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Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

Oh Man i think u didn't get new properly , India manufactures completely in india
A) Su30 MKI (Including engine)/ Mission computer etc
C) LAH (going to be)
D) Rafael (Manufactured in India)

india also design n develop own fighter in past at that time chinese are only copying Russian MIG 19/21 Plane design ....

After 50 years India design n develop own technology and50 years chinese still tries to hack design/ buy design and tries to copy it, Proof can be found from plane design and your Air craft carrier design..... Grow up ,

A) Su30 MKI (Including engine)/ Mission computer etc
->same as first 90 su27 of china, they are assemble in India with Russian tech! Same as Jf-17 which made in Pakistan with Chinese tech
->J-11b can completely made in china with ws-10 engines and made significant improvement!
->That's a helicopter not a fix wind air plane
->China can manufacture z-8 z-9 z-11 z-15 wz-10 wz-19
C) LAH (going to be)
->Stop Pulling Things that Not Happen YET!
->Chinese have Stealth Boomer,Large Transport Plane,trans-atmospheric vehicle(shenglong-1),AWACS,j-16,j18,j-21,j-22....ect (going to be)
D) Rafael (Manufactured in India)
You Dont Even FLY One YET! STOP PULLING Things that Not Happen YET!
The Only Close One!
General Electric F404-GE-IN20 turbofan (US)
Air-to-air missiles:
Python 5 (Israel)
Derby (Israel)
Air-to-surface missiles:
Kh-59ME (Russia)
Kh-59MK (Russia)
Anti-ship missiles
Kh-35 (Russia)
Kh-31 (Russia)
EL/M-2032 (Israel)
Elisra (Israel)
Escape systems
British Martin-Baker ejection seat (UK)
"After 50 years India design n develop own technology" Are you blind???which out those parts, your LCA cant even fly!

"chinese still tries to hack design/ buy design and tries to copy it"

"Plane design and your Air craft carrier design"
YOURS IS JUST AN AIRFRAME OF LCA . China completely designedj-8,j-10,j-20,jf-15,JH-7,Q-5...ect

"your Aircraft carrier design"
Our desgin of Air craft carrier!!!!You are shitting me? IF you don't have any Chinese military knowledge! Stop trolling in Chinese Defence! The Aircraft carrier you saw is call Varyag.
You are confusing missiles with nuclear warheads dumb a$$... They are 2 different things. Yes the missiles we have were North Korean design. But how can our Nukes (warheads) be from them when they tested theirs in late 2000s and we did tested ours in 1998...:rofl:

How is it overnight? Perhaps, you didn't read my last post. The program started in the 1960s during Ayub Khan's era, then continued rapidly even if we have to eat grass during Bhutto's time. 1960s-1990s is not overnight!!!...:lol:

We kept our national hero under house arrest because there is something called diplomacy. We had to show the world that we are innocent! If he was such a negative person to us then, we could have handed him to the U.S directly. But no we didn't. He is our hero, and we placed him under house arrest to protect him!!!

And btw, J-10 tech came from us as well. We gave them our F-16s to give some tech. J-10B is already ordered. The B version is being made especially for Pak.

from wiki "the J-10s would be modified to Pakistani requirements, and be delivered to two PAF squadrons in 2014–2015 as the FC-20"
Chengdu J-10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I do not know how u can speak volumes even after missing the key facts. A.Q khan got blueprints of the nuclear weapons from China. This was verified by CIA. Search the net for the documentary on khan... Stop bullshiting people..

Your national hero made a market for nuclear weapons and you call him a hero? Just proves how insensitives people are even after knowing the facts.

Is it so hard to accept that your nuclear weapons were either borrowed or stolen? Only US can claim to have researched that technology, barring Germany where Einstien was born.

Look at your state, you gave them f-16 and they are selling you the rip-off back :blink:
isnt buble canopy more stealth than a traditional?isnt bubble canopy more advanced than a traditional one?
The main motivation for a bubble style canopy is for vision and lesser for aerodynamics, not for 'stealth'. It is the cockpit that create resonance, meaning a lot of radar signals bouncing around in a cavity or well, that made the forward fuselage area radar prominent. A bubble style canopy does not help in this regard. It is the coating on the canopy that must allow vision and reduced radar signal 'pass through'.
To all the Chinese here... Just buying something off market and painting it differently or making some changes does not mean you are superior than the original manufacturer.. Even the J-20 is speculated to be built around the F-22 stolen data from Lockheed.. Now India took its time in developing a plane which has been done on it's own with help not copy. Having the capability alone to produce a plane is enough for our achievements...
To all the Chinese here... Just buying something off market and painting it differently or making some changes does not mean you are superior than the original manufacturer.. Even the J-20 is speculated to be built around the F-22 stolen data from Lockheed.. Now India took its time in developing a plane which has been done on it's own with help not copy. Having the capability alone to produce a plane is enough for our achievements...

Seriously, nobody here cares about your ugly Mirage copy with 100% imported sub-components.
Seriously, nobody here cares about your ugly Mirage copy with 100% imported sub-components.

Just the wings are delta in delta configuration does not mean its a mirage copy.... Lol how naive....
After all these years what Indian can do is still to pay 10 billions to kill it's own aircraft industry.
By the time India get it's first Rafael China will already have 800+ J-10/11 and start getting J-20. There is no chance for India to win in this game.

---------- Post added at 03:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 AM ----------

Seriously, nobody here cares about your ugly Mirage copy with 100% imported sub-components.

