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Right-wing terror: Is India in denial?

take a pause and think about it.....

Hindu terrorism...............terror activities in India ............killed ones Indian ( except half of killed in samjauta , But that also occured in india ).....................Investigating agencies Indian.............People aressted Indians...................

What effect that had on US health?????

on the other note........
Mumbai attacks...........killed ones Indians , isrealis, Americans, french, Swedish etc etc.................terrorists not Indians ..............Terrorists trained not in India ................Terror activity took place in India ........................Person caught red handed not Indian................investigating agencies............Maharastra ATS(Indian , FBI ( US), Swedish Investigators.

By US law, FBI will investigate and file report in US court if any US citizen is killed abroad.:usflag:

lets take a turn,

Why US makes statements???
Well US is not only making statements about Mumbai attacks..........it also did same for Times square incident etc etc.:cheers:

Dude you're talking to wall. It took them two decades to determine whether or not Talibans are terrorists and only after when Talibs become a raw-mossad-cia agents they agreed to it. Although recently Talibs are again moving to and fro from terrorist category to freedom fighter grade.

They are slow learners.
Hindu Terrorism: A journalism agenda?

Often, I get phone calls from Delhi-based journalists to discuss with me the disturbing phenomenon of some Hindus taking to terrorism and the reported confession before a Magistrate of Swami Assemanand, who is stated to be a follower of the Hindutva ideology.

Many of these journalists are not interested in analysing this phenomenon and the investigation made so far. They are only interested in exploiting it to suit their own agenda.

They never tell me that they want to have a discussion with me in order to better understand the phenomenon. They always start the conversation with the remark:" Sir, I want to have a couple of quotes from you." They are not interested in facts. They are not interested in an objective analysis. They are not interested in the truth. They are only interested in quotes. If they are dissatisfied with my quotes or if they find that my quotes would not suit their agenda, they do not hesitate to substitute my quotes with their own and attribute them to me.

There were only four incidents of terrorism in which some Hindus were probably involved...there could be more acts of reprisal terrorism by some Hindus against the Muslims...

This pernicious practice of agenda and motivated journalism, which came to the fore during the recent dissemination---one does not know even now by who and why--- of the tapped conversations of Niira Radia, the lobbyist, has acquired new dimensions in the wake of the leak of the confession made by the Swami.

I am proud to have sounded the wake-up call as early as in 2006 to the dangers of some angry members of the Hindu community taking to reprisal acts of terrorism against our Muslims if the Government does not take note of the perceptions in sections of the Hindu community that it has been soft towards the jihadi terrorists. I have been writing and speaking on this from time to time since then.

While welcoming a professional and vigorous investigation into the alleged involvement of some Hindus in acts of terrorism against the Muslims, I have also been expressing my disquiet over the way the investigation was being done with motivated leaks to suit some hidden agenda.

In my assessment on the basis of open source information,there were only four incidents of terrorism in which some Hindus were probably involved. My fears that there could be more acts of reprisal terrorism by some Hindus against the Muslims in the wake of the 26/11 terrorist strikes in Mumbai were happily belied.I now sense a new wave of anger in sections of the Hindu community over what they perceive as attempts being made by the Congress (I) and some agenda journalists to exploit the confession of the Swami to divert attention from the serious threat of jihadi terrorism that we still face and to whitewash the horrendous crimes of the jihadi terrorists, including the July 2006 explosions in some suburban trains of Mumbai and even the 26/11 terrorist strikes.

It is important for the Government to remove such perceptions. The investigating agencies should be given a free hand to investigate the confession of Swami Assemanand to its logical conclusion and to arrest and prosecute those found responsible. At the same time, this should not be allowed to slow down or distort our fight against jihadi terrorism.
The Pioneer :: Home : >> The darkest of all conspiracies

The darkest of all conspiracies

Hindu terror” and “Saffron terror” are terms concocted on the basis of weak evidence by a discredited, corrupt political elite which thinks nothing of sacrificing human lives for petty electoral gains. But how long can you fool all the people?

