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Religions must be Chinese in orientation: official

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Forcing upon religions on others is very wrong, we shall have religious freedom. Goverment shall not openly support any religion, but to respect the different believers and Atheists and put them under the protections of Constitutions.

For example if thng turns into like this: 1/3rds of the Chinese population are Muslim, 1/3rds are Christians, and 1/3rds are Buddhists and Atheist. The society will split as each of these believers are in numbers. I think Buddhism is not just a religion in China, it's part of our Culture and philosophy.

I think you have speak too much, it's useless and only feed more useless response. Can we end this thread here?
China had many wars and unrest in its history, its wrong to say one particular group is responsible. The unrest in Xinjiang is an Ethnic problem and they seek cohesion and international support through religion and Jihad. Hui Muslims are victims of Uyghur violence as well because they see themselves closer to the Han. Remember when you mix people and organized religion it always ends in political religion. When societies weaken or collapse and they always come in cycles all these problems manifest in the most extreme of ways.

Tensions with Uyghurs
“We have to conquer our own country and purify it of all infidels. Then, we should conquer the infidels’ countries and spread Islam. The infidels who are usurping our countries have announced war against Islam and Muslims, forcing Muslims to abandon Islam and change their beliefs.” - Abdullah Mansour, leader of the Uyghur separatist movement Turkistan Islamic Party (East Turkestan Islamic Movement), from “The Duty of Faith and Support,” Voice of Islam/al-Fajr Media Center, August 26, 2009.

A Uyghur proverb says "Protect religion, Kill the Han and destroy the Hui".(baohu zongjiao, sha Han mie Hui 保護宗教,殺漢滅回).

Anti Hui poetry was written by Uyghurs.

In Bayanday there is a brick factory,
it had been built by the Chinese.
If the Chinese are killed by soldiers,
the Tungans take over the plundering.

"Protect the religion, Kill the Han and destroy the Hui" are they protecting the religion when they kill other muslims and innocent people? thats what i mean by humans will always politicise overt religion. Humans are petty beings that will taint our holy figures to further our political agenda. More will be explaine
Yes I'm aware of this. I know about the rebellions in Xijiang by the Uygurs during the Chinese civil War. I know it was more an ethnic issue though religion also played a part in it. What i mentioned was just that soviet Russia was the main backer of the Uygurs separatists against the Chinese nationalist government back then. In fact a few thousands soviet troops even fought alongside Uygurs separatists. Stalin's plan was to make the new East Turkestan state a Soviet Satellite state like most central Asian states, Mongolia(which he had already carved out from China),North Korea etc but the KMT government fortunately for China put down the rebellion and crushed the uprising.
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WHY? Because CCP is too afraid of loosing control of their masses? Are Muslims too independent and free minded from the tyrannical shackles of CCP? CCP should understand by now that Islam is NOT a religion but its a way of life ordained by the Creator of everything that exists including the chinese people & CCP. They can not take the chinese (muslim & non-muslim) away from the natural state Allah (swt) created humans on.

Their country their choice.

Same way how I do not criticize Indian domestic politics or policies.

It is their internal affairs.

Sorry brother. That's NOT the way of our beloved Prophet (saw) and his companions. WHat happened to the lofty islamic injunction on the believers to Enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil? WHat about the least level of imaan of denouncing evil by heart if not by action of the tongue? Just know that if the noble companions of the prophet (saw) and their subsequent generation of muslims had this attitude of "their country their choice" - none of us would have been muslim and the world would have remained in the darkness of polytheism without the guidance and light of Islam.
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Sorry brother. That's NOT the way of our beloved Prophet (saw) and his companions. WHat happened to the lofty islamic injunction on the believers to Enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil? WHat about the least level of imaan of denouncing evil by heart if not by action of the tongue? Just know that if the noble companions of the prophet (saw) and their subsequent generation of muslims had this attitude of their country their choice - none of us would have been muslim and the world would have remained in the darkness of polytheism without the guidance and light of Islam.

