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Rescued from brothels, 172 Bangladeshis are waiting to go home

Oh paleeezzze These places and business are funded by authorities aand police..
You'll find the best of ur politicians and the high rank officer on those Fehesh Addaz
Thanks for the info but that person whoever he or she is, needs reschooling.
I seen a garment worker in the TV the other day, she is only 22 years of age, bought a piece of land and now planning to build a 3 storied building on it only by working in a garment.
Just send those women back but before you do that, pls whip their as$ so that next time they will be more interested to work in a dignified profession.
Used and discarded. Send them back home, please.

Would you say the same if your loved ones were trafficked and sold as sex slaves?

Btw, good job GoI!
I seen a garment worker in the TV the other day, she is only 22 years of age, bought a piece of land and now planning to build a 3 storied building on it only by working in a garment.
Just send those women back but before you do that, pls whip their as$ so that next time they will be more interested to work in a dignified profession.
what are you talking about? they were trafficked into that menace
India is harami land, no shorom, no eman, no adab, nothing.
As an Indian, I requested another Indian false flagger to show some respect to the rescued women of your nation. When will you rise from the strokes of generalisation that you want to paint on all Indians?
Great work by the NGO!
Poor girls..... What causes this problem????? We Men and our Tharak...........I feel sorry for those who are forced to prostitution...
what the **** are the authorities doing,172 saved makes good for the headlines,where are the rest.we have thousands if not in lakhs.when will some thing be done about the rest ?
Very sad.
Please deport these victims ASAP.
Going through his posts, he seems very pro-India and anti-Bangladesh. He also made disparaging remarks about Muslims so I highly doubt he is a false flagger.

He is a sleeper cell:lol:, he ll first try to blend into Indians, and once he has done that he ll show his ulterior motives. He is not the first one to pull such antics, and surely not the last.

His only job here is to get the Indians to fight each other, North -South Indians, White-Black Indians, Mainland and North East Indians, I have been observing him from the day he signed up, and am pretty certain that he is not Indian.
He is a sleeper cell:lol:, he ll first try to blend into Indians, and once he has done that he ll show his ulterior motives. He is not the first one to pull such antics, and surely not the last.

His only job here is to get the Indians to fight each other, North -South Indians, White-Black Indians, Mainland and North East Indians, I have been observing him from the day he signed up, and am pretty certain that he is not Indian.

all that because you misread webby post?-

"Learn some respect when you come back and represent the flag you wear, correctly"

the second part doesnt mean he is carrying wrong flags- webby is just asking him to correctly represent his country- we all know he is an india-
Send those poor girls ASAP to their country... Indian should tighten security in boarders to stop human trafficking. . hope BSF take down those b@$ tards who is trafficking these girls...
all that because you misread webby post?-

"Learn some respect when you come back and represent the flag you wear, correctly"

the second part doesnt mean he is carrying wrong flags- webby is just asking him to correctly represent his country- we all know he is an india-

Nope not because of that, I have had few run ins with that fella in the past.
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