion dollars to 266 billion dollars and also its per capita national income but the National Commission for Enterprises (NCE) had submitted that 77% of Indians only have HALF a dollar per day to spend their lives.

Another institute in India, Madras Institute of Development had said that around 2 hundred thousands farmers in last 10 years had committed suicide.

As they have taken loans from private Hindu lenders and unable to pay back the burden of Interest and the principle money. Lack of Gov. support, poor prices of output etc are some of the reasons of it.

Thanks to entrepreneurs, the entrepreneurism and the capitalistic system. Today India is really a Rising India. I hope that God save us at least from this kind of rising thing.

One American scholar Mr. Huck Gutman had said in his Article that in the last decade of previous Century, American corporations had increased their businesses and thus profits worldwide and there is no benefit of this to the common Americans. Their Wages are still standing where that was in 1978 or decreasing.

The other American, The editor of Black Agenda Radio, Mr. Glen Ford, in his article “Numbers tricks mask declining wages and rising inequality” describe that Americans made fool by capitalists. He said that the current economical conditions are far worst than the stock market crash in 1929, but still Americans do not bother to talk about the economy. The reason is that the big corporations have hold over America and its media. And they made it so complex, that the common people could not understand the economy without advanced knowledge. So making them unable to find out how money gathers in the pockets of rich people.

Indians have habit to copy the success stories into their own book. So is going to the same way the west is on and having the same problems too. I hope that for west it is still Rising India. No matter how many farmers commit suicide, no matter if 77% of the population has half a dollar to spend their day, no matter if half of the nation sleeps without food and on the road. But for the people like us, it is Falling India.


The body of ” Praveen Vijay Bhakamwar “, whose accumulated debts of Rs 40,000 - less than US$ 900 - pushed him to suicide. Bhakamwar leaves behind three daughters and a son

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The picture of children of sex workers in India


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private Hindu lenders

Indicates the slant of the article.

A trifle burning with jealousy, right?

What has Hindu got to do with money lenders?

In Mhow, I have seen many taking money from Bohra money lenders. So?

If India is sinking or rising, should it worrying him so much so that he loses sleep?

What has sex workers got to do with this article? In fact, that picture indicates a lecture being conducted. Sex workers are everywhere in the world. What is Lahore Hiramandi? A paradise of virtuous women?
No context no Link? btw India rising is a slogan for Indian consumption you can draw parallels with speeches of your countries leaders.
No context no Link? btw India rising is a slogan for Indian consumption you can draw parallels with speeches of your countries leaders.

He wrote the article himself.

Sorry Saj, but you have a long way to go. Don't expect any media house to publish this rather substandard piece.

Do a little more research, and please remember to keep a neutral attitude.
Rich gets richer and poor gets shafted not only a Indian problem i believe you can find this disease in any country you pick Including Pakistan.
India worse than Pakistan, Bangladesh on nourishment
2 Jul, 2008, 1130 hrs IST,
NEW DELHI: India is worse than Bangladesh and Pakistan when it comes to nourishment and is showing little improvement in the area despite big money being spent on it, says Planning Commission member Syeda Hameed.

"There has been an enormous infusion of funds. But the National Family Health Survey gives a different story on malnourishment in the country. We don't know, something is just not clicking," Hameed said.

Speaking at a conference on "Malnutrition an emergency: what it costs the nation", she said even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during interactions with the Planning Commission has described malnourishment as the "blackest mark".

"I should not compare. But countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are better," she said. The conference was organised Monday by the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Ministry of Development of Northeastern Region.

According to India's National Family Health Survey, almost 46 per cent of children under the age of three are undernourished - an improvement of just one per cent in the last seven years. This is only a shade better than Sub-Saharan Africa where about 35 percent of children are malnourished.

Hameed said the government's Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) programme, which is a flagship programme to improve the health of women and children, had not shown results despite a lot of money being spent on it in the past few years.

