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Riots in Singapore

Riots are not good, but the attitude of the government and local people towards the foreign workers are the primary cause.
If Singaporeans do not treat it seriously, and respect human rights of the foreign workers,it won't be the last time.
Every coin has two sides:
One hand: workers should obey local customs and laws;
Another hand: Singapore is unfair to treat foreign workers in some degree, foreign workers do more dirty and hard jobs but earn less, can't share same education, health care, insurance, salary at.al. Long-term accumulation of discontent。

That's quite obvious..... why should Singapore or any other country give subsidy to foreign worker? Saudi Arabia, China, USA, all country that give subsidy to their citizen usually have similar policy.

AFAIK in Singapore that's deliberately done to entice qualified foreign worker or wealthy residence to apply for Singapore citizenship not just working there.
So what?

I think it is a pity that Ethnic Chinese were the target of genocide in Malaysia and Indonesia, but these are not Chinese Nationals, they are Malaysians and Indonesians who just happen to be of ethnic Chinese descent.

Where is our genocide......in 1998 is just an issue...no proof until now, even though there was an investigation on it...it was only some people rumors. I was there in 1998...on the street of Jakarta...using my university jacket to calm down the situation there.........

The burn and anything happens there in 1998 has been seen as an attempt to topple Soeharto by some powerful military person....it was organized...I dont want to tell who he is...because no proof either except witnesses who talked to the media...that many people who look like someone train in military use civil clothes and provoke the burning action....but no rape or killing of Chinese ......Many casualties even almost all of them were our own native people....hundreds who were burned.....Stop this bullshit lying. Please talk to Indonesian political experts to understand the situation of our 1998 riots
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Every coin has two sides:
One hand: workers should obey local customs and laws;
Another hand: Singapore is unfair to treat foreign workers in some degree, foreign workers do more dirty and hard jobs but earn less, can't share same education, health care, insurance, salary at.al. Long-term accumulation of discontent。

If you are skilled and go to Singapore with a full ex-pat package, life is pretty awesome. Singapore is a fun place for bankers. If you are unskilled you will be treated just like unskilled foreign labor in the US, UK, ME and everywhere else in the world. You expect Singapore roll out the red carpet for unskilled labor??? Ridiculous. That would make Singapore uncompetitive and they are not about to do that.
All the mobsters are Indians. Confirm by our newspaper, not a single Bangladesh, Pakistani or Sri Lankan.

Police said 24 people are to be charged in court on Tuesday afternoon in relation to the riot in Little India on Sunday night.

All 24 are Indian nationals.

Despite having more Bangala here, Indians like to act macho. Luckily they did not raped. Also Indian news channel reported riot started because Chinese attack Indians. Indians tell lie. They are the big trouble maker now they use their mouth to vilified victim.

Post of the Thread!

This infamous Indian mob culture is because of their history of being colonized, they feel to be victim always.
This is news to me. I've never heard Bengalis speak Tamil.
I'm just kidding....We can't speak Tamil....its from a different family of languages and we don't understand a bit of it!
First thing indians did, make sheer lie that someone else did it.
Then, indians try to hide indian name behind south asian label.
Then, indians try to blame on Chinese.
Then indians blaming on labor condition.

Do everyone get the picture of indian mindset? Blame everyone under the sun, when possible, for crime indians committed. And then indians act as victim when indians are actually perpetrator of crime.
The tribe who treated these people worst is Indian Brahmins in their homeland. Many of these are lower caste Dalits, and Brahmins often swagger in TV and brag how they treat their Dalits worse than animals. If Singapore is that bad, you think all these Indians menial workers will come? In India, the Brahmins are willing to lynch the lower caste and burn up their house for inter-caste romance.

Even among slave labors, the Bangladesh are indefinitely much better than Indians. Indians have too much guts to burn or damage 16 police cars.

And right now Indian TV lie and spread hate against Chinese. No Chinese ever attack Indians as per reported by Indian TV. Anything Indians did, they blame Chinese, blame Bangala, blame Pakistan...etc

Indians lie.
Why compare these social evils? Singapore is Developed and India is Developing. If you are some be like that.
Singapore’s High Commissioner to India writes to Sun TV on false report of riot
10 Dec 2013 22:57
SINGAPORE: Singapore's High Commissioner to India has written to Sun TV Network regarding its erroneous reporting of Sunday's riot in Little India.

