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Resolution passed: Abdul Quader Molla was innocent, Imran Khan claims


Indians takin wierd shit to a whole new level....:rofl:

1 out of 1.2 bn. I like ur conviction. PAKISTANI ISHTYLE CONVICTION. :D :D :D

Shud u be given the figure of number of Pakistanis in that google research out of total population? Plz dont ask.
You didn't read it haan??? Good. Expected from an indian. They also raised questions and reservations about fairness of tribunal and on the whole judicial process. And they are not the only ones. UN, different international legal and lawyer associations all questioned fairness and legality of this kangaroo and its tribunal. As Imran Khan said in the first post.

You can continue supporting such tribunals as India itself has its own history of bogus trials, so it is quite a norm in India. But the fact is that the tribunal was biased and unfair.

Comes from a guy whose Prime Minister was executed on a bogus crime...lol
OK. 2 out of 1.2 bn. Thats it? That much for ur conviction? Some document to show the total number. How bout that?

Shit kid... Google is full of u guys shagin animals ... Hell u were even no2 on the list u r quoting... 7 Indian cities topped tht list.. Lmao @ ur ***... :rofl::haha::thank_you2::yay::laughcry::omghaha::sarcastic::drag:

Ps: I posted 3 .. :rofl:
Any authentic report?

What should say about you voting for a mass murder to be a PM of India.
Unfortunately no,but it will be there in one or two week....
the point is mostly there are muslims in those tents and the present gov. there claims itself as the saviour of muslims so it cannot afford these things if they want to remain in power....
Indian media reported it.
You mean Pakistani media quoting Indian media? :D

It was 40 people overall. Twisting figures for benefit? :disagree:

Shit kid... Google is full of u guys shagin animals ... Hell u were even no2 on the list u r quoting... 7 Indian cities topped tht list.. Lmao @ ur ***... :rofl::haha::thank_you2::yay::laughcry::omghaha::sarcastic::drag:

Ps: I posted 3 .. :rofl:
We are number 2? How many people out of 1.2 bn compared with number of people in pakistan out of 170 millon. Ok. Lets compare. Gimme the figures. ;)
You mean Pakistani media quoting Indian media? :D

It was 40 people overall. Twisting figures for benefit? :disagree:

We are number 2? How many people out of 1.2 bn compared with number of people in pakistan out of 170 millon. Ok. Lets compare. Gimme the figures. ;)

Hhahaha ... Enjoy ur German sphrd..oops I mean wife...

Lol lots of ishtyle from internet? ;) :rofl:

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