"We have not been successful in improving the status of health of our women and children," she added.
The annual budget for women and child development (WCD) ministry in 2008-9 is Rs.72 billion. Of this, Rs.63 billion is for ICDS.

According to Unicef, every year 2.1 million children in India die before celebrating their fifth birthday. While malnutrition is the primary reason behind it, other factors like lack of health facilities, hygiene and good nutrition compound the problem.

Narrating her experiences while travelling the length and breadth of the country, Hameed said in many areas women were still starving and finding it difficult to feed their children.

She said emphasis should be given on inclusive breast-feeding for six months after a child's birth, maternity benefits for pregnant women and food fortification of ready to eat mid-day meals.

"We are concerned and worried that we are losing human beings in such a manner. It is a disappointment and a blot. We have just improved a fraction and we are determined that we do not let it get worse," she said.

"It is frustrating to see this dark and dismal picture of undernourishment in the country. We have to learn the experiences from other South Asian countries," she added.

The NFHS survey found that levels of anaemia in children and women had worsened compared to seven years ago -- around 56 per cent of women and 79 per cent of children below three years are anaemic.

Vinita Bali, managing director of Britannia Industries, said the problem was very critical and action was needed from both the government and the industry.

She said their "Tiger" biscuits had been fortified with iron and had shown amazing results. These biscuits have been provided to children in Hyderabad with a mid-day meal.

"We conducted a study and found that in six months of taking these biscuits, the haemoglobin increased. The biscuits are not only healthy but also fortified," she said.

Victor Aguayo, the head of child nutrition and development at Unicef, said fighting malnourishment is central to the survival of the child.

"There should be a balance between prevention and treatment. Our focus should be to target the most vulnerable and then only we will have a much healthier future for India," he added.

Now please, don't credit me for above article.
India is definitely rising.

Lots of starving people, but also lots of improvements technologically.

Starving people aren't going to be driving any technology for sure. So perhaps they're spending the money in the right places for a brighter India tomorrow.

Yes, yes, now the Indians will accuse me of racism and bigotry without thinking. Go ahead :coffee:

Sad about the old man I must say..capitalism indeed :tsk:
India is definitely rising.

Lots of starving people, but also lots of improvements technologically.

Starving people aren't going to be driving any technology for sure. So perhaps they're spending the money in the right places for a brighter India tomorrow.

Yes, yes, now the Indians will accuse me of racism and bigotry without thinking. Go ahead :coffee:

Sad about the old man I must say..capitalism indeed :tsk:

Look man. We've tried Tribalism, Monarchy, Oligarchy, Communism and they've all failed us.

We've tried democracy, capitalism and it has worked better. Marginally.

The sad fact is, that the only perfect system is one in which everybody has perfect knowledge. Considering the average IQ of a human specimen, that's unlikely to happen.

So we do the best we can, with our limited intelligence and consequently our inefficient, corrupt systems which benefit some and harm others. Our only hope is that perhaps the benefactors outnumber the sufferers.

Ofcourse, since "we" are infact benefactors, we conveniently, and rightly so, put the sufferers out of sight and out of mind.

There is no justice my friend. Its all an illusion.
It is easier to point out problems in other countries and conveniently ignoring the mess at home.
^^^Okay now please don't start a statistics war. Its a waste of time.
india is far from perfect, or rich. but we are in a much better state today than we were 20 years ago. so i'd say we are rising.
We do have a long way to go. There are all kinds of problems in India including poverty, illiteracy, social backwardness, inept bureaucracy, plethora of apathetic and dishonest politicians... I can go on.

The idea was not to deny that India is in a bad position now. Just to deny some sadists the pleasure that they are better off just by denigrating India. Since that is the only thing that seems to please some.

It is indeed better for both of us to look at the problems nearer home and try to resolve them. South Asia as a region has a long way to go. The pathetic mentality of cutting your nose to spite the face should be the first to go.
the fact is that we are improving, and at good pace at that. so sny statements about india falling
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