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RIP: Chinese Pigs reach heaven

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Mar 17, 2013
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Number of dead pigs from China waters rises to 12,566

BEIJING — The number of dead pigs retrieved from waters in and near China's financial hub of Shanghai has reached 12,566.

Authorities in Shanghai plucked 611 dead pig carcasses Saturday from Huangpu river, which provides drinking water to the city's 23 million residents. In total, 8,965 dead pigs have been found in the river since March 8.

The swollen and rotting pigs are largely believed to be from the upstream city of Jiaxing in neighboring Zhejiang province, but Zhao Shumei, a deputy mayor, said it was inconclusive to say all the pigs were from her city.

Jiaxing — where small hog farms are prevalent — reported Friday night that it had recovered 3,601 dead pigs from its streams, according to state media.

The head veterinarian for China's Agriculture Ministry, Yu Kangzhen, who has traveled to the region to investigate the deaths, told state media Saturday that there has been no major swine epidemic, but said some samples tested positive for the common porcine circovirus and the epidemic diarrhea virus.

Yu also said cold weather and fluctuating temperatures have caused a spike in deaths among baby pigs.

Villagers have told state media that pig dumping is on the rise following police campaigns against the illicit trade of pork products harvested from diseased pigs that were illegally sold, instead of properly disposed of.

In Shanghai, authorities have repeatedly assured residents that tap water is safe, but locals remain worried about water contamination.

In 2012, about 130,000 Jiaxing hog farmers raised more than 7 million pigs, according to state media.


The rotting pig bodies in a river that supplies tap water to Shanghai has drawn attention to an ugly truth — China's pig farms are often riddled with disease and one way or another, sick animals often end up in the food chain.

"There is no mechanism by which, whenever diseases are found among pigs, the government compensates pig breeders so as to control the spread of diseases or compensate pig breeders for losses," said Feng Yonghui, general manager at pig-industry research organization Soozhu.com.

To make matters worse, Feng said insurance companies were unwilling to insure pig breeders because the risks were so high.

Workers on barges and on the riverbank used pitchforks to drag bloated dead pigs out of the river.

Pork is China's staple meat and the swine population is the world's largest at 475 million head at the end of last year.

At market, margins on pork are thin and for hog farmers unwilling to spend money to incinerate or bury dead animals, the Huangpu River may have offered a tempting alternative.

While there was no proof any sick animals had been butchered and sold for meat in this case, media have reported several scandals involving sick or dead livestock being butchered and sold for meat.

Early this year, state media accused a supplier of chicken to KFC and McDonald's of selling them sick poultry. The supplier denied it.

While authorities have not confirmed a disease, or the death of unusually large numbers of pigs, talk of pigs dying would seem to suggest an outbreak of some sort.

One farmer in the Jiaxing area near Shanghai, 69-year-old Jiang Lie, said about 30 percent of his pigs had died of disease since January.


Dumping dead pigs in a river is not unheard of.

"We don't think it is individual case. Many similar cases were just not reported," said Wang Xiaoyue, an analyst with Beijing Orient Agri-business Consultant Co Ltd.

An unidentified Jiaxing farmer had admitted to dumping dead pigs, the Xinhua state news agency said in a report on xinhuanet.com. The news agency also cited a pollution control official as saying some 7,000 to 8,000 pigs had died every month over the past few months in a pig-raising village.

Villager Yan Lan'e said there were always pigs in the Huangpu, and aside from the number, the only difference this week was that authorities were clearing them out along with the trash.

"Before, they just cleared out the garbage," she said.

Rather than blaming the farmers, Lin Rongquan, a veterinary health expert in Shanghai, pointed the finger of blame at the local government, a major link in the chain of agencies overseeing farms.

"It's definitely the problem of the local government, which should bear the main responsibility. They do not regulate the pig business well," he said.

On Sunday, the central government unveiled restructuring plans aimed at improving efficiency and cutting out graft. The changes came as parliament sat in Beijing for a session at which complaints of corruption and red tape were common.

The restructuring included bundling the responsibilities of several agencies into a ministerial-level General Administration of Food and Drug in response to the scandals.

Analyst Wang said that should help but it would not change things overnight given the problems from feed additives, the use of antibiotics and pollution.

"It's a tough job to improve things," he said.

Many people took to the Internet to complain. Others sought solace in grim humor.

In one joke posted online, a Beijing resident boasts about the air pollution in the capital, saying if he wanted a smoke, he just had to open the window.

A Shanghai resident retorts: "That's nothing, when we turn on the tap, we get free rib soup."
Mods please close this Indian's thread.
Not a big deal, anyways.

Just 12,566 in a population of 1.3 billion is peanuts.


And what do you Indians do in the Ganga?

You guys put corpses into the river.

That river has to be the most polluted thing I have ever seen in my life.
And what do you Indians do in the Ganga?

You guys put corpses into the river.

That river has to be the most polluted thing I have ever seen in my life.

I said it's not a big deal.

Can't you read.

As for Ganges, there is a difference between dead bodies and ashes. (although, still not sustainable IMO). I don't think all Indians can do that, even if they wanted to.
LOL, someone made a new ID to post this thread. welcome new member OUR PIG, and congrats you are not swimming in Huangpu river now.
on topic, we should eat more beef so that to decrease the consumption of pork.now we are the world No.4 consumer of beef,too few to match our No.1 population and No.2 econemy.
An obvious suicide Indian troll. Now I can see why Indians rape women. They are an unstable civilisation.
An obvious suicide Indian troll. Now I can see why Indians rape women. They are an unstable civilisation.

see the number of Indians criticized that troll, that's why we are also making a new law to protect women.
I said it's not a big deal.

Can't you read.

As for Ganges, there is a difference between dead bodies and ashes. (although, still not sustainable IMO). I don't think all Indians can do that, even if they wanted to.


take a look at this link and tell me that this is okay.

Ganges River Pollution
Have I defended pollution in the Ganges?

What's the point !!!!

I guess my point was that you should not criticize when you are not in the position to.

Btw, I heard India is making an effort to clean up the Ganges River. So I think that is a good step.
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