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Report: US cancels drone deal with Turkey

i think some members here skip the main reason why Turkey like some other countries is becoming regional power; USA is therefore not our rival or enemy; quite the opposite, USA is supporting the position of Turkey politically and militaristic way. but Turkey wants more and they resist that untill they see some benefits for themselves.

Israel is of course the strategical ally of USA, but Israel is the enemy of the region; but Turkey is not, That is what makes USA think twice, therefore such news are quite normal.
Ooh how surprizing, our "ally" is yet again unwilling to sell decent military equipment. They dont seem to have learned anything from refusing to sell us 70s tech MLRS's in the early 2000, we will simply go for domestic and chinese alternative. Imagine if a country like China is willing to share ToT and Co-production with a NATO state, while our "ally" doesnt want to share jack and still demands more money at the same time.

And yet they got the nerve of asking us to prove our allegiance to them, they truelly got them phucking nerve. We should re-evaluate our relationship with them, because as it seems now the only thing our "ally" brought us was missery. Cancelling the predator deal, huuuuge mistake.
i think some members here skip the main reason why Turkey like some other countries is becoming regional power; USA is therefore not our rival or enemy; quite the opposite, USA is supporting the position of Turkey politically and militaristic way. but Turkey wants more and they resist that untill they see some benefits for themselves.

Israel is of course the strategical ally of USA, but Israel is the enemy of the region; but Turkey is not, That is what makes USA think twice, therefore such news are quite normal.

lol lol

It's a very big joke, probably. ^^
Tomorrow, Top ranked NATO officials are coming to Turkey to meet MoD and SSM. I think They have a serious agenda to drive Turkey to cancel the meeting with China.
Dudes, USA and generally West see Turkey as sleeping power which should be controlled by economically, politically so They always issues some hidden embargoes, While making pressure over Turkey with using some instruments such as terorist organisations, Armenian dispute, Greek problems in Aegean. They always threaten us to support anti-Turk claims If Turkey goes away of the ways they drawed for us so They feel free to;

Say Which countries We may trade, or not
SAy which products we may order or not
Issue embargo for defence trades to "ally" Turkey for some specific products
USA never share any serious ToT with Turkey

but Turkish defence industry frightened them so much. Almost all areas, Turkish insttutes began revealing competible products to be self sufficiency and They started loosing some cakes in Middile East and Asian markets. They always wanted their critical weapons used on Turkish land with their source codes so It leads not to loose control over weapon systems even If they are in the hands of us but Their plans didn't go well thanks to impressive progress of Turkish defence industry.

In missile sector, Turkey is developing almost all type of missiles from AT, AG, AA to cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, SAM family excluding Long altitude air defence missiles so Opened a tender with co-production project model. Selection of Chinese HQ-9B shocked them because They don't have any idea about such a secret system to be in Turks hand. Turkish institutes will develop their own command-control systems and integrate 12 batteries of missile system into own network, While manufacturing almost all parts of missiles in domestic institutes. Such a big surprize capability is too big for Israel in region which would be a serious danger for thir aerial assets at a likely event. They suppose Turkey will order Patriot missiles which EW tactics are already in the hands of Jews so Having 12 batteries of PAC-3 doesn't change secret power race/balance between Israel and Turkey in region so The actual reason of their moanings hidden under the words of "NATO integration" are about that.

I could not agree more my friend, well done :tup:
Tomorrow, Top ranked NATO officials are coming to Turkey to meet MoD and SSM. I think They have a serious agenda to drive Turkey to cancel the meeting with China.

As long as Tayyip wants to keep the deal, it does not matter even Rasmussen visits out country with a serious agenda :D
The solution for this so called problem is easy..Instead of whining, US should give us Patriots with Full ToT as China does and knock off The System`s Price...There you go...At the end the market is open for competition..

BTW, this news is good for us in the long run..It will accelerate our UAV development progress
I'm pretty sure when this decision made they considered the Western reaction, so I don't think deal would be cancelled with the "serious agenda" of these guys :)
Tomorrow, Top ranked NATO officials are coming to Turkey to meet MoD and SSM. I think They have a serious agenda to drive Turkey to cancel the meeting with China.
Maybe that was the plan all along from the Turkish side,what do you think?
Tomorrow, Top ranked NATO officials are coming to Turkey to meet MoD and SSM. I think They have a serious agenda to drive Turkey to cancel the meeting with China.

Maybe that was the plan all along from the Turkish side,what do you think?

I would love to see it from the USA ? System PAC-3 with ‘completely ToT and co-development like with Israel (Arrow 3)’ ?

In the Twilight Zone maybe. Never, never of life. ^^

This is only a guile to doubt the Chinese trust that they have you given - even though you are a NATO member - and break the pact HQ-9B with them.
Rasmussen manage to politically ruin his own country before running off to become secretary for NATO, and he is not a friend of Turkey. I expect his "words" even the tone will prove the point. I am looking forward to how things will develop after tomorrow.
Rasmussen manage to politically ruin his own country before running off to become secretary for NATO, and he is not a friend of Turkey. I expect his "words" even the tone will prove the point. I am looking forward to how things will develop after tomorrow.