High Commissioner Lim Thuan Kuan said Sun TV had erroneously reported that the Indian national, who died in the traffic accident that triggered the riot, was pushed out of the bus by the driver.

The report had also claimed that Singaporeans and Chinese attacked the Indian nationals.

Mr Lim stressed these incidents did not take place.

He said that based on eyewitness and video evidence, the Indian national had boarded the bus when it was already full.

The victim also appeared drunk and he was causing trouble on the bus, even dropping his trousers.

Mr Lim added that after the Indian national was assisted off the bus, he proceeded to move alongside the bus in an unsteady manner.

He then stumbled and fell onto the path of the back wheel of the bus and was run over.

The High Commissioner has requested Sun TV to correct its report both online and broadcast.
Singapore charges 24 over Little India riot

Rocks were thrown at police and cars were set alight
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Police in Singapore have charged 24 Indian nationals with rioting after violent protests on Sunday night over the death of a migrant worker.

Police cars and other vehicles were set alight during the unrest in Little India. It was Singapore's first riot in more than 30 years, police said.

The hour-long disturbance broke out after an Indian migrant worker was knocked down and killed by a bus.

If convicted, the accused could face seven years in prison and caning.

They were remanded in custody for a week after appearing in court, where an interpreter read the charges to them in Tamil.

Four other men arrested in connection with the riot have been released. The bus driver, a 55-year-old Singaporean, faces charges of causing death by negligence, AFP news agency reports.

The government has ordered a special committee to investigate the causes of the riot, in which about 400 foreign workers took to the streets.

About 40 people were hurt, most of them police officers, before the violence was brought under control. Some 25 vehicles, 16 of them police cars, were damaged or burnt.

Singapore depends heavily on foreign workers, with migrant labourers from South Asia dominating sectors like construction.

Most are young men who come from India and Bangladesh, and live in dormitories while they work and send money home.

BBC News - Singapore charges 24 over Little India riot
Singapore’s High Commissioner to India writes to Sun TV on false report of riot
10 Dec 2013 22:57
SINGAPORE: Singapore's High Commissioner to India has written to Sun TV Network regarding its erroneous reporting of Sunday's riot in Little India.

High Commissioner Lim Thuan Kuan said Sun TV had erroneously reported that the Indian national, who died in the traffic accident that triggered the riot, was pushed out of the bus by the driver.

The report had also claimed that Singaporeans and Chinese attacked the Indian nationals.

Mr Lim stressed these incidents did not take place.

He said that based on eyewitness and video evidence, the Indian national had boarded the bus when it was already full.

The victim also appeared drunk and he was causing trouble on the bus, even dropping his trousers.

Mr Lim added that after the Indian national was assisted off the bus, he proceeded to move alongside the bus in an unsteady manner.

He then stumbled and fell onto the path of the back wheel of the bus and was run over.

The High Commissioner has requested Sun TV to correct its report both online and broadcast.
Here comes the Damage control from Indian HC. What maan, Impression is more important to Indians than anything else. :D
Singapore's High Commissioner to India has written and debunk Indian's lie and their liar Sun TV.

Little India Riot: India's Sun TV asked to correct "erroneous" report | Singapore News | Politics | Weather | Crime | AsiaOne

Indian lie as below.

- That the Indian national was pushed out of the bus by the driver.

- That Singaporeans and Chinese attacked the Indian national Tamils.

- That Indian national Tamils were hiding in their homes for fear of being harassed by the police or attacked by the local Chinese .

The Truth is

- The deceased had boarded the bus when it was already full. The deceased also appeared to be drunk and he was causing trouble on the bus, even dropping his trousers whilst on the bus .

- When the first ambulance and police car arrived soon after being activated, an agitated mob of about 100 had formed around the scene of the accident, and this escalated into the riot involving about 400 persons .

- After the deceased was assisted off the bus, he proceeded to walk/run alongside the bus in an unsteady manner while holding onto his pants. He stumbled and fell onto the path of the back wheel of the bus and was run over.

The liar Indian forever spread hate against China, in fact they are the shitt people doing all sorts of funny things. Indian strip naked show his dick, get drunk and killed in accident. Then Indian turn around and say Chinese kill Indians and Chinese mobsters attack Indians.

No one in this world like India. No even Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal or Sri Lanka, or even Goa, Kashmir, Assam...etc. Bangladesh worker even come from a more impoverish country is infinitely more honorable and virtuous than Indians.
sure it must be a headache for the Singaporean
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