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Republic of Naswaristan

I think everyone who wants to leave forever should be kicked out. An addict should not be left without help. :p:

Do the honors...
On a serious note.... you really are fun...... bittery sarcastic..... the best kind!

Byes....... :wave:

O.O - Bye bye....

Oh yes PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE.... YES YES YES..... DO DO DO DO....... @Oscar........ :D

Do the honors...
They stay in the backyard where their pond is...

And why would i quack with em? -_-

Admit it you like to quack back at them! :woot:
On a serious note.... you really are fun...... bittery sarcastic..... the best kind!

I feel akward... You can go now .. [wave]

I feel akward... You can go now .. [wave]
This @Hyperion guy is "burdha bandar, gulhati marna nahin chording". Afsos, hogging all the limelight.

Let's coup d'etat his ***.

Admit it you like to quack back at them! :woot:

Okay - admitted .. But at the hens .. Not the ducks ..
My most favorite creature right after dogs......... ducks........ have been infatuated with them since I was a baby........ dad kept several swans and ducks along with VABBITS till I was 4...... :D

Btw, she likes to quack at me too.... :P

Admit it you like to quack back at them! :woot:
Ok you can try these cockroach kebabs :cheers:


Motha fucka what the ****, gag!

This shit real? Mother fucker im gonna hurl.

Okay - admitted .. But at the hens .. Not the ducks ..

So you go all like puck puck puck puckaaack at the chickens? Do you do the funny walk and flap your arms? They must look at you and be like this woman CRAYYYYYYYYYYY! :crazy:
So you go all like puck puck puck puckaaack at the chickens? Do you do the funny walk and flap your arms? They must look at you and be like this woman CRAYYYYYYYYYYY! :crazy:

Now now i m not that much of a loser .. Though you sound like someone with experience
I sit gracefully on my chair.. And just sneakily take the sound out , no one suspects
Motha fucka what the ****, gag!
This shit real? Mother fucker im gonna hurl.

Someone, get this nigga a glass of ice cold water. . .:cheesy:
Now now i m not that much of a loser .. Though you sound like someone with experience
I sit gracefully on my chair.. And just sneakily take the sound out , no one suspects

You still crayy if yo interact with chickens. Now now dont be shy, admit you've lost it at the hen house :cuckoo:
You still crayy if yo interact with chickens. Now now dont be shy, admit you've lost it at the hen house :cuckoo:

Being Crazy is a part of living .. You cant just seat your boring old *** on a rocking chair and watch tv..
Being Crazy is a part of living .. You cant just seat your boring old *** on a rocking chair and watch tv..

Believe me rocking chairs are the shit. We had one in our home, the old style with the arced base so you would rock on it manually ( these dys its all hinges and shit, takes the fun out). For me as a 5-6 year old kid it was something off the chain. Tipped over so many times.

You consider yourself old? This @Hyperion is 35 man, 35 and he still acts and skimps like a backstreet boy fan :D

@Armstrong khana chordain butt sab zindagi main aur kuch bhi hai :D
Believe me rocking chairs are the shit. We had one in our home, the old style with the arced base so you would rock on it manually ( these dys its all hinges and shit, takes the fun out). For me as a 5-6 year old kid it was something off the chain. Tipped over so many times.

You consider yourself old? This @Hyperion is 35 man, 35 and he still acts and skimps like a backstreet boy fan :D

I dont consider myself old.. Lol
And i have this arced one right here at the moment ..though it automatically comes up after you reach a certain level ..but the whole wall behind it is ruined

Lol ... Age is just a number .. My 45 year uncle does stuff in the public which leaves the whole family embarrassed at the end...
(Not that kind of stuff please dont go there- i m talking about the childish stuff)
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