Nothing... ^^
Jewish Press journalist suggests Turkish intel chief should be assassinated
In an Oct. 17 article titled “Turkey Exposed 10 Israeli Agents in Iran,” Jewish Press journalist Yori Yanover suggested Turkish intelligence chief Hakan Fidan should be assassinated.
“If anyone deserves to find a special surprise in his car one morning, it's [Hakan] Fidan, the Turkish spy chief. He is a key Erdoğan man, who was handed the MIT [National Intelligence Organization] in 2010,” he wrote.

David Ignatius of The Washington Post has quoted “knowledgeable sources” as saying that the Turkish government disclosed to Iranian intelligence the identities of up to 10 Iranians who had been meeting inside Turkey with their Mossad case officers.

Officials in Ankara, speaking to Reuters on condition they not be named, described the article in The Washington Post as part of an attempt to discredit Turkey by foreign powers uncomfortable with its growing influence in the Middle East.

There was no immediate comment from Israel, but Israeli ministers have accused Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of adopting an anti-Israeli stance in recent years in order to bolster his country's standing in the Muslim world.

Ignatius said top Israeli officials feel that despite the apology, the severe strain with Erdoğan continues. He cited Israeli intelligence officers as describing MİT chief Fidan to CIA officials several years ago as “the MOIS [Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security] station chief in Ankara.”

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu rejected the claims on Thursday, saying that “the claims about Hakan Fidan are untrue.”

He said that Israeli intelligence had apparently run part of its Iranian spy network through Turkey, which allows relatively easy movement back and forth across its border with Iran, and added that MİT has the resources to monitor covert Israeli-Iranian meetings.

Jewish Press journalist suggests Turkish intel chief should be assassinated - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news
I would love to see it from the USA ? System PAC-3 with ‘completely ToT and co-development like with Israel (Arrow 3)’ ?

In the Twilight Zone maybe. Never, never of life. ^^

This is only a guile to doubt the Chinese trust that they have you given - even though you are a NATO member - and break the pact HQ-9B with them.

There are some other factors that West worries;

-You know HQ-9B missile technology will be transfered to Turkey. Murat Bayar clearly pointed out that It is going to drive us to develop own Long altitude, maybe longer range SAM system than current HQ-9B. Such a big and powerfull alliance like NATO that has tens of industrialized partner countries, only have two similar class alternative Long Altitude SAM system (US PAC-3, French/Italy Aster-30). A new rising rival called Turkey, will cause LOTS OF problems to them in terms of politically and economically as well.

-If Turkey develop own Long Altitude Missiles, Think How great money West is going to loose;
*They wouldn't compete with Turkish offset and ToT offers for export markets so They would loose some tenders maybe.
*They know that Such game changer strategic SAM in the hands of Muslim Turkey, will be exported to some countries where Some of them are partly isolated thanks to their export limitations.
*USA and West lost around 7 billion $ from now. What about future ?

-There is a strategic naval program called TF-2000 AAW frigate whose SAM missiles will be supplied by same USA(In plan) but There is a big problem for Turkish side. USA refuses to sell SM-2 missiles without radar, command-contol systems with their fusion and source-codes but What Turkey wants is to order just missiles to integrate own APAR radar and Genesis CCS. With domestic Long range missiles, Turkey will kick the arse of Raytheon and integrate own missiles, radars and command-control system on 6 TF-2000 frigates without meeting any problem. It means another billion $ lost for USA as well.

- At present, There are lots of domestic radar programs including passive radars, bigger search radars. I mean Even If HQ-9B comes with own radars to be manufactured collaboration with China, 12 batteries of SAM system Chine/Turkey will manufacture, will work completely different and secret radar network integrated on Aselsan's command-control system. If you pay attention, Turkey doesn't care much for integration of those missiles into NATO network If It is needed, We will develop connection interfaces but We will never share any single secret info of those SAM and radars with west. What they want is to export their own SAM system, radars working with their source codes, electronics and command-control systems. Without permission, Turks can't touch any single parts. As a result of that export policy, When It is needed, They can easily shut down the systems running with their softwares. Anyhow, Israel has already developed many EW tactics to overcome Patriots...etc
My friend i dont think they afraid from us. We are producing 1.5 percent of world income. Plus China and Russia selling everything to everyone already. The problem is US cut defence Budgets EU spending 0. And US defence industry loosing a good customer in some areas but i didnt say loosing an ally. And dont underestimate power of defence industry in US. If we would demand predators now not two years it would be sold instantly Business is a business

My friend they want No one become a main supplier it is not related with religion. Because they are world biggest major supplier. And they are trying to prevent their market thats Business.

Sensible posts.
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