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Riding a tiger: China's resurging foreign policy aggression

Only 3 million is a lie. Agent Orange was used not only to "destroy jungle hideouts" but for a far more insidious purpose: destroying cropland to force farmers to the city, increasing US control over South Vietnam and depriving the Viet Cong of recruits. How many people died of disease or starvation during the Vietnam War? No one will ever know, but the number might go past 15 million.

Agent Orange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The US began to target food crops in October 1962, primarily using Agent Blue. In 1965, 42 percent of all herbicide spraying was dedicated to food crops.[5] Rural-to-urban migration rates dramatically increased in South Vietnam, as peasants escaped the destruction and famine in the countryside by fleeing to the U.S.-dominated cities. The urban population in South Vietnam more than tripled: from 2.8 million people in 1958, to 8 million by 1971. The rapid flow of people led to a fast-paced and uncontrolled urbanization; an estimated 1.5 million people were living in Saigon slums, while many South Vietnamese elites and U.S. personnel lived in luxury.[6]"

And more heartlessly is that some Vietnamese can simply brush off the killing of many millions and deformation of perhaps even more their own people as a mere "misunderstanding"! What the F is that! Frankly I have never seen such a callous, inhuman person towards atrocity against his/her own people:

...We still remember Angent Orange , but it's just some misunderstand between VN and US. only, now they respect us when CHina still very bad
It is the same with all nations who love European colonialism. Vietnam is not the only one.

China has finally realized the limits of "peace." "Peace" cannot stop evil neighbors and their evil plans when they look at Han Chinese superiority, especially our high-technology and money, with envy and jealousy. Instead, we must use our superiority and prove it on the battlefield.

To civilize a land from the wild, you must remove the weeds / forest / jungle and replace it with domesticated plants. So it is China must civilize the world by a process of change and re-creation.

Once upon a time, Chinese wanted to live in harmony with nature, while the West always wanted to dominate it. Is it not time for China to borrow this from Western thought? Do not shy away from re-creating the world to suit your purpose. Now China has the power to, at least around its periphery!

I'd like to try whatever it is you're smoking.
It was your ancestors who considered China great and superior so they adopted Chinese language/culture. Just like nobody forced Koreans and Japanese to use Chinese and culture, they voluntarily picked it up.

I can see all the aspects of Neo-Nazism in this post. Which chinatown in the United States do you live in?
No no no. You got the order wrong.

1) 111 BCE - 1644 AD Han Chinese rule

2) 1645 - 1886 Manchu Chinese vassalage

3) 1887 - 1954 Imperial French colonialism

4) 1955 - 1975 America unapologetically massacres 3 million Vietnamese

5) 2011 Cannot break VN-US cooperation

...is an accurate description of Vietnam history.

You are brainwashed guy. We got independent from 938 AD when we pushed out Nan Han invader. Time to time we have to fight to protect our country.
In fact Chinese and Vietnamese people in his own history was controlled by foreigners.
no one is more shamless than viets, that s why most businesses is vietnam is chinese owned, you guys is lazy dont want to work hard, dont have saving and never feel ashame to ask or beg for money.

Brain washed guy, total abnormal thinking.
As I have posted in other thread: tell us what types of history books the Chinese had burnt of you? When? Where? How many? Who were the authors of the history books? The burnt history is about from which year to which year?

Give us credible sources, or you are a liar!

Assimilate you? What a joke! It was your ancestors who considered China great and superior so they adopted Chinese language/culture. Just like nobody forced Koreans and Japanese to use Chinese and culture, they voluntarily picked it up.

Iran has enriched Uranium, do you want the kind of respect they have? if so go ahead, you mentally challenged!
Cuộc tận thu trống đồng của Mã Viện năm 43, sau này cuộc cướp phá sách vở của nhà Minh đầu thế kỷ 15…

After Ma Yuan defeated Queen Zheng Ce in Han dynasty, he bruned our culture and book, those Guangzhou men supporting her also got assimilated and forget their ancestor already. Ming dynasty in 15 century also burned our history book again.So, our own writing system gone, we trying to recover it now.
No no no. You got the order wrong.