Since the formation of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) in 2004 there has been a marked rise in the number of sleeper modules of jihadi organisations across India. The high priority accorded by UPA-1 to the repeal of the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002, had a significant bearing on the career of Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI).
This terrorist group, which acted on direct orders of the Lashkar- e-Tayyeba (LeT) found the latitude accorded by a pseudo-secular regime in Delhi to reinvent itself as “Indian Mujahideen”, “Deccan Mujahideen” and “Popular Front of India.”
Between 2004 and 2008 terrorist strikes either in the form of bomb blasts or sudden attacks by armed jihadis, became almost a monthly affair. The incompetence of the UPA government in fighting terror was exposed.
The Maharashtra ATS led by Hemant Karkare conducted political investigations into the Malegon blasts and exposed itself through select arrests and selective leakages of investigations to the media. In order to add weight to its claims, the ATS opined that the same accused were also involved in the Ajmer, Hyderabad Mecca Masjid and Samjhauta Express blasts. The credibility of the investigations vanished when its bluff on “Sadhvi’s motorcycle” “Colonel Purohit’s RDX” failed to impress the nation, despite the support of a conniving mainstream media. The credibility hit rock bottom when the ATS came out with the story that the Malegon accused had also conspired to kill RSS leaders.
Even while the 26/11 attack was raging, a ‘Hindu-Zionist’ conspiracy theory was concocted and spread through the Internet. Suspicion was engendered that the fall of ATS chief Karkare to a hail of terrorist bullets was actually a “Hindu-Zionist” job, carried out to get even with him for carrying out the Maelgon probe. Abdul Rehaman Antulay, the then Minority Affairs Minister, became the first official personality to spread this canard. Congress bigwig leaders like Digvijay Singh and Shakeel Ahmed came out openly in support of Antulay. Abishek Manu Singhvi, the party’s high-profile spokesman, said: “BJP has advantages and will gain from the terror attack.” The then Home Minister of Maharashtra, RR Patil, opined that Karkare had met him on the fateful evening and complained bitterly about the RSS for focusing on its ‘role’ in the Malegon blast. The same lie was sought to be spread by Digvijay Singh.
The HRD Minister, Kapil Sibal, said after Karkare’s death: “The terrorists knew exactly whom they were targeting.” The then Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Vilasrao Deshmukh, hurt the sentiments of the people by commenting that only 200 deaths had resulted in 26/11 which was insignificant compared to Mumbai’s population of more than 1.5 crore. But Congess leader Narayan Rane hit out at his colleague’s irresponsible statements and revealed that some of them had indeed financed terrorists and provided terrorists safe haven in the country. He accepted full responsibility for this statement and added that he would provide all the details with proof at the “appropriate time.”

Statements such as this by Congress and UPA leaders in various media might have sounded like Freudian slips, but they have assumed special importance over time, perhaps in direct proportion to the revelations of corruption perpetrated by the Congress leaders. Corruption is a way of life in India’s grand old party. With so many scams being blown in recent months by a media elite which has suddenly rediscovered its conscience, the Congress has been left with no alternative but add fuel to the fire under the old communal pot.
During the DGP’s Conference in August 2010, Home Minister P Chidambaram audaciously warned about a “new phenomenon” called “saffron terror”. This was around the time when the Commonwealth Games scam was being blown in the national media and the global image of the nation taking a hit. The Congress could think of no other diversionary tactic but raise the “Hindu terror” scepter because that was the only way it could remind its ‘reliable’ voters that at the end of the day only one thing mattered in India — the perceived “safety” of Islam. When Chidambaram faced criticism for mouthing such objectionable lies, he refused to yield. Rather, he had the audacity to say that his remark had brought the message home and that its “purpose” had been served. It was no secret to anybody what that “purpose” was. The demonification of Hindutva forces.

