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Report reveals huge scale of corruption among Chinese government officials

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hi, brother, democracy won't necessarily mean being strong, the biggest powers of the world may sharethe same democratic system, you'd better look deep at their history. each power may have different story with which you can exlain their success.
democracy is good, everybody knows that, but sometimes it may be only good individually not collectively. that's why CPC indicates ,for a couple of times, China will adhere to the current political system. as an ordinary chinese people, i am ambivalent over CPC's claim. on one hand you have to admit CPC has successfully lifted this country off from poverty and we are on the way of resurrection, on the other hand you can not ignore the social inequality which is oppressing the ordinary ppl day by day.
but from the angle of nationalism, we need to stay with CPC and back it up especially when it faces some tough and complicated international situations. on the international stage we chinese ppl and CPC share same fate.
now politicians around world are envying china's development at a time lots of developed countries got stalled in economic plight. this fact can fully justify something that the democratic system also has its own flaws.
in this world, there are so many countires running democracy, but only a few of them are stroing and wealthy.
after all i think democracy is not the necessary or sufficient condition for prosperity.
Wikileaks gave Hu Jintao a passing grade. He's probably one of the least corrupt world leaders in terms of bank accounts. Chaing Kai-Shek (Cash My Check) was probably one of the all time worst.

Wait wut... You have to rely on Wikileaks to find out how much your president is worth? Citing from Western sources which you guys often deem as either false or an attack on China is quite sad indeed.
Lol,Pepole dont need any evidence but the result to judge whether President Hu is good or bad.When Hu officially took the presidental position in 2002,Chinas GDP was even behind Itali and the Lehman Brother at that time was talking that China will take 20 to 30 years overtake Japans GDP.Some westerners were writing books about China will collapse in 2005,2006,2007,2008 or 2009.But the result is even before Hu offically gets retired in 2012,China already took Japans position and became the NO.1 in world trade and NO.2 in WORLD GDP and kiked the US out from the NO.1 positions like energy consume and industry output which it kept in the last 150 years.Most importantly the Lehman Brother got bankrupt and western economies suddenlly crashed in 2008. Lol,irony enough to me.
Is there huge corruption?

Who are the beneficiaries?
Read the fine print:

"Trade mispricing was found to account for an average of 54.7 percent of cumulative illicit flows from developing countries over the period 2000-2008 and is the major channel for the transfer of illicit capital from China."

Illegal financial outflows does not equal government corruption. Most of it is kickbacks and the cost of doing business in Africa, ME, India and South America. The $2 Trillion number is ridiculous for govt. corruption. The $122 billion of the original article sounds about right.

India is declining because it's running a bigger and bigger trade deficit. It is a net buyer of weapons and non-agricultural & raw material goods and therefore a net receiver of kickbacks. Get it?????

Well I think you missed what I said in my post

In ILLEGAL FINANCIAL OUTFLOWS, China tops by far. This is could be with or without the connivance of govt. officials. The report is done more professionally and the methodology is more sound than other reports.

Is the ENTIRE scale of corruption captured in this report? No, this only the part where illegal financial outflows are calculated. Remember, this is the amount of money over 7-8 year period only. Internal corruption added to this would actually increase the amount of illegal financial transactions happening in a country.
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