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Report: China to Impose ‘Air Defense Identification Zone’ in South China Sea

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The capability is almost there. The rest is just a tactical move. Right time, right move.

SCS ADIZ will be imposed soon and it will become a norm just like the ECS ADIZ. One can deny its existence; but one's denial will not render the capability non-existent.

We Taiwanese support it and we already cooperate with the Mainland in island development; especially in Taiping. And we do it in a "in your face, US!" manner.
This is one of the items being discussed by China and US in their "Strategic & Economic Dialogue" in Beijing.

I have no doubt about it.
“US and xxx won't recognize air defense zone in South China Sea!” What has this got anything to do with Taiwan?

Be our guests,Thanks to that hawkish minister Carter and Japanese American general Harris.

taiwan needs to travel in air??? taiwan needs to travel to malaysia, indonesia.. thailand , india???
This is just a part of US strategy of news making.

First, US vows to react if China builds a new island. Was there any evidence that China would be doing that? No. US simply creates a sensational news out of thin air.

Then, US spreads the news on ADIZ in SCS. Was there any evidence that China would be doing that? No. US simply creates another sensational news out of thin air.

They will spread such news as many times as they can to give people an impression that China is currently doing that. They provide "materials" for all anti-China news outlet to have something to run on, such as this one that clearly states those islands belong to either Vietnam or Philippine, but definitely not China.

No doubt US is a master of psychological manipulation.
Who cares ? We'll go where we please. China will do nothing.:usflag:
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This is just a part of US strategy of news making.

First, US vows to react if China builds a new island. Was there any evidence that China would be doing that? No. US simply creates a sensational news out of thin air.

Then, US spreads the news on ADIZ in SCS. Was there any evidence that China would be doing that? No. US simply creates another sensational news out of thin air.

They will spread such news as many times as they can to give people an impression that China is currently doing that. They provide "materials" for all anti-China news outlet to have something to run on, such as this one that clearly states those islands belong to either Vietnam or Philippine, but definitely not China.

No doubt US is a master of psychological manipulation.


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