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'Revolts to spread to 40 US cities'

Come out of your desperation, Bilal. Your posting it again and again won't change the difference between 'Gun Ownerships' and 'Gun Firings'.

That's English and that's something in the realm of the sleuths working at Oxford. It's not your forte. ;)

It's not Pakistan's fault that it's so down in the list in gun related violence that it isn't even shown, is it? ;)

Have you also taken a look at the crime rate in Karachi, Bilal? ;)

Karachi has about 1400 gun related deaths every year. And it is the most unsafe city in Pakistan in terms of gun violence. It also has about 1/6 the population of Pakistan. If you multiply 6 * 1400, you still get 8400 gun related deaths. Which is not a realistic assessment, because Karachi is the unsafest city in Pakistan in terms of gun related violence.

In the US, there were 12996 deaths from gun violence in 2010. In 2009, it was 14000 deaths from gun related violence.
I would love to see adequate western reports about the tens of thousands of protests!
More specifically is this thread about China and Pakistan? :lol:



BBC News - Protesters riot in China city over land sale

Only 1 line i am posting :
There are tens of thousands of protests each year in China, some of which turn violent.

Both are few days old news only. Don't ask from Chinese media, as Free media is banned in China !!
It's not Pakistan's fault that it's so down in the list in gun related violence that it isn't even shown, is it? ;)

:lol: see that's why I said it was beyond your ken in the first place. You are extremely capable of pulling conclusions and stats out of your a$$.
In the US, there were 12996 deaths from gun violence in 2010. In 2009, it was 14000 deaths from gun related violence.
How many of those came from criminals versus law abiding citizens?
I hope Pakistanis take notice and a march to Shara-e-Dastoor soon follows!

Yes, merely words and not represented by its true numbers. Moreover with a population of 1.3 billion, it is definitely doing better in terms of gun crimes who only needs to look after 300 odd million. That for you is what a good comparison is about.

But a comparison is helpful.

In this case the comparison is clearly not being helpful as it holds no value to the topic neither does it say anything about the lowering of American gun crime.
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