1) 111 BCE - 1644 AD Han Chinese rule

2) 1645 - 1886 Manchu Chinese vassalage

3) 1887 - 1954 Imperial French colonialism

4) 1955 - 1975 America unapologetically massacres 3 million Vietnamese

5) 2011 Cannot break VN-US cooperation

...is an accurate description of Vietnam history.

Oh, I don't know why a Mighty like CHina could be massacred by a small Japan and could not achieve the independence by themself while they can rule VietNam for so long time , the main reason may be from internet sensor block and powerful China propaganda :lol:

If China realy strong like that, Japan would have no change to rule and massacred China so badly like that and kindly remind you that: VN never been ruled by babarian like Manchu and small contry like Japan :lol:
Ok but america is our enemy. If you are american freind you are our enemy
Oh, you should not say that: we're friend with US. just for protect our coutry from greedy CHina, they're oil thirsty and try to take away our resouces, we don't want to have trouble with Pakistan.

We only want to live in peace, Phillipine , S.Korea even are US.allies, do you hate them ??they also just want to protect their country from China, that's all
Good morning, ’Nam

Nations establish moral ascendancy over other nations only by victory in war. Shrugging off the possibility of American nuclear attack, China crossed the Yalu river in October 1950 and almost brought the United States-led forces in Korea to their knees, rubbed India’s nose in the dust in 1962 and in 1969 militarily stiff-armed the Soviet Union on the Ussuri river.

Elsewhere in Asia there is Vietnam, a much smaller but truly extraordinary military power with an unmatched record of serially beating intruders and interventionists. It bloodied China every time it ventured south in over 2,000 years of its history. In more recent times, Vietnam ended France’s imperial pretensions at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, kicked the Americans out and in 1979, even as its regular divisions were held in reserve, its militia of hastily armed and trained villagers in the border provinces proved more than adequate to kill 25,000 and injure 75,000 of an invading force of 100,000 People’s Liberation Army troops chairman Deng Xiaoping had ordered into action to teach Vietnam “a lesson”, much as Mao Zedong had launched his “self-defence counter-attack” against India.
Except, it were the Chinese who were taught a brutal lesson in offensive guerrilla resistance and faced humiliation they cannot easily forget. The thrashing China received at the hands of the Vietnamese 32 years ago has resulted in the respect Beijing shows Hanoi that Delhi can only dream of. Thus, in the latest clash last month in the South China Sea over the disputed Spratly Islands chain, after Chinese ships cut the cables of a PetroVietnam oil exploration vessel, Vietnam responded with strong words backed by naval live-fire drills. Fearing the situation was sliding into loss of face, this time on sea, the Chinese quickly asked for talks.
But Vietnam is no brash belligerent ready to take on the next bully on the block. While prepared to fight any comer in defence of its territory and interests, it is mindful of its military weaknesses where China is concerned, one of which is its seaward flank fronting on Hainan Island complete with the Sanya nuclear submarine base, hosting the most versatile of China’s three fleets, the South Sea Fleet. During the 1979 Chinese invasion, Vietnam faced possible Chinese naval attacks which Beijing was deterred from mounting because the Soviet Union, then at loggerheads with China, sent four warships into the South China Sea. Vietnam has ever since viewed a meaty presence of an out-of-area friendly naval power in waters offshore as an insurance to ward off the danger from the Chinese Navy. Russia today, much reduced, cannot perform that role, and the United States is unreliable. Hanoi’s hopes, therefore, rest on the Indian government mustering the strategic will to fill the void. A Vietnamese military delegation headed by its Naval Chief, Vice-Admiral Ngyuyen Van Hien, visiting Delhi a fortnight ago, explored ways of developing mutual confidence and trust. For a start, they sought training for its crews the Russians had previously trained, obviously not to the Vietnam Navy’s satisfaction, for the Kilo-class submarines Vietnam is acquiring from Moscow. Should China act up, a strong Vietnamese submarine arm will be a meaningful counter to Chinese warships mucking about offensively around the Spratly Islands.
The more significant thing was Vice-Adm. Hien’s offer of the port of Nha Trang on the South China Sea for the Indian Navy’s use. Nha Trang shares virtually the same longitude as the Sanya base on Hainan, but, latitude-wise, is located a few degrees south. An Indian naval flotilla voyaging frequently between the Andamans and Nha Trang, and sustained by a basing and provisioning arrangement on the central Vietnamese coast, will amount to a near permanent Indian presence in the South China Sea, signalling Indian intent and forward positioning that can mess up the Chinese naval and strategic calculus and push Beijing planners, for once, onto the back foot. At a minimum, it will be an analogue of the sizeable Chinese paramilitary (People’s Armed Police) presence in the Gilgit and Baltistan regions of Kashmir. And, it will aggravate China’s offshore situation, already roiled by the US Navy’s continued loitering in this area contested, other than Vietnam and China, by Malaysia and Brunei.
As always, however, there’s a glitch. Even though Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his national security adviser (NSA) Shiv Shankar Menon are reportedly for an Indian naval presence in the Vietnamese seas and want India to be a staunch strategic partner of Vietnam, the until recently defence secretary, Pradeep Kumar, was pressing the brakes. Fuelling the innate over-caution of his minister, A.K. Antony, he argued that such a stance would needlessly “provoke” the Chinese and, therefore, is avoidable. It is a remarkable characteristic of the dysfunctional Indian system that despite the Prime Minister’s and the NSA’s support for this initiative, a defence ministry bureaucrat can so easily gum up the works. Hopefully Mr Kumar will be succeeded by someone a bit more on the ball.
Tit-for-tat is something Beijing appreciates better than the apologetic do-nothing tone of statements on China usually emanating from the ministry of external affairs and the generalist defence ministry civil servants. The Indian government should long ago have responded to the nuclear missile-arming of Pakistan by China by equipping Vietnam with nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles and the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile, as I have been advocating the past 15 years. The fact that the Indian government has not done this and, indeed, not accorded top priority to militarily advantaging Vietnam in every possible way, indicates the essential infirmity in India’s strategic thinking. China has used Pakistan to try and contain India to the subcontinent. It’s time India returned the compliment and cooperated with Vietnam, which does not shrink from a fight, to contain China to its immediate waters. Acting on the basis that Vietnam constitutes India’s first line of defence will ensure that, among other things, the bulked-up Chinese Navy is bottled up well east of the Malacca Strait.

