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Report on two-child policy submitted to decision-makers

Do canadian or Australian have more employment opportunities than Japan and USA?Is their house cheaper than Japan and USA?The house price in Canada and Australia is even higher than USA while they only have around 1/10 population of USA.You logic is total BS.
The house high prices in Canada is not due to population factors. The factors are:

1. Builder greed. They build houses just below the vacancy rate in order for prices to remain high.
2a. Low interest rates (2%)
2. You foreign assholes! The biggest buyers of houses in Canada are foreigners, mainly mainland Chinese. The corrupt officials along with their family are using stolen money and buying up properties in Canada and Australia.
3. Immigrants. Canada allow too many immigrants each year and they are the biggest buyers of properties across Canada not the local Canadians.

It has nothing to do with population.the school size in japan is 28,USA is 20.
That's what I'm saying.
The house high prices in Canada is not due to population factors. The factors are:

1. Builder greed. They build houses just below the vacancy rate in order for prices to remain high.
2a. Low interest rates (2%)
2. You foreign assholes! The biggest buyers of houses in Canada are foreigners, mainly mainland Chinese. The corrupt officials along with their family are using stolen money and buying up properties in Canada and Australia.
3. Immigrants. Canada allow too many immigrants each year and they are the biggest buyers of properties across Canada.

That's what I'm saying.
And that's what I'm saying all along.Why did you say YOU foreign assholes?What does that have to do with me?
Uhm, The rate of well-educated women giving birth to a third child was low because they were aware that if children were to receive the best care and education and families were to enjoy a reasonable standard of living they would not considered to having more than 2 children (at current level of development in Vietnam of course). Also, well-informed women also knew more about the importance of contraception compared to their less-educated counterparts who knew little or nothing. So that i meant less strict rule in urban compare to rural areas

Also in Vietnam, parents often have the attitude and thinking of (có nếp có tẻ), this attitude quite prevalence in Northern area of Vietnam- @Yorozuya . Many couples with two daughters wanted to have a third child in the hope that it was a boy, but it also worked in reserve: many couples who had two sons wanted to have a daughter, it is quite popular among public employees.as research by govt newspaper: Thanhniennews

About it more severe in rural compare to urban, i takes the impression here
Vietnam Poised to End Two-Child Policy | Population Research Institute

How is that related to my post? Your 档案 or past record was the main deterrent against having more child back in the day (and it still is for government/SoE related job posting) is common knowledge in China. Yes, educated women are more aware of contraceptives, but that has nothing to do with how strictly rules are enforced.

if No CCP, China was/is/will be still China. we all know it right?

Well, that is actually debatable. 1950s was such a critical period that the power vacuum left by the decline of old colonial European power and yet-to-expand-to-full-height power of USSR and USA presented a golden opportunity for a country to rise. Without CCP finishing the civil war decisively in 1949 and destroying all the warlords, China will be likely to be in state of chaos in 1950s and missed its opportunity to rise and establish its industrial base.The Sino-USSR split in 1960s was actually the signal that the window is over and the superpowers are on the stage. Anyone who haven't managed to snatch enough opportunity to boost its power (in China's case, a complete, self-sufficient industrial and nuclear weapons) are out of luck.

Of course, that was actually the better case scenario because without CCP establishing a powerful unified military to resist foreign invasions, it is very possible for the area to fracture to multiple entities-----you just need to look at the division of India and Pakistan or the middle east to see the examples.

Time and opportunities are not free and certainly does not last forever. The Chinese people got off lucky because it was led by a political organization that has both the strength and will to snatch the only window in the past century to rise.
Your logic resembles to an Indian.

You do realize that the policy you are criticizing is being revised, which is the entire argument of the OP? Why are you going in circles and making this an historical debate of the pros and cons of a now already revised policy?

I guess , at this point, it is much constructive to debate what needs to be done further. On this, you may argue a total abolishment of population management/control, something that almost every country in the world runs one version or another.

For one, I am for demographic education and I agree with you that, at this point in history, population is power for China, which was not the case when policy makers 4 decades prior looked at the situation and made decision. Hence, the entire discouragement scheme must be done away with.

What is potentially dangerous is policy rigidity not the One Child Policy itself. And, on the issue of reformation and progressive thinking, no other government is as scientific and empirical as the government of China. So, have faith, please.