In early December, when the people of India were shaken of confidence in their nation by the magnitude of the UPA’s scams, the Congress organised a plenary session to celebrate the 150th year of the founding of the Indian National Congress — an organisation with which it has no organic or inorganic linkage. At that event, Sonia Gandhi made sure not to mention the corruption and nepotism with which her family enterprise had come to be identified. Instead, she chose to hit out at the RSS; linking it with “Hindu terror”. Pranab Mukherjee contributed his mite to the foul atmosphere. Rahul Gandhi, who was partying at the wedding of his friend’s son while Mumbai was under attack by jihadi terrorists, equated the RSS with SIMI. When the entire nation protested in one voice against his position, Rahul neither repented nor withdrew his words. Later, Wikileaks revealed that he was indeed damaging India in the international arena by serving the cooked-up story of Hindu terror. He had talked about a “bigger” threat to jihadism emanating from “radicalised Hindu groups”. United States Ambassador Timothy Roemer made a note of this which Wikileaks revealed.
One should not make the mistake of assuming that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is aloof from all this. In fact, he was the first to talk about Hindu terror. While on board a special aircraft to Havana in the immediate aftermath of the September 2008 Malegon blasts, he had said: “Involvement of Hindu fundamentalist outfits cannot be ruled out”. From that point on, it was a consistent Congress policy to pin the blame for blasts in Muslim-dominated neighbourhoods on Hindus. It is based on the assumption that jihadi groups, being peopled by Muslims, do not target fellow Muslims. This attacks the universal, politically correct axiom that terrorists are religion neutral. The double face of the Congress was exposed at this point itself.

The National Investigation Agency, to please its political masters, foolishly opposed the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and the US Department of Treasury which have identified LeT with Samjhauta and other terror attacks in India. American investigators have also established the involvement of LeT and HUJI (Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami) behind the Mecca Masjid blasts. Moreover, many journalists have vouched for the character of Swami Aseemananda. Now, the NIA’s job has become more complicated, for it has to prove UNSC, the US Treasury Department and other credible agencies wrong.
The Congress and its pseudo-secular allies have a dangerous agenda. They want to protect their vote banks by diluting the fight against jihad and evangelisation. “Hindu terror” and “saffron terror” are nothing but aspects of a conspiracy to emasculate and destroy the idea of India.

-- The writer is a political commentator based in Chennai
Dude you're talking to wall. It took them two decades to determine whether or not Talibans are terrorists and only after when Talibs become a raw-mossad-cia agents they agreed to it. Although recently Talibs are again moving to and fro from terrorist category to freedom fighter grade.

They are slow learners.

What? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Didn't your friend uncle sam consider taliban as freedom fighters back in the day as well?

Plus what's with Indians picking and choosing who should be termed freedom fighter and who should be termed terrorist? I have been seeing this for a long time now.
Didn't your friend uncle sam consider taliban as freedom fighters back in the day as well?
You are confusing the Mujaheedin with the Taliban. There is a distinction between the two. Both are very different ideologically, though they may share many individual fighters. Uncle Sam had nothing to do with the taliban, the credit goes entirely to Pakistan and its establishments.
I know very well who was taliban and who was mujhaideen. Mujhaideen was what became to be taliban, and USA was the one who was leading the brainwashing of those guys by their talk of jihad during the soviet invasion. US ditched them after war was over though.
Quite a few neocons and Indians try to say the Taliban and Mujahideen were different. Something like the Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance and other untruths. What of course happened is that the majority of the Mujahideen became the Taliban.

But back on topic
I know very well who was taliban and who was mujhaideen. Mujhaideen was what became to be taliban, and USA was the one who was leading the brainwashing of those guys by their talk of jihad during the soviet invasion. US ditched them after war was over though.

Correction. It was Pakistan who initiated this concept of "Jihad" by instigating the Afghan rebels against the "Godless Communists" due to its "strategic depth" doctrine. US just jumped the bandwagon.

Mujaheedin didnt just become Taliban. Taliban was created, supported and funded by Pakistani authorities against the Mujaheedin. Rank & file of Mujaheedin joined the taliban in the hope of some peace in the country. Alas, that wasnt to be! Remnants of Mujaheedin are what you people call the Northern Alliance - once led by the "Lion of Panjshir Ahmed Shah Masood" who was brutally killed by AQ facilitated by taliban.
Quite a few neocons and Indians try to say the Taliban and Mujahideen were different. Something like the Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance and other untruths. What of course happened is that the majority of the Mujahideen became the Taliban.

