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[Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

Typo,it was in 1949 and also in 1951,when Zhou Enlai reiterated the statement.

In 1947, China made public the old and new name table of the South China Sea islands, which were put under the governance of Guangdong Province. In February 1948 the Chinese government released a "South Sea Islands Location Map" which was also re-adopted after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 1951, the "Japanese Peace Treaty" draft and "San Francisco Conference Statement" announced by Chinese former premier Zhou Enlai pointed out that the "Xisha, Nansha Islands and Dongsha, Zhongsha Islands have always been Chinese territory." In 1958, China proclaimed the "Declaration on the Territorial Sea." Subsequently, in the face of violations by foreign powers, the Chinese government has, on many occasions, reiterated its indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands.

South China Sea issue explained - China.org.cn

about Taiping,it was ROC who sent Naval Expedition(ROCS Chung-Yeh, ROCS Yung-hsing ,Rocs Tai-Ping and ROCS Chung-chien commanded by Lin Zun and Yao Ruyu) to Taiping in 1946.

War Or Peace in the South China Sea? - Google Books

so by Taiwan,I meant ROC.

its probably the chinese who should learn about their "True History" first and not the "fabricated One" on which they brag day and night.
:woot:Don't know why the Vietnamese thank you. So you realize that ROC is the first government send troops formally to those islands? So after 1946, not only we declare they belongs to China but also take full control of it by military unit.
Moreover you are playing with words by using Taiwan to stand for ROC in 1946. This little trick only showed you are making up to be objective but actually lying.
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its probably the chinese who should learn about their "True History" first and not the "fabricated One" on which they brag day and night.


:woot:Don't know why the Vietnamese thank you. So you realize that ROC is the first government send troops formally to those islands? So after 1946, not only we declare they belongs to China but also take full control of it by military unit.
Moreover you are playing with words by using Taiwan to stand for ROC in 1946. This little trick only showed you are making up to be objective but actually lying.

read again what he said to Chinese

.its probably the chinese who should learn about their "True History" first and not the "fabricated One" on which they brag day and night.
because Man Qing Dynasty did not considered there is territory of China. There is not directly control by Man Qing Emperor like other provinces of the Dynasty.

In reality Tibetan, Xingang people were independent from China. There were not Han chinese. So why Tibetan and Ujgur people protested again China occupation there.

For southern land of Vietnam, there was land of Viet thuong people, belong Van Lang era of Viets people.

Chams people came later on from Malaysia and Indonesia to South Vietnam, they came from Malayo people and tried conqured Annam and annex us to them like Viet Thuong people, their king Che Bong Nga was killed when he invaded in to Thanglong/Hanoi. at the end of this advanture we annexed back Viet Thuong land to Viets. It was failure of Chams people and they became Vietnamese citizen.
Man Qing doesn't exist,Manchurians called themselves and were called Qiren ie Bannermen.(which included Han and Mongols)

Tibetans welcomed Qing intervention ie expelling Gurkhas from Tibet.

While Xinjiang had multiple ethnicties not just Uighurs and Chinese did establish control as early as the Han dynasty.

The original texts that mentioned Yuechang was about them presenting a White pheasant for tribute at the Zhou court nowhere does it say they are from Southern Vietnam.

The Wo ie 倭 were mentioned in ancient texts,the Japanese back then were no unified and were technologically behind,Chinese simply reuses labels repeatedly.

Vietnamese love to claim Chinese history as their own and fabricate many texts in an attempt to prove it.

I already showed everyone that Van Lang didn't exist,after asking multiple times Vietnamese members were too cowardly or incompetent to reply.

You are simply making excuses for conquering other countries,there always seems to be double standards when dealing with Vietnamese aggression against other countries.

read again what he said to Chinese
What a joke,I caught you and other Vietnamese members red handed in spreading your nonsense.

Vietnamese can make bold claims that they invented gunpowder,crossbows,Feng Shui,Hanzi,Chinese surnames but in the end they are the laughingstock of the world.

