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Rioting crowd beats 5 China chengguan (area law-enforcer) for killing civilian

Jun 22, 2013
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Chengguan officials seriously injured after assault by large crowd | South China Morning Post

Five urban management officials in Zhejiang province were set upon and assaulted by hundreds of enraged locals angered by their law enforcement technique on Saturday, leaving two severely injured.

The violent conflict was triggered after a dispute between officials and an onlooker who attempted to take photos of them during their law enforcement in the small county of Cangnan. When the onlooker refused to delete photos, the officials allegedly began to assault him, drawing a large number of onlookers.

Angered by their violence, the crowd surrounded the officials and prevented them from leaving the scene. The tension further increased after internet rumours began circulating that they had beaten an onlooker to death.

Eventually the officials were forced to seek refuge in a van, according to eyewitnesses at the scene. Members of the crowd carrying sticks and stones then smashed the van and assaulted them through windows, they told South Metropolis Daily.
Chengguan officials seriously injured after assault by large crowd | South China Morning Post

Five urban management officials in Zhejiang province were set upon and assaulted by hundreds of enraged locals angered by their law enforcement technique on Saturday, leaving two severely injured.

The violent conflict was triggered after a dispute between officials and an onlooker who attempted to take photos of them during their law enforcement in the small county of Cangnan. When the onlooker refused to delete photos, the officials allegedly began to assault him, drawing a large number of onlookers.

Angered by their violence, the crowd surrounded the officials and prevented them from leaving the scene. The tension further increased after internet rumours began circulating that they had beaten an onlooker to death.

Eventually the officials were forced to seek refuge in a van, according to eyewitnesses at the scene. Members of the crowd carrying sticks and stones then smashed the van and assaulted them through windows, they told South Metropolis Daily.








Are you jerking off towards the screen seeing all these bloody gruesome pix that have tragically happened to my Countrymen?
I am commending PRC Chinese. Mao always say 官逼民反 (official make people rebel), 站在人民的对立面 (officials are diametrically opposite of people)....etc. I am calling for a classless society, same as Mao did (无产阶级). And people has the right to fight for justice, this is what Mao taught us. (革命无罪,造反有理)

I am supporter of PRC. haha.
I am commending PRC Chinese. Mao always say 官逼民反 (official make people rebel), 站在人民的对立面 (officials are diametrically opposite of people)....etc. I am calling for a classless society, same as Mao did (无产阶级). And people has the right to fight for justice, this is what Mao taught us. (革命无罪,造反有理)

I am supporter of PRC. haha.

keep jerking off while reciting piece of verses from Chairman Mao
You have invented something new for getting an orgasm
Are you jerking off towards the screen seeing all these bloody gruesome pix that have tragically happened to my Countrymen?
such gruesome photos should not be used for propaganda purposes .
so barbarious they are ...
that's what we seen Han people did to Uighur workers in Guangdong toy factory, again in Urumqi ...
and the same the Uighur people did to Han people in Kunming railway station ... recently ..
so barbarious they are ...
that's what we seen Han people did to Uighur workers in Guangdong toy factory, again in Urumqi ...
and the same the Uighur people did to Han people in Kunming railway station ... recently ..

And we've seen how Vietnamese police behave.

Mission to Vietnam Advocacy Day (Vietnamese-American Meet up 2013) in the U.S. Capitol. A UPR report By IOC-Campa.

Recent human rights violations by the Vietnamese government against the Cham people:

  • In 2012, the local police used their power to bust into a local Mosque and took away a generator that provided electricity to over 40 families in the village of Chau Giang, and not long after that they came and kidnapped young village girls at their discretion to rape and sexually abuse them, eventually releasing them.
  • On 2009, a farm land owned by 13 Cham families From Vân Lâm villages was confiscated, when they tried to stand up for their ownership, they were apprehended by the police and discarded in an undisclosed remote location in the jungle.
  • In 2010, two young Cham college students from Thành Tín village are on vacation took a walk from their village to the city being stop and beat up to death.
  • In March 2013, a poor Cham college student Thành Xuân Thịnh from Phươc Nhơn village took out a loan for school, upon graduation he was unable to get a job and sought the help of staffing agency to place him in a position, so he could pay back his student loans. The agency had promised to staff him within weeks. After a few months, he was still unemployed, and when he approached the agency about a refund, they set him on fire, and he burned to death.
And Vietnamese civilians



城管,上访,巡视组 should not exist in a civilized country.

so barbarious they are ...
that's what we seen Han people did to Uighur workers in Guangdong toy factory, again in Urumqi ...
and the same the Uighur people did to Han people in Kunming railway station ... recently ..

you start to deviate from the topic again.
城管,上访,巡视组 should not exist in a civilized country.

you start to deviate from the topic again.

Why your long and rich culture civilization acted as barbarians ?
Japanese people behave better than those ...
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