I want you to think a bit more practically. What is it you actually object to?
No they can't. but what's wrong if they cant marry Chinese from other faith as long as they are marrying Chinese Male Muslims?
Not uncommon in Xinjiang at all
Not uncommon in Xinjiang at all

Don't spread such bullshit, please. It's very rare case! You're essentially same as Islamic preacher Mulla on this topic. This lady is ethnic Tajik, not Uyghur. I'm sure this man is implicitly convert to Muslim lifestyle, e.g. FOOD. He don't go to Mosque, this is the only different he is from Muslim...
WHY? Because CCP is too afraid of loosing control of their masses? Are Muslims too independent and free minded from the tyrannical shackles of CCP? CCP should understand by now that Islam is NOT a religion but its a way of life ordained by the Creator of everything that exists including the chinese people & CCP. They can not take the chinese (muslim & non-muslim) away from the natural state Allah (swt) created humans on.
People like you put Islam faith in a very bad light. Chinese government manages this country way better than yours and China doesn't have any problems with most Muslim minority groups. Keep it in your mind that the last thing China can tolerate is foreign interference with our internal affairs and we won't hesitate to fight to safeguard this bottom line.
Not uncommon in Xinjiang at all

Well then its un Islamic, some female Muslim marry outside their faith too in rest of the world (secular countries), but they aren't practicing one.
Don't spread such bullshit, please. It's very rare case! You're essentially same as Islamic preacher Mulla on this topic. This lady is ethnic Tajik, not Uyghur. I'm sure this man is implicitly convert to Muslim lifestyle, e.g. FOOD. He don't go to Mosque, this is the only different he is from Muslim...
I live in 中央民族大学,I personal know several mixed friends from childhood, where did I say she is a Uyghur? you better stop spewing bullshit.
I live in 中央民族大学,I personal know several mixed friends from childhood, where did I say she is a Uyghur? you better stop spewing bullshit.

You're completely an idiot. 民大出的基本都是垃圾,或者低能儿。中宣部或者民宗委让你这种低能儿占据了,会搞得一团糟。巴国最怕的就是中国无神论影响穆斯林,锅内都不这样宣传,你倒好,弄个幕幕和咖啡了结婚的案例。你不明白着在这调事?
Those two are the most famous Uyghurs in China and both of them have Han boyfriends.


You're completely an idiot. 民大出的基本都是垃圾,或者低能儿。中宣部或者民宗委让你这种低能儿占据了,会搞得一团糟。巴国最怕的就是中国无神论影响穆斯林,锅内都不这样宣传,你倒好,弄个幕幕和咖啡了结婚的案例。你不明白着在这调事?
Those two can are the most famous Uyghurs in China and both of them have Han boyfriends.



你就是个2b, 整天在pdf上秀优越。。
I want you to think a bit more practically. What is it you actually object to?

come on are you seriously not seeing the implicit message of CCP in this? Its obvious What they mean by chinese orientation. It has been obvious since the advent of one party tyrany known as communism over the last 100 years. The chinese already persecute fundamental & basic expression of Islam by Uighur Muslims under teh guise of promoting chinese culture & socialist values. The sovients did that for 100 years - banning religion and slaughtering Muslims for practicing Islam. The central asian republics which inherited that one-party fascist model are still Draconian anti-islamic states. Mao slaughtered Muslims and people of other faiths just because of their religion.

Anti-islam and anti-religion is what the ideology of the CCP is. You have to realize that one-party states want to control the minutest aspects of their citizen's private lives otherwise they don't feel secure in their power over the state. WHen they say muslim must adopt "socialist core values" and "chinese values", what they actually mean is that Muslim must give up their religion are assimilate into the majority communist party sanctioned han-chinese culture. Its a one party state that fears religious and cultural minorities as a threat to its state power and wants a homogenized cultural outlook that everyone must subscribe to in public & private life. For the CCP if you are taking your morality from sources NOT sanctioned by the ccp, then your are a threat to the state.

