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Respect Indian sense of national pride: Chinese media

@Parul ok. My best wishes. Have fun in kashmir.
@nair i will tell you biggest secret.... Media owned by Negative beings. You watch media you are doomed.... Day and night they show news that saddens and provokes. Remember law of attraction. You get what u think.... This negative beings rules media, actors, actress, music icons, politicians etc etc. i explained it in details last year. The secret of better life is avoid anything negative. Listen good vibe music.... Watch good movies like comedy. Avoid media....

Mate stop BS us . i have seen the way you post . you have a lot of negative things to say about people who do not share your demented point of view. so please spare us your high moral speeches, as you do not have a leg to stand on.
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There is not much news about chinese mr Li in indian media.... Just one small headline.... infact i thought mr Li came and gone few days ago but saw a headline he just landed.... Ask any indian about him. They will scratch head as they dont know who he is.

Indian media: Li Keqiang's visit

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit and spot-fixing allegations in cricket are dominating the front-page headlines in Indian newspapers.

Most newspapers are highlighting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's "plain speaking" with Mr Li on the border dispute, trade and water-sharing.

BBC News - Indian media: Li Keqiang's visit

stop making stupid posts ya
@jbgt90 than why dont you avoid reading my post? Its easy to do it.... Atleast try it. i always says with the evidence. Now its upto them to counter the evidence. All they do is calls me by name because they dont know how to counter the evidence i put up here. My advice to you is better avoid reading what i say.... i tell you a secret.... 'i dont like negative idiots who live in their own world and thinks humans are alone and goverment cares for them'.... My job is to educate people and tell them about your sweet goverment who busy hiding truth and poisioning population.... And if anyone dissagree i will resist.... Like it or dont.... i dont care. Am a pure white light. You havent even started journey of oneness. If you dont like my post kindly forward it to mods. My last reply to you as i dont like wasting my precious time one people who born to eat, sh1t and die. My job is to guide people towards salvation. Now get out of my way boy. Aint got no time for ya.
@everyone Anyone who want to know truth that your goverment hiding and the secrets of better life add me in facebook at Galacticfederation33@gmail.com thank you.
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@jbgt90 than why dont you avoid reading my post? Its easy to do it.... Atleast try it. i always says with the evidence. Now its upto them to counter the evidence. All they do is calls me by name because they dont know how to counter the evidence i put up here. My advice to you is better avoid reading what i say.... i tell you a secret.... 'i dont like negative idiots who live in their own world and thinks humans are alone and goverment cares for them'.... My job is to educate people and tell them about your sweet goverment who busy hiding truth and poisioning population.... And if anyone dissagree i will resist.... Like it or dont.... i dont care. Am a pure white light. You havent even started journey of oneness. If you dont like my post kindly forward it to mods. My last reply to you as i dont like wasting my precious time one people who born to eat, sh1t and die. My job is to guide people towards salvation. Now get out of my way boy. Aint got no time for ya.
@everyone Anyone who want to know truth that your goverment hiding and the secrets of better life add me in facebook at Galacticfederation33@gmail.com thank you.

Why can't you post it here?
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media doesn‘t effect foreign policy. its a business with responsibility with increasing competition responsibility gets faded sometimes.