Van Lang is a symbol of Vietnamese avarice and lunacy that they were the origin of Chinese civilization and that Southern China is t heir homeland.
:woot:Don't know why the Vietnamese thank you. So you realize that ROC is the first government send troops formally to those islands? So after 1946, not only we declare they belongs to China but also take full control of it by military unit.
Moreover you are playing with words by using Taiwan to stand for ROC in 1946. This little trick only showed you are making up to be objective but actually lying.

nope not "Full Control".ROC only controlled few islands and then they abandoned it.but again they captured Taiping,probably in 1956.plus,it was not the first time any country actually controlled these islands militarily.both Japan and France controlled these islands before ROC set foot in.
nope not "Full Control".ROC only controlled few islands and then they abandoned it.but again they captured Taiping,probably in 1956.plus,it was not the first time any country actually controlled these islands militarily.both Japan and France controlled these islands before ROC set foot in.
Control does not mean you always stay it even when there is no threat. and not means need send troops to evey island, and there are numerous examples in the world. did your soldier stayed in every meters of your border line? no, you just set up limited stations to confirm your soveign. as to japan and france, every country in the world know they are colonist but not owner, even them selves do not argue these islands belong to them,
Control does not mean you always stay it even when there is no threat. and not means need send troops to evey island, and there are numerous examples in the world. did your soldier stayed in every meters of your border line? no, you just set up limited stations to confirm your soveign. as to japan and france, every country in the world know they are colonist but not owner, even them selves do not argue these islands belong to them,

actually,they did,atleast upto Pre WW II.plus,its not only ROC who sent soldiers to these islands.for example,upto 1975,it was RVN who militarily controlled most of these islands.even now,its Vietnam who actually occupies most islands & reefs,some 28,of Spratly's.so,if you misinterpreted the term "Control",its not in favor of either China or ROC's(ROC controls 1 reef,1 island and China controls 9 reefs).and thats physical occupation,not some virtual "Control".
Man Qing doesn't exist,Manchurians called themselves and were called Qiren ie Bannermen.(which included Han and Mongols)

Tibetans welcomed Qing intervention ie expelling Gurkhas from Tibet.

While Xinjiang had multiple ethnicties not just Uighurs and Chinese did establish control as early as the Han dynasty.

The original texts that mentioned Yuechang was about them presenting a White pheasant for tribute at the Zhou court nowhere does it say they are from Southern Vietnam.

The Wo ie 倭 were mentioned in ancient texts,the Japanese back then were no unified and were technologically behind,Chinese simply reuses labels repeatedly.

Vietnamese love to claim Chinese history as their own and fabricate many texts in an attempt to prove it.

I already showed everyone that Van Lang didn't exist,after asking multiple times Vietnamese members were too cowardly or incompetent to reply.

You are simply making excuses for conquering other countries,there always seems to be double standards when dealing with Vietnamese aggression against other countries.

What a joke,I caught you and other Vietnamese members red handed in spreading your nonsense.

Vietnamese can make bold claims that they invented gunpowder,crossbows,Feng Shui,Hanzi,Chinese surnames but in the end they are the laughingstock of the world.

Van Lang is a symbol of Vietnamese avarice and lunacy that they were the origin of Chinese civilization and that Southern China is t heir homeland.

Is very hilarious when you refute that Manchurian didn't conquered and ruled China in China history. So you could refute every thing if it is no good for you. even though it was truth.

Viet Thuong (Yuechang) was commandary of Van Lang - Hung Kings era of Viets people. It stated in text Shiji of Zhou Court in China.

Indochine peninsula is land of Viets first who spoke Mon/Khmer language like Khmer people in Cambodia, Mon people in Myanma, Khmu people in Laos and Muong/Kinh people in Vietnam.

Chams people came later from Malaysia islands and they stolen land of Viets and would like to annexed Annam Land to them too. The Cham King Che Bong Nga invaded in to Thang Long/Hanoi today, he was killed in fighting. we take back our lands of Viets it was the problem of time.

Turn back to topic about Paracel and Spratly. Man Qing map printed in China in 1909, it was very recent. It stated that last point of China territory reached to south coast of Hannan Island only. China can not deny this truth.

In the book of Do Ba, he is Vietnamese Historian “Tuyển tập Thiên Nam Tứ Chí Lộ đồ thư” copied in 1741, the map of Island was stated "Bai Cat Vang" it translated in Han Zi is " Hoang Sa" the name of Islands of Vietnam today.

To tell the truth. China's claim is baseless, thats why, u guys dare not go to the court and debate with VietNam-Phillipine abt it.
You're a mindless idiot. Why would China do that when they already claim it's hers? Going to the International court does mean that China is doubtful on her claims. Also, we don't need a third party to tell us what is ours and what's not ours. You suck up to them, you go ahead and file since you've been busy all these decades in kissing white A$$E$.
Of course, we can share the SCS resources with Vietnam, since Mao even shared the land with Vietnam.

However, Vietnam with its ultra-nationalistic mentality was never getting convinced about China's big brother status in Asia.

