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Remembering Kargil heroes: How Pakistani soldier Captain Sher Khan was acknowledged by India too

wrong Germany had amazing scientific genius readily available as a nation and Industrial base before the war and it was latter on which manufacturing/Engineering power was built, look at noble prize produced by Germans before WW2 and quality of war machines, both India Pakistan had nowhere near this quality of Human Capital at time of creation in 1947 and above all national languages of both countries were not in even on same galaxy in terms of Scientific literature richness as German.

Mhhh... Germany`s industrial capabilities were gone weeks before the German surrender and German scientists were taken to the USA and the USSR after the war.

Sure the fact that Germany has been an industrialized nation before the war helped them after the war but the main reason for the economic miracle in West Germany was the massive help from the Western Allies!

India and Pakistan were both completely new nation states... they were practically experiments on national levels while Germans already knew the notion of a nation state.
Huh...look who is talking, as if

WOW....!! Amazing statement...either you simply don't know history or you are just pretending to be such ignorant...!! Mr, when Pakistan was born, all across the country there was simply no industrial infrastructure. British Raj deliberately kept those areas industrially, educational wise, technical skill wise backwards because specially Punjab and NWFP had Marshall races, which suited perfectly for the huge military machinery of British Empire to fulfill there requirements during WW I or II....!!! At the time of partition only 34 factories outa 921 in United India were present in Pakistan, outa which there were 17 cotton mills, 4 cement factories, 6 sugar mills were functioning....!! We built our Air Force from scrap yard if you believe it or not....!! The point is that if a new born country like Pakistan, which apparently had no chance no survival at the time of independence, can evolve so much with such highs and lows in its brief history and even than against all odds it's growing stronger and stronger. Democracy is functioning, institutions are gaining strength, terrorism phenomena is getting uprooted gradually, mutual trade in increasing between neighbors is increasing in volume, plus Pakistan is gradually getting in a position to take advantage of it's vital geo strategic location....!! And ohh please.....Bangladesh and Bengalis are your headache now as they are flooding in your country gradually due to lack of resources in their country...!! Don't try to compare apples with oranges please...!!


Till 1990 it was Pakistan who was doing much better than India until Dr. Manmohan Singh brought in the economic reforms - and now it's a fact that Pakistan doesn't even come close to where India is neither it will ever be......

Till 1990 it was Pakistan who was doing much better than India until Dr. Manmohan Singh brought in the economic reforms - and now it's a fact that Pakistan doesn't even come close to where India is neither it will ever be......
I repeat it again... West Pakistan started of the poorest and least developed of the three current nations - India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Even the administrative infrastructure did not exist, with Jinnah and his government operating out of makeshift offices.
The growth in the sixties and later was entirely due to the correct policies followed at the time and hard work by Pakistanis, not some 'chance', and the advantage was frittered away by subsequent poor policies, economic and political.
Despite all that stop and go economic development, and the slowdown after early 2007, Pakistan is still doing better a lot. Once the scourge of terrorism is banished, I see Pakistan rapidly progressing once again -now we need to get that poverty rate down from 17% to under 10%!
I find it weird that after reading this article my respect for our soldiers has increased but what has increased even more is my respect for the Indian Armed Forces....
I read, Captain Khan was dislodged from tiger hill, through intense artillery firing and 3 way prong attack. Sikh Company occupying hills didn't expect such a swift counter attack from a downed enemy who left hill with dead bodies and injured man. Captain Khan with 20 odd man came through that way where they were not expecting him and this is due to the valor of Captain that Tiger Hill Point 5353 is in Pakistani control !
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West Pakistan started of the poorest and least developed of the three current nations - India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.


Bangladeshis claim the same about their nation.Who was more backward in reality?
Nothing new. Capt Ehsan Malik of the Baloch regiment was recommended for gallantry by Manekshaw.
A Colduring what we call battle of basantar and the pakistanis call bade pind was also cited for bravery.

The pak army was a whole different organisation in those days. May the hostility has increased after 71, or maybe now the divide is deeper as they are taught to think of themselves as soldiers for allah. (IDK, this is what i gather from my buddy who's a captain in the pa)

There used to be examples from the PA in those days too.. I dont think citations have ever happened but i'll try to dig up an interestinf post about when PVC 2nd lt khetarpal's dad visited pak, and stayed at the house of the guy, who eventually praised the young man's courage and admitted to be the one who fried his tank for good.

My own great grandad had met ACM Noor khan in ww2. ACM arjan singh, knew Asghar Khan and Nur khan. ACM Idris Latif was actually buddies with both of these gentlemen.
Those were the days of the old school, scotch in the glass, gentleman officer.
I repeat it again... West Pakistan started of the poorest and least developed of the three current nations - India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Even the administrative infrastructure did not exist, with Jinnah and his government operating out of makeshift offices.
The growth in the sixties and later was entirely due to the correct policies followed at the time and hard work by Pakistanis, not some 'chance', and the advantage was frittered away by subsequent poor policies, economic and political.
Despite all that stop and go economic development, and the slowdown after early 2007, Pakistan is still doing better a lot. Once the scourge of terrorism is banished, I see Pakistan rapidly progressing once again -now we need to get that poverty rate down from 17% to under 10%!
so why you dont acknowledge the bravery of MM Alam ??

We do acknowledge his bravery. We simply think he never made ace.
I have a lot of family in the IAF. I've seen the log books for the sargoda strikes. You'd be offended if i pressed this line of arguement anyway.
I read, Captain Khan was dislodged from tiger hill, through intense artillery firing and 3 way prong attack. Sikh Company occupying hills didn't expect such a swift counter attack from a downed enemy who left hill with dead bodies and injured man. Captain Khan with 20 odd man came through that way where they were not expecting him and this is due to the valor of Captain that Tiger Hill Point 5353 is in Pakistani control !

Tiger Hill is Point 4660 is not in Pakistani Control.
His valour made the Indian Army recommend his name to the Pakistan government to award him their highest gallantry award.
Has Government of Pakistan done any such WRT to 4 wars with India?
Leave it, you wont expect it..

India conferred MFN status on India, Pakistan did not reciprocate...

Pakistanis are working in India and sending their earnings in foreign exchange to cash starved motherland - While there is not a single work permit for an Indian (Diplomatic force aside)
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