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***REPORT: China PLA Navy Send Warship To Syria Coast***

I think china should dispatch a fleet consisting a Dozen destroyers A Dozen frigates etc.... and Lionang too

The fleet consisting of a dozen destroyers......and Lionang" is reserved exclusively to explode Scatland and to protect Pakistan core interests.
One words in Chinese"俺是打酱油的"
“We just pass by, no matter with me”

since you are one of the posters who does not troll on Indian threads,unless provoked
Can you tell me why is china sending Warships to Syrian cost
News confirmed.

China send a warship to prepare for evacuation from Syria ???
China is not going to war with America over any country that doesn't border it, or isn't in the East/southeast asia region. China does not have any mutual defense treaties with the Syrian government.

China's military is actually busy "observing" the Indian army so people like JayAtl shouldn't wet themselves over the negative .00.1% chance that China would even think of going to war somewhere far away.

Report: China Sends Warships to Coast of Syria

PLA dispatches vessels to “observe” US maneuvers

Paul Joseph Watson
September 5, 2013

China has reportedly sent warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships as tensions build in preparation for a potential military strike on Syria which could come as soon as next week.

According to the Russian news outlet Telegrafist.org, the People’s Liberation Army dispatched the Jinggangshan amphibious dock landing ship and the vessel was seen passing through the Red Sea towards the Suez Canal, the waterway in Egypt that leads to the Mediterranean Sea and waters off the coast of Israel, Lebanon and Syria.

According to the report, the ship has not been sent to engage in any aggressive actions but is merely there to “observe” the actions of Russian and US warships. However, the Jinggangshan is equipped for combat, has conventional armaments and secondary cannons, and was utilized as part of a “show of force” in maneuvers aimed at defending the South China Sea earlier this year.

The report states that additional PLA warships have also been sent to the region but that their identity is unknown.

Yesterday it was reported that Russia was sending three more ships – two destroyers and a missile cruiser – to the eastern Mediterranean to bolster its forces which already include three other warships dispatched over the last two weeks.

Earlier this week, Russia criticized the United States for sending warships close to Syria, with Russian Defense Ministry official Oleg Dogayev remarking, “The dispatch of ships armed with cruise missiles toward Syria’s shores has a negative effect on the situation in the region.”

Five U.S. destroyers and an amphibious ship are currently positioned in the eastern Mediterranean awaiting strike orders. The USS Nimitz and three other warships are also stationed in the nearby Red Sea.

In a related story, China today toughened its rhetoric on Syria, warning President Barack Obama that, “Military action would have a negative impact on the global economy, especially on the oil price – it will cause a hike in the oil price.”

The Global Times, a newspaper described by Foreign Policy Magazine as “hyper nationalistic” and an “angry Chinese government mouthpiece, also published an editorial yesterday which slammed Obama for failing to prove that last month’s chemical weapons attack was the work of the Syrian government, charging that Washington’s “geopolitical interests” in the region were behind the military build-up.

The editorial, which also complains of the total lack of media coverage in America concerning reports that Syrian rebels admitted responsibility for last month’s che mical weapons attack, accuses the White House of “ignoring logic as it beats war drums.”

The video below shows the Jinggangshan warship in action during an exercise earlier this year.

» Report: China Sends Warships to Coast of Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

haha now uncle mao coming............all superpower is come

one by one islamic eschatology will fullfilled..................syria and all arab kingdom will burning & destroyed into ash..................all arab today are khawarij.& slave of zionist............jahannam hellfire is best place for them

Abu Huraira narrates that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until the الروم Romans/Western land in Al-A'maq (valleys in Antioch, southern Turkey) or in Dabiq (a plain near Aleppo, Syria). An army consisting of the best of the people of the Earth (an international Muslim army) at that time will come out of Medina to face them.

Roman today they are US & NATO........

More Blood Is Coming...............
syria war will be interesting........all...........power from human technology & divine miracle will joined..........

Great Mathama Kubra Will Begin From Syria..................
goodbye syria your destiny only one Total Destruction but after that al-mahdi is coming..........
The fleet consisting of a dozen destroyers......and Lionang" is reserved exclusively to explode Scatland and to protect Pakistan core interests.

good, please draw 17 dash line once again....
Chinese are cowards double faced traitors, they pretend to be with Syria and Iran, when they arm the salafists sect dogs of the JEW USA with missiles.

They want to have both 2 sides

Chinese as scared that JEW USA don't let them send students copying everything in USA.