some statements

Joint statement by India and China
1:30 pm: Joint statement to be released shortly
1:30 pm: Joint meeting concludes
1:27 pm: Li - I have India the first stop of my overseas tri
This is because India is a friend to China and my own affec
for this country. 27 years ago, I spent a week in India as a
youth leader. The seeds of friendship have been sown sin
1:25 pm: Li - We have agreed to increase coordination on
international and regional issues. Both sides must see the
other play a greater role in the UN Security Council
1:23 pm: Li - Both sides will work to increase economic tr
between India and China. Both sides have agreed to work
BCIM agreement and increase border trade.
1:21 pm: Li - These agreements are just seeds we sow to
They will bear us rich fruits
1:20 pm: Li - There are enough opportunities for a creatin
new chapter in India-China relations. Both Governments
reached a consensus. And will make a joint statement on f
key points
1:19 pm: Li - Without the common development of India
China, Asia will not become strong, and the world will not be
better place.
1:18 pm: Li - China and India have a combined population
2.5 billion. Amicable cooperation, people-to-people
relationships must grow.
1:17 pm: Li - We have agreed to build on strategic trust. T
work together to modernise our two great developing
1:16 pm: Li - There are far more shared interests betwee
India and China than there are differences. We must resol
our differences with a broad mind, must maintain peace a
tranquility along the border area, and work together on
transborder issues.
1:15 pm: Li - We can resolve our issues and our differenc
1:14 pm: Li - China and India are friendly neighbours. So
neither side must do anything to damage this relationship
1:13 pm: Li - We have shared hydrological information wit
the Indian side with regard to concerns of India on transb
1:12 pm: Li - We need to appropriately manage and resolv
our differences.
1:11 pm: Li - The two sides have worked together to solv
boundary question.
1:11 pm: Li - India and China account for one-third of the
world's population. We must partner in the development
the other. But we do not deny there are some problems
between the two sides.
1:10 pm: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang - We discussed with
PM Manmohan Singh that the leaders of the two countrie
agreed to build strategic cooperation and trust.
1:06 pm: PM - I look forward to seeing Mr Li soon. I have
accepted his invitation to visit China at the earliest
1:06 pm: PM - We resolved to strengthen our strategic
communication and dialogue to meet the global and econo
1:03 pm: PM - Invited increased Chinese involvement in
investment and manufacturing sector.
1:02 pm: PM - The world has enough space to accommod
the both our people. Both sides must work to strengthen
greater trust and confidence. I share this with Mr Li.
1:01 pm: PM - We have agreed to cooperate on transbord
12:59 pm: PM - We agreed to maintain peace and tranquil
along the border.
12:58 pm: PM Manmohan Singh - Honoured that premier
Keqiang chose to come to India first. The relationship bet
both countries is growing and its instrumental to prosperit
our region and the world. We have had our differences, b
over the last 25 years we have built great relationships. W
seek an early resolution to the boundary dispute but peac
must continue to be preserved.
12:54 pm: All eight agreements signed between India and
12:53 pm: MoU between Ministry of Water Resources of I
and China.
12:52 pm: Agreement between MEA and Chinese Foreign
Ministry to facilitate trade and cooperation between India
and Chinese cities.
12:49 pm: MoU signed between India and China on
agriculture, marine exports, seaweed. Separate MoU on ur
12:48 pm: Commerce Minister Anand Sharma signs agree
with Chinese counterpart on economic issues.
12:45 pm: Eight agreements to be signed between India a
12:38 pm: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Chinese
Premier Li Keqiang will make a joint statement on talks
between India and China.
@jbgt90 than why dont you avoid reading my post? Its easy to do it.... Atleast try it. i always says with the evidence. Now its upto them to counter the evidence. All they do is calls me by name because they dont know how to counter the evidence i put up here. My advice to you is better avoid reading what i say.... i tell you a secret.... 'i dont like negative idiots who live in their own world and thinks humans are alone and goverment cares for them'.... My job is to educate people and tell them about your sweet goverment who busy hiding truth and poisioning population.... And if anyone dissagree i will resist.... Like it or dont.... i dont care. Am a pure white light. You havent even started journey of oneness. If you dont like my post kindly forward it to mods. My last reply to you as i dont like wasting my precious time one people who born to eat, sh1t and die. My job is to guide people towards salvation. Now get out of my way boy. Aint got no time for ya.
@everyone Anyone who want to know truth that your goverment hiding and the secrets of better life add me in facebook at Galacticfederation33@gmail.com thank you.

