Everybody mocked officel the US strike... but Russia is in a very bad situation... the reason why USA has warned Russia befor the attack, that no russian soldiers get harmed.
Putin has maneuverd himself into a trap and the west trys to open him the possibility to leave this trap without loosing his face...
Putin supports a politican who was already officel called gulty by the United Nations for the use of chemical weapons against his own people befor ... he used chemical weapons again... under a Assad government Syria will never reunited, this possible szenario is over once and for ever... no matter what Iran Russia or who ever what something different... the most powerfull nations in the world reached a point that Assad is inacceptable anymore and they give a **** what Iran or someone else think about it!
Putin´s Syria advanture cost him billions and Russia is deep economy trouble.
blabla on TV is normal to blame the action of the USA... but also fact is that Russia did not counter the attack and that they officel look forward to the US Russian meeting at the weekend.
The west has opened Putin the door to a more neutral position in Syria and Putin would be dumb not to take this chance.
once again China has zerro interest in war with USA... it would ruin their economy no matter if they win or loose