But back on topic

Taliban was created to counter the Mujaheedin. Fighters left the Mujaheedin and joined Taliban, being bribed by religion and 'peace'. Remaining were annihilated by the Taliban. NA stuck to their guns and fought the taliban. You ought to know better RR.
Pakistan wasn't the main instigator of the insurgency like you suggest. US in fact was the leading financier and supporter. Pakistan was an intermediary, though it supported them too. US was heavy on the jihad and holy war stuff btw. Not sure you know this, but they distributed over 100,000 qurans in the hope of radicalizing these guys against Soviets.

Also, Pakistan didn't create Taliban. It was one of their supporter though.
This is from the book Who Killed Karkare - written quite a while ago, but one can say it's probably not so different to the truths coming out now.

“Their plan was to cause a series of bomb blasts in the country and blame them on Muslims with the help of their sympathizers in the IB. Thereafter, a section of the media would create a chaotic situation, which would facilitate their takeover of the country. But fortunately for India and unfortunately for them, their dream remained unfulfilled as their conspiracy was exposed by the Anti- Terrorist Squad( ATS ) Maharashtra, headed by Hemant Karkare, during the investigation of Malegoan blast case of 2008. While Karkare was half way through the investigation came the Mumbai Terror Attack of 26/11 and the investigation was abruptly interrupted. In the attack Hemant Karkare was killed under suspicious circumstances”
This is from the book Who Killed Karkare - written quite a while ago, but one can say it's probably not so different to the truths coming out now.

This is ridiculous to say the least! One militant incident by a fringe group of Hindus wanting blood revenge against hundreds of acts of terror and mayhem perpetuated by Islamic terrorists in India supported and financed first by Pakistani authorities and then "rouge elements", and you talk about "Truths coming out"? This when the GoI and Indian authorities have been quick to apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Its funny that you point fingers at India & make such ridiculous accusations.

Btw, how many arrests, let alone convictions, does Pakistan see?

Why is Pakistani society so stuck up with conspiracy theories?

@SMC - US jumped the bandwagon against the SU only after Pakistan started supporting Mujaheedin! US was looking for opportunities, they simply couldnt jump in, in Afghanistan. Pakistani involvement gave the US an excellent opportunity which they took. I have no idea what kind of history you are being fed, but you do need to look at the chronology of events from a respected neutral source. Dont equate Taliban ideology with that of the Mujaheedin.
A whole Saffron Terror network has been unravelled. It's not just one or two incidents.

Even the Indian Government at the most senior level has acknowledged that Hindu terrorists are a bigger threat than Islamist ones.

You appear to be in a strong state of denial. Do you want quotes?

Isn't it odd that Karkare, the chief investigator of Saffron Terror was killed in another one of these attacks blamed on Muslims?
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A whole Saffron Terror network has been unravelled. It's not just one or two incidents.

Even the Indian Government at the most senior level has acknowledged that Hindu terrorists are a bigger threat than Islamist ones.
Now that is making a mountain out of a molehill. A so called "saffron terror network" co-incidentally unearthed and being pursued by GoI authorities. And yet they are a bigger threat. Does it sound credible to any logical deduction?
You appear to be in a strong state of denial. Do you want quotes?
I am not scared of calling a spade a spade. Atleast those 'saffron networks' are not being outrageously blamed on any external/foreign hands. This home grown terror network is being pursued by Indian authorities and taken down! But saying that they present a threat greater than that being emanating from 'morally' supported groups in Pakistan is just ridiculous.
Isn't it odd that Karkare, the chief investigator of Saffron Terror was killed in another one of these attacks blamed on Muslims?
Apart from Karkare, two other distinguished policemen were assasinated. Salaskar an encounter specialist who had killed numerous Mumbai gangsters was among those killed. One can create a spin about Mumbai underworld being involved in this 'drama' to specifically target Mr. Salaskar. That would be a hay making day for yet another group of delusional conspiracy theorists.

Believe what delusional theories you want, truth cannot and will not change. Unless you accept facts and act upon them, its your society which is heading a downward spiral, not India.

Such articles and these threads do nothing but feed conspiracy theories and nutcases believing in them.
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