They often believe that if the Manchus can conquer China, then they can do the same. So we can't let a such wolf pup to grow stronger by feeding them.
Vietnamese are backstabbers. I wouldn't share land with them. Give and inch, they take a mile and claim to be the victim. It's time to sinicise these brethens.
actually,they did,atleast upto Pre WW II.plus,its not only ROC who sent soldiers to these islands.for example,upto 1975,it was RVN who militarily controlled most of these islands.even now,its Vietnam who actually occupies most islands & reefs,some 28,of Spratly's.so,if you misinterpreted the term "Control",its not in favor of either China or ROC's(ROC controls 1 reef,1 island and China controls 9 reefs).and thats physical occupation,not some virtual "Control".
they did? please find government document or report they assert it in last thirty years. i have said you just play words game. if now i stand in any area in india where no soldier stand there, can i argue it belongs to me? i can not check evey island in india if there is troop, but i believe there are many, what is the rationale for you to argue your authority? taking up some main islands and declare the rest belongs to you, this is what exactly 1946 chinese government do. do not talk about the 1975 things, it have passed for almost 30 years after we declare our authority thorugh troops
Vietnamese are backstabbers. I wouldn't share land with them. Give and inch, they take a mile and claim to be the victim. It's time to sinicise these brethens.

Islands belong to Vietnam, not China. When China robbed with force, killed our people. China is aggressor.
Is very hilarious when you refute that Manchurian didn't conquered and ruled China in China history. So you could refute every thing if it is no good for you. even though it was truth.

Viet Thuong (Yuechang) was commandary of Van Lang - Hung Kings era of Viets people. It stated in text Shiji of Zhou Court in China.

Indochine peninsula is land of Viets first who spoke Mon/Khmer language like Khmer people in Cambodia, Mon people in Myanma, Khmu people in Laos and Muong/Kinh people in Vietnam.

Chams people came later from Malaysia islands and they stolen land of Viets and would like to annexed Annam Land to them too. The Cham King Che Bong Nga invaded in to Thang Long/Hanoi today, he was killed in fighting. we take back our lands of Viets it was the problem of time.

Turn back to topic about Paracel and Spratly. Man Qing map printed in China in 1909, it was very recent. It stated that last point of China territory reached to south coast of Hannan Island only. China can not deny this truth.

In the book of Do Ba, he is Vietnamese Historian “Tuyển tập Thiên Nam Tứ Chí Lộ đồ thư” copied in 1741, the map of Island was stated "Bai Cat Vang" it translated in Han Zi is " Hoang Sa" the name of Islands of Vietnam today.

When have I ever stated that Manchus never sat on the Imperial Throne?

Rather the Manchus did not prefer to call themselves Manchus but Qiren and heavily mixed with Han Chinese.

Van Lang never exist,your cowards show texts written thousands of years later.

If 2,000 years later Vietnamese wrote that Vietnam ruled China will that automatically make it true?

I don't have time to walk you though Chinese texts read 論衡.說苑,白虎通,風俗通義 etc to see that Yuechang's location was unknown.

Quite rich,tell Cambodians,Laotians,Thais and Burmese that they were originally Vietnamese and see what they say.

Champa never belonged to Vietnamese until the Southern expansion,alter history as much as you want but the truth will never be changed.

You can't even read the simply title of the map thus your arguments are baseless.

The only thing Vietnamese PDF members are capable of are spreading their propaganda that Van Lang is real.
Vietnamese are backstabbers. I wouldn't share land with them. Give and inch, they take a mile and claim to be the victim. It's time to sinicise these brethens.

you are sinzed, you lost your true identity, your troll and troll again and again. China robbed our Islands 1974, 1988 with force. Its illegal.
When have I ever stated that Manchus never sat on the Imperial Throne?

Rather the Manchus did not prefer to call themselves Manchus but Qiren and heavily mixed with Han Chinese.

Van Lang never exist,your cowards show texts written thousands of years later.

If 2,000 years later Vietnamese wrote that Vietnam ruled China will that automatically make it true?

I don't have time to walk you though Chinese texts read 論衡.說苑,白虎通,風俗通義 etc to see that Yuechang's location was unknown.

Quite rich,tell Cambodians,Laotians,Thais and Burmese that they were originally Vietnamese and see what they say.

Champa never belonged to Vietnamese until the Southern expansion,alter history as much as you want but the truth will never be changed.

You can't even read the simply title of the map thus your arguments are baseless.

The only thing Vietnamese PDF members are capable of are spreading their propaganda that Van Lang is real.

Talking to him is like talking to a broken radio, which keep playing the same nonsenses repeatably.
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Talking to him is like talking to a broken radio, which never keep playing the same nonsenses repeatably.
Their propaganda is highly annoying,that's why I even bother to reply.

I don't know why its always the Koreans and the Vietnamese who always want to hijack Chinese culture as their own at least the Japanese know where their culture came from.
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