A Muslim women in veil/hijab raising ardent believers who do NOT blindly believe in "deng-xio ping theory or Xi-jingping thought" is a threat to the CCP. A believing muslim will naturally attract attention of his non-muslim colleagues and naturally influence them in their dress code, eating behavior, public discourse etc etc. Islamic injunctions about attitude and behavior directly effects economics, society and state power structure. The pagan meccans did NOT start persecuting Muslims until it became clear to them that what our beloved prophet Muhammad (saw) was calling people to would destroy the very structure their pagan society was based on - the way they perceive good & evil, eating, dressing,marriage, social discourse, institution of slavery, commerce and trade and the ultimately power of the elites.

You also have to note & realize that Islam supersedes cultural norms. Muslims are NOT duty bound to follow norms of prevailing society and culture if it come into conflict with Islam. Calling muslims to unconditionally adopt arbitrary & ambiguous chinese values is foolhardy, impractical and most importantly tyrannical.

Also CCP do NOT represent chinese culture. They have destroyed chinese culture and arts over the last 70 years. What they have in the name of culture is blatant western hedonism and social bankruptcy.
come on are you seriously not seeing the implicit message of CCP in this? Its obvious What they mean by chinese orientation. It has been obvious since the advent of one party tyrany known as communism over the last 100 years. The chinese already persecute fundamental & basic expression of Islam by Uighur Muslims under teh guise of promoting chinese culture & socialist values. The sovients did that for 100 years - banning religion and slaughtering Muslims for practicing Islam. The central asian republics which inherited that one-party fascist model are still Draconian anti-islamic states. Mao slaughtered Muslims and people of other faiths just because of their religion.

Anti-islam and anti-religion is what the ideology of the CCP is. You have to realize that one-party states want to control the minutest aspects of their citizen's private lives otherwise they don't feel secure in their power over the state. WHen they say muslim must adopt "socialist core values" and "chinese values", what they actually mean is that Muslim must give up their religion are assimilate into the majority communist party sanctioned han-chinese culture. Its a one party state that fears religious and cultural minorities as a threat to its state power and wants a homogenized cultural outlook that everyone must subscribe to in public & private life. For the CCP if you are taking your morality from sources NOT sanctioned by the ccp, then your are a threat to the state.

A Muslim women in veil/hijab raising ardent believers who do NOT blindly believe in "deng-xio ping theory or Xi-jingping thought" is a threat to the CCP. A believing muslim will naturally attract attention of his non-muslim colleagues and naturally influence them in their dress code, eating behavior, public discourse etc etc. Islamic injunctions about attitude and behavior directly effects economics, society and state power structure. The pagan meccans did NOT start persecuting Muslims until it became clear to them that what our beloved prophet Muhammad (saw) was calling people to would destroy the very structure their pagan society was based on - the way they perceive good & evil, eating, dressing,marriage, social discourse, institution of slavery, commerce and trade and the ultimately power of the elites.

You also have to note & realize that Islam supersedes cultural norms. Muslims are NOT duty bound to follow norms of prevailing society and culture if it come into conflict with Islam. Calling muslims to unconditionally adopt arbitrary & ambiguous chinese values is foolhardy, impractical and most importantly tyrannical.

Also CCP do NOT represent chinese culture. They have destroyed chinese culture and arts over the last 70 years. What they have in the name of culture is blatant western hedonism and social bankruptcy.

So long story short you think "Chinese orientation" translates to..

"what they actually mean is that Muslim must give up their religion are assimilate into the majority communist party sanctioned han-chinese culture."
People like you put Islam faith in a very bad light. Chinese government manages this country way better than yours and China doesn't have any problems with most Muslim minority groups. Keep it in your mind that the last thing China can tolerate is foreign interference with our internal affairs and we won't hesitate to fight to safeguard this bottom line.

I do NOT care how you perceive the truth i.e Islam. I am NOT here to appease the chinese by compromising with my religion. Just because you perceive it to be bad because it goes against your materialist interest does NOT make it bad.
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