Did you read what i wrote? i am not questioning your claims of aliens. (i have no way of proving either way) i question your behavior towards others here on this forum. you call your self pure and a guiding light , but from your posts its apparent you dont practice what you preach .
if you remember i had asked you a question in another thread as to how old were you . you conveniently avoided the topic. :)
your post are immature and some times offensive to other members. you talk about positive energy . try displaying some.
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@Parul how many times should i post it here? i posted 1000s of evidence and guess what none of it been debunked.... All they did was called me by names. Its easy way to get away.... Majority of them paid by the karma. i am a male who got salvation. my job is to guide people what to do.... How to live healthy better and long life.... Let see if u can debunk this.... here is the preview.... Would love to see how u debunk it.... (by the way i have million evidence with videos what goverment doing to people)....
Big Government conspiracy theories become reality: Fluoride, cancer, chemicals and more
Government ADMITS secretly SPRAYING POISON on us!!! Also admit secret tests hundreds of times! - YouTube
Government Poisoning Of Citizens | Truth11
Government Cover Ups – The U.S. Admits To Spreading Sexual Diseases | Jamal and Kim's Blog
Chemtrail Poison/Weather Mod PROOF From US AIR FORCE WEBSITE WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! - YouTube
American goverment rejected indian poisioness mangos by saying we want to kill our citizens slowly in decades svcking money out of them and not within years.... Disease is wealth and economy. My job is to help people live long.... A human can live 250years but due to poisioning a human can live hardly 60plus....
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My job is to save humans.... Pleiadians were the first superior beings who told world how america spreading poision in food for economy so people get sick and pay for medical treatment.... i been adviced to help people but it seems people fedup with life so they want to die early.... So be it. Anyone who want to live long should follow what i post in facebook wall.... Here video. Debunk the video. Goverment tried but failed....
The insider: chemtrails KC-10 sprayer air to air - The proof ====
Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes? , page 1
Secretly Recorded CHEMTRAILS Pilot Speaks Video - YouTube
Government ADMITS secretly SPRAYING POISON on us!!! Also admit secret tests hundreds of times! - YouTube
Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped - YouTube
They were humiliated for 1000 years, so they need respect like this.


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the chinese are not friends of india, you should have seen their reactions online to the mumbai bombings, do you know how many thumbs up the youku videos of the 100+ killed got? and that is not to mention the thousands of comments cheering the terrorists and wishing for a genocide of India altogether....
@Parul how many times should i post it here? i posted 1000s of evidence and guess what none of it been debunked.... All they did was called me by names. Its easy way to get away.... Majority of them paid by the karma. i am a male who got salvation. my job is to guide people what to do.... How to live healthy better and long life.... Let see if u can debunk this.... here is the preview.... Would love to see how u debunk it.... (by the way i have million evidence with videos what goverment doing to people)....
Big Government conspiracy theories become reality: Fluoride, cancer, chemicals and more
Government ADMITS secretly SPRAYING POISON on us!!! Also admit secret tests hundreds of times! - YouTube
Government Poisoning Of Citizens | Truth11
Government Cover Ups – The U.S. Admits To Spreading Sexual Diseases | Jamal and Kim's Blog
Chemtrail Poison/Weather Mod PROOF From US AIR FORCE WEBSITE WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! - YouTube
American goverment rejected indian poisioness mangos by saying we want to kill our citizens slowly in decades svcking money out of them and not within years.... Disease is wealth and economy. My job is to help people live long.... A human can live 250years but due to poisioning a human can live hardly 60plus....

I saw the documentary Dark Skies (you should see it) why do the greys want with us? So the insectoids and reptiliods are fake?
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@Arya Desa there are many types of greys.... Tall greys are the rebel race who been created by Annunakis (nibirians) as slave.... While other greys are from draco star system who been created by Reptilians.... The raptoids are earth raptoids and reptilians like alpha draconian, hydra are from Alpha draco star system.... The tall greys are from orian belt and zetan greys from Zeta reticuli 2 (reticuli 1 doesnt exist due to war).... The rule is simple. Rule every galaxy.... its about Master and Slave.... i cant give anymore details as i already wrote about it many times.... But if u want to know truth than read my wall at facebook. Click here http://www.facebook.com/shiva.bhakt.3 or search Galacticfederation33@gmail.com posting now about Dulce underground base with details.... thank you....
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