100% or 150%? With 25% spare parts to make up the mistakes that HAL will make during the assemble and the other 25% goes to the politicians for their noble deeds and contribution to their country.
What I find funny is that not a single Chinese person commented on this thread until Indians filled the entire first page with there standard jingoistic dribble.

if you have not noticed....the first post i.e the first vedio is actually Chinese dribble to which we were having a go at since none of you guys were kind enough to translate since there was probably some thing very embarrassing in the vedio for you guys
After all these years what Indian can do is still to pay 10 billions to kill it's own aircraft industry.
By the time India get it's first Rafael China will already have 800+ J-10/11 and start getting J-20. There is no chance for India to win in this game.

---------- Post added at 03:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 AM ----------

100% or 150%? With 25% spare parts to make up the mistakes that HAL will make during the assemble and the other 25% goes to the politicians for their noble deeds and contribution to their country.

Kill what... Your copy Industry? We have a 50% offset clause maybe you don't even know what it means..

I'm sorry to provoke you guys... Yes LCA is 200% copy, we had one plane inside another.... I guess you can carry on with your trolling now...
A) Su30 MKI (Including engine)/ Mission computer etc
->same as first 90 su27 of china, they are assemble in India with Russian tech! Same as Jf-17 which made in Pakistan with Chinese tech
->J-11b can completely made in china with ws-10 engines and made significant improvement!
->That's a helicopter not a fix wind air plane
->China can manufacture z-8 z-9 z-11 z-15 wz-10 wz-19
C) LAH (going to be)
->Stop Pulling Things that Not Happen YET!
->Chinese have Stealth Boomer,Large Transport Plane,trans-atmospheric vehicle(shenglong-1),AWACS,j-16,j18,j-21,j-22....ect (going to be)
D) Rafael (Manufactured in India)
You Dont Even FLY One YET! STOP PULLING Things that Not Happen YET!
The Only Close One!
General Electric F404-GE-IN20 turbofan (US)
Air-to-air missiles:
Python 5 (Israel)
Derby (Israel)
Air-to-surface missiles:
Kh-59ME (Russia)
Kh-59MK (Russia)
Anti-ship missiles
Kh-35 (Russia)
Kh-31 (Russia)
EL/M-2032 (Israel)
Elisra (Israel)
Escape systems
British Martin-Baker ejection seat (UK)
"After 50 years India design n develop own technology" Are you blind???which out those parts, your LCA cant even fly!

"chinese still tries to hack design/ buy design and tries to copy it"

"Plane design and your Air craft carrier design"
YOURS IS JUST AN AIRFRAME OF LCA . China completely designedj-8,j-10,j-20,jf-15,JH-7,Q-5...ect

"your Aircraft carrier design"
Our desgin of Air craft carrier!!!!You are shitting me? IF you don't have any Chinese military knowledge! Stop trolling in Chinese Defence! The Aircraft carrier you saw is call Varyag.

SU 30 MKI : The Su-30MKI was jointly designed by Russia's Sukhoi Corporation and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The MKI's airframe evolved from that of the Sukhoi Su-27 while most of the avionics were developed by India. The Su-30MKI is reputed to be more advanced than the basic Su-30MK, the Chinese Su-30MKK/MK2, and the Malaysian Su-30MKM.

In October 2000, a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) was signed confirming the license production of 140+ Su-30MKIs in India and in December 2000, the deal was sealed at Russia's Irkutsk aircraft plant, with full technology transfer

An estimated 920 AL-31FP turbofans are to be manufactured at HAL's Koraput Division, while the mainframe and other accessories are to be manufactured at HAL's Divisions in Lucknow and Hyderabad. Final integration of the aircraft and its test flight are to be carried out at HAL's Nasik Division.

While taken full legal permission from Russia to manufacture each and very part in India , this is called produced in India and not assembled in India, While china copying it and saying it our own. (See the Difference)

So what your JF-17 , which you touted using russian engine? aren't they , apart from that JF-17 uses Metallic airframe which is outdated technology , right now composite airframe is the technology which uses in LCA..... so brother wake up , even if u made 60's and 70's design plane dons make you good.

Our AF standards is very high that why they are still improving LCA, but the IAF not even conducer JF -17 for testing purpose which you claim a very good fighter. See the JF-17 and lCA difference below post and update your copying knowledge ....

---------- Post added at 09:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------

Seriously, nobody here cares about your ugly Mirage copy with 100% imported sub-components.
Thats why LCA uses composite airframe which uses for stealth in F22 etc while china uses Metallic airframe in their jF-17 etc , see the technology diff.....
A two-piece canopy creates an extra gap that wouldn't be there with a one-piece canopy.

You could perhaps argue that the RCS difference is negligible.

But that still wouldn't make the two-piece superior from a stealth perspective.

ic. technology diff... is that the reason why the supposed lightest fighter is even heavier than metalic jf-17?

Oh Man :

JF17 :Empty Weight : 6,586 kg
LCA : Empty Wight : 6,560 kg
LCA is lighter

JF-17 Max. takeoff weight: 12,383 kg
LCA: Max. takeoff weight: 13,200 kg
Carry more fuel and Weapons LCA

JF-17 : G-limit: +8 g / -3 g
LCA : g-limits: +9/−3.5 g[97
More Maneuverable : LCA

JG-17 Internal Fuel Capacity: 2,300 kg
LCA: Internal fuel capacity: 2,458 kg

J-17 : Maximum speed: Mach 1.6
LCA :Maximum speed: Mach 1.8

So where your JF-17 Stands , now you tell me which technology is superior? even then IAF is not satisfied with LCA and want more powerful engine and more weapon and fuel. this we called Superior standard.

Someone can consider 40% pass in exams and someone consider 95% pass in exam and rest fails
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