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Right at the Edge - The Shifting Sands of the US-Pak WoT

Exactly but Indians like to keep coming up with such articles to back them up. Western media is full of it and wouldnt take long to search and there you go, articles over articles against Pakistan's nuclear programe.

:) Ice dear we should not be surprised and bothred about Indians bringing up such articles again and again as it is a fact that these BS suits the Indians and Indian policy towards Pakistan.

So we should accept that Indians will propagate such biase things as this is going to benefit them in the long term and every country has the right to guard its intrests be these right or wrong.

If you have noticed as soon as the Western media starts propaganda against Pakistan and specialy against Pakistan Army, ISI and nuclear weapons, Indian media and Indians around world start joing it.

Just search the chronology of all such BS you will find Indains in harmony with the Westeran anti-Pakistan media and hawks.

First they were propaganda against Pakistan's nuke weapons but after knowing that they can not secure our nukes by such baseless articles, as Pakistan army was gaurding these fully.

They thought of maligning the army and started propaganda against it.

But then they realised that before going against Army they need to destroy ISI. And now you can see in the near past they had initiated every effort to break ISI and make it a minow.
The Indian media is also crying full throatedly in this regrad.
Guys calm down.

While we may disagree with some or all of the the opinions and conclusions the author draws, it is a legitimate source, and therefore is not out of place as a sunject of discussion.

I really think that there is no need to be questioning peoples motivations like this (other than logic's whose intentions were belied by the excerpt he chose to post). If the authors opinions are incorrect, then they can be shown to be incorrect. However questioning people's motivations does not accomplish anything, and it certainly does not refute any of the authors arguments.

On the subject of 'did not win any wars' - I think it can also be argued that bar 1971 (which had its own dynamics, not least of which was defending territory cut off by thousands of miles), if Pakistan hasn't won a war, then neither has India.

Both have had success in battles, but neither side has been able to claim outright victory - the knife cuts both ways, and therefore the authors opinion in this issue is flawed, and self serving in that it helped validate the skewed picture he was trying to paint of the Pakistani military.

I don't care much for his opinions, but the events he narrates and his interviews with various officials and people are the really interesting parts of the interview.
So, to restart the discussion and get things moving, how about addressing one of the questions he raises - "why has Pakistan not acted more strongly against some Taliban groups"?
So, to restart the discussion and get things moving, how about addressing one of the questions he raises - "why has Pakistan not acted more strongly against some Taliban groups"?

Pakistan has had more success then any of the combined US and NATO forces could only dream of both in Iraq and afghanistan. The sheer number of AQ operatives that we captured, the unfolding of various plots specially the UK terror plot in time which save countless lives is all because of us. Frankly the only reason i see why we dont get respect is because of our sorry *** governments attitude including the ex government of Musharraf as well. The time has already passed by where we needed to make the americans sit and tell them what we gained and what you gained and its time you give us our due share of respect otherwise we will be forced upon to reconsider our stance on WOT and there isnt a damn thing you or NATO would be able to do about it. This was the tone that was needed then to unfold the masks being weared by the americans over their eyes. Unfourtantely neither the previous government nor this one steped up to the occasion and unless and until we dont do that we will be held responsible over the fault which was never committed by us at the first place.

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