The author is a professor at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi

Source: Good morning, ’Nam
Japanese arent that bad as individuals. They have tiny **** but ever since being stomped by USA for 65 years, Japanese men have become weak, shy and timid.

Koreans on the other hand despite being occupied and having tiny ****, have the typical small man syndrome and are extreme sexist pigs and very violent and bad tempered. They even stab to death Vietnamese brides which never happens in China or Japan.

I know, Chinese is generous also, but may be just because of internet sensor and China's propaganda, you guys here look down on VN and turn to hate us.We small and want No trouble with any one,we have the EEZ base on UNCLOS. we can sell you cheap oil price if you let us drill in deep water.

Just don't invade us, don't violate our EEZ, no one win, only US. take credit.
I know, Chinese is generous also, but may be just because of internet sensor and China's propaganda, you guys here look down on VN and turn to hate us.We small and want No trouble with any one,we have the EEZ base on UNCLOS. we can sell you cheap oil price if you let us drill in deep water.

Just don't invade us, don't violate our EEZ, no one win, only US. take credit.

We have the south China sea and VN based on the history and international Laws.
I know, Chinese is generous also, but may be just because of internet sensor and China's propaganda, you guys here look down on VN and turn to hate us.We small and want No trouble with any one,we have the EEZ base on UNCLOS. we can sell you cheap oil price if you let us drill in deep water.

Just don't invade us, don't violate our EEZ, no one win, only US. take credit.

I don't hate anyone because of genetics. That's called racism. I hate based on action.

We haven't even threatened to invade your country and you already act so hostile :lol: Both our governments are sane and want to seek peace.
in 1979, even as its regular divisions were held in reserve, its militia of hastily armed and trained villagers in the border provinces proved more than adequate to kill 25,000 and injure 75,000 of an invading force of 100,000 People’s Liberation Army troops chairman Deng Xiaoping had ordered into action to teach Vietnam “a lesson”, much as Mao Zedong had launched his “self-defence counter-attack” against India
The author may be DPK's member also :cheers:
We have the south China sea and VN based on the history and international Laws.
Bro, you China may also discovered America, but you did not claim the sovereignty, so it belong to White men now.Same with those Islands, you did not claim the sovereignty and sent tropp to protect before 1836, so, they belong to us.

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