Apart from the Indian reference, I agree with you here.
Apart from the Indian reference, I agree with you here.
Okay,yesterday I chatted with my friends.
They thought that the one child policy shouldnt be abandoned,if there r more people the life quality will decrease,what's ur opinion?
Less people,more suitable to our limited land.
We wont have good life quality if there r too many people.
@Bussard Ramjet
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Okay,yesterday I chatted with my friends.
They thought that the one child policy shouldnt be abandoned,if there r more people the life quality will decrease,what's ur opinion?
Less people,more suitable to our limited land.
We wont have good life quality if there r too many people.
@Bussard Ramjet

Untrue. Life Quality has to do with the standards of living. Technology and Planning can easily mitigate the effects of overpopulation.

Today, China can easily afford more people.

Remember, more people means more consumers, more producers etc. Ultimately the power of a nation comes down to its human resources, which includes BOTH quality and quantity.

Let's for example see Denmark. Is it a superpower? It sure has a very very high standard of living.
Untrue. Life Quality has to do with the standards of living. Technology and Planning can easily mitigate the effects of overpopulation.

Today, China can easily afford more people.

Remember, more people means more consumers, more producers etc. Ultimately the power of a nation comes down to its human resources, which includes BOTH quality and quantity.

Let's for example see Denmark. Is it a superpower? It sure has a very very high standard of living.
Why China should be a superpower?
※Our school readings refer to one child policy and say if there r too many people,the process of industrialization will be influenced. @Bussard Ramjet
※My friends can easily enter FB,but I failed over and over again,I dont know why.Maybe I suffered from damnation now...
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Why China should be a superpower?
Our reading refer to one child policy that more people will influence industrialization..

Well, than don't be. I guess others might not concur with your wish here.

I don't understand your second line though.
Okay,yesterday I chatted with my friends.
They thought that the one child policy shouldnt be abandoned,if there r more people the life quality will decrease,what's ur opinion?
Less people,more suitable to our limited land.
We wont have good life quality if there r too many people.
@Bussard Ramjet

The Indian's whole argument about having a 3 billion population is good for China is that he forgot to mention natural resources are limited. His whole argument is assuming natural resources is unlimited.

The Indian's whole argument about having a 3 billion population is good for China is that he forgot to mention natural resources are limited. His whole argument is assuming natural resources is unlimited.

That's why India doesnt control its population...
The most important thing is citizens' life quality,too crowded isnt good for us..

vv,do u know that the total China's land that can grow rice even less than India...Although our land looks very big...But many western province,like Tibet(Population density):2.1,Qinghai:7,Xinjiang:13.2,Inner Mongolia:20..
plateau,desert,cold area...
@Bussard Ramjet

Dont say import,it's ridiculous.
So,where r u?Disappearing again??I hate you!!!:pissed::sniper:
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Population is not a burden,population is a gift.

Are you certain? Many civilization vanished over the single reason of overpopulation.

That doesn't make sense.

When your population grow beyond what the land can sustain, and when the next natural disaster strikes, there will be massive famine and emigration. The collapse of Maya was a perfect example.
Remember, China is the largest food importer of the world already. Such a lack of self-sustainability is already a grave threat to national security or even survivability. My guess is you are too young to experience the rationing of everything from food to clothing.
When your population grow beyond what the land can sustain, and when the next natural disaster strikes, there will be massive famine and emigration. The collapse of Maya was a perfect example.
Remember, China is the largest food importer of the world already. Such a lack of self-sustainability is already a grave threat to national security or even survivability. My guess is you are too young to experience the rationing of everything from food to clothing.
How many civilizations that have low population do you know?This is really meaningless debote.
The Indian's whole argument about having a 3 billion population is good for China is that he forgot to mention natural resources are limited. His whole argument is assuming natural resources is unlimited.


I never claimed that there should immediately be a 3 billion population. But you are not looking into the future.

Why China should be a superpower?
※Our school readings refer to one child policy and say if there r too many people,the process of industrialization will be influenced. @Bussard Ramjet
※My friends can easily enter FB,but I failed over and over again,I dont know why.Maybe I suffered from damnation now...

The time when this policy was implemented people had 5-7 children per women. It is appropriate I would say to have 2-3 kids per women. It wouldn't slow down anything. Rather, it would help.
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