Don't worry POS double-faced China, we gonna give Uighur missiles & tibetan missiles too

They also want the oil of Iran, so they play double game, fainting to support Syria but behind do what the JEW NATO want

I wonder why Iran still sell oil to those sneaky cowards
LOL ... Ur idea is wrong. At least China never support NATO and U.S.A
Menwhile our merchant ship got attacked on last week, our warships are going there to secure the corridor in the Mediterranean.
It proves i'am not racist. For information i also criticize the north vietnamese

Ok people like Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Japan have all my respect

More than coward...the right word is they are opportunists...tomorrow if the US decides to attack another country including their taller...deeper....sweeter.....they will stay far away because it isnt to the east or south east......and we know it for a fact because we saw it.
It is the Type 071, of course it is for the evacuation, not for the combat.


Two possible, why China send type071 LPD to Syria:
1. prepare for the evacuation.
2. transport China weapons including anti-aircraft missiles and radar, tanks and IFV, fire arms for Syria Army.

At least i don't think China government support any Syria rebels and Syria Free Army.The Russian had did it to provide Russia weapons by Russia Navy warships, this time maybe our government decide to join in together.
Two possible, why China send type071 LPD to Syria:
1. prepare for the evacuation.
2. transport China weapons including anti-aircraft missiles and radar, tanks and fire arms for Syria Army.

At least i don't think China government support any Syria rebels and Syria Free Army.

I think it is the first for two reasons; to prepare for the possible coming evacuation and to secure the Mediterranean corridor.
since you are one of the posters who does not troll on Indian threads,unless provoked
Can you tell me why is china sending Warships to Syrian cost
To evacuate Chinese citizens out of the country.
Report: China Sends Warships to Coast of Syria

PLA dispatches vessels to “observe” US maneuvers

Paul Joseph Watson
September 5, 2013

China has reportedly sent warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships as tensions build in preparation for a potential military strike on Syria which could come as soon as next week.

According to the Russian news outlet Telegrafist.org, the People’s Liberation Army dispatched the Jinggangshan amphibious dock landing ship and the vessel was seen passing through the Red Sea towards the Suez Canal, the waterway in Egypt that leads to the Mediterranean Sea and waters off the coast of Israel, Lebanon and Syria.

According to the report, the ship has not been sent to engage in any aggressive actions but is merely there to “observe” the actions of Russian and US warships. However, the Jinggangshan is equipped for combat, has conventional armaments and secondary cannons, and was utilized as part of a “show of force” in maneuvers aimed at defending the South China Sea earlier this year.

The report states that additional PLA warships have also been sent to the region but that their identity is unknown.

Yesterday it was reported that Russia was sending three more ships – two destroyers and a missile cruiser – to the eastern Mediterranean to bolster its forces which already include three other warships dispatched over the last two weeks.

Earlier this week, Russia criticized the United States for sending warships close to Syria, with Russian Defense Ministry official Oleg Dogayev remarking, “The dispatch of ships armed with cruise missiles toward Syria’s shores has a negative effect on the situation in the region.”

Five U.S. destroyers and an amphibious ship are currently positioned in the eastern Mediterranean awaiting strike orders. The USS Nimitz and three other warships are also stationed in the nearby Red Sea.

In a related story, China today toughened its rhetoric on Syria, warning President Barack Obama that, “Military action would have a negative impact on the global economy, especially on the oil price – it will cause a hike in the oil price.”

The Global Times, a newspaper described by Foreign Policy Magazine as “hyper nationalistic” and an “angry Chinese government mouthpiece, also published an editorial yesterday which slammed Obama for failing to prove that last month’s chemical weapons attack was the work of the Syrian government, charging that Washington’s “geopolitical interests” in the region were behind the military build-up.

The editorial, which also complains of the total lack of media coverage in America concerning reports that Syrian rebels admitted responsibility for last month’s che mical weapons attack, accuses the White House of “ignoring logic as it beats war drums.”

The video below shows the Jinggangshan warship in action during an exercise earlier this year.

» Report: China Sends Warships to Coast of Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

haha now uncle mao coming............all superpower is come

one by one islamic eschatology will fullfilled..................syria and all arab kingdom will burning & destroyed into ash..................all arab today are khawarij.& slave of zionist............jahannam hellfire is best place for them

Abu Huraira narrates that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until the الروم Romans/Western land in Al-A'maq (valleys in Antioch, southern Turkey) or in Dabiq (a plain near Aleppo, Syria). An army consisting of the best of the people of the Earth (an international Muslim army) at that time will come out of Medina to face them.

Roman today they are US & NATO........

More Blood Is Coming...............
syria war will be interesting........all...........power from human technology & divine miracle will joined..........

Great Mathama Kubra Will Begin From Syria..................
goodbye syria your destiny only one Total Destruction but after that al-mahdi is coming..........

No dear Roman today are russians
Muslims Will Make An Alliance With Rum, is it Russia or Magog? Sheikh Imran Hosein 3 March 2012 - YouTube
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