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Red Cross stops work in Pakistani cities

The body of Khalil Rasjed Dale, 60, was dumped close to the southwestern city of Quetta on April 29. He was kidnapped in the city in January.
60 Yrs old... working in Red Cross.. ppl think he was a spy? :undecided:

if this 50 years old bastard doctor can be then why not he?

I will ignore your first line...shows your back ground and upbringing..

For the rest of your comment...Red Cross came to Pakistan with an Agenda..may be good may be bad .. during Soviet-Afghan war..They did help the injured "Mujahideen" coming from Afghanistan,so that they can go back and fight again and at the same time have sympathy with the west.

Every country has the right to stop or restrict vulnerable individuals from their country in general or from specific turbulent areas...and GOP had been issuing warnings to foreign charity workers in this regard..
It is not possible for any country to assign personalized security to each and every individual entering their borders...and Red cross has the habit of straying away from assigned path...
Then they get killed and kidnapped and too much bad publicity for Pakistan....
They can be easily replaced by Pakistan's own medical professionals and we got too many...

red cross helps doesnot take any side...............they are always neutral...........
and red cross is not a cold war production.............its serving the world from a century.

become a member of red cross...........you will learn

govt. cant reach everywhere nor everyone is willing to receive help from them
red cross helps doesnot take any side...............they are always neutral...........
and red cross is not a cold war production.............its serving the world from a century.

become a member of red cross...........you will learn about us

what if someone don't like to take there mighty aid :what: they will give us by force?
Dear "Pakistani Patriots",

Pakistan used to be able to say "India might be all that, but at least no Pakistani goes to sleep hungry."

Ok, the Red Cross will pull out of Pakistan, so will: WHO, UNICEF, and every other international NGO and any local NGO being funded by outside money will be closed.

No American aid, British, Chinese; just hard earned business deals. Think the Pakistani govt is up for that? Good luck.
While you think Pakistan is a superpower being held down by the West, why dont we take away the IMF and World Bank loans?

See how long your stupidity lasts.

The Pissed off World (No pun intended, the world is pissed).

P.S. To those millions of unemployed Doctors and specialists, why not do some charity work? Instead of whining at home.

And while your at it, since you all think that NGO are spy dens, what is the greatest intelligence service in the world doing sitting on their a$$es?


Open your eyes. The problems Pakistan faces is not because of "outside actors" or clone troopers from George Lucus's backyard.

YOU have no right to blame others for your conditions ONLY YOURSELF. SUCK UP YOUR STUPID PRIDE.
I find it very disturbing, that Pakistanis in this thread, who themselves have no experience or do not benefit from NGO's like the Red Cross and their work throughout numerous countries, start writing it off and claim Pakistan has plenty of doctors, specialists and so forth.

So what if we have "enough"? Apparently we do not, because I hear the most gruesome stories as to what happens to my family members in Pakistan in certain hospitals, treated by so-called doctors.

The red cross is a neutral organisation, I am sure plenty of Pakistanis in need of help have profited and have been thankful to the Red Cross for aiding them.

How on earth can some people here on this board tell the Red Cross to get out of the country, are you that ignorant and stupid?
Do you have any idea what this organisation does or has done for your fellow Pakistanis?

Are you f-king stupid? Pakistan can handle itself? We have plenty of this or that? We have enough doctors? IF WE HAD, WE WOULD NOT NEED THE RED CROSS, NOR WOULD WE NEED AID FROM IMF AND AMERICAN BILLIONS.

So get your heads out of your ***** and start think rationally.

Go out there to an ill person, who is in dire need of medical assistance, GO STAND in front of him and tell them in their faces, that Pakistan has plenty of doctors etc as well.

You think they give a sh-t? Whether it is the Red Cross or the I don't know what Cross, those who offer life saving treatment and help out other human beings should be able to carry out their work as normal as possible.

All these cocky idiots in this thread that Pakistan can figure it out themselves, stop it with the nonsense, sure we can and must be able to have a good medical force in the country, but it's gonna take alot of time, and won't happen overnight or with 1 snap of the fingers

So in the meanwhile, help from the Red Cross or any other well recognized NGO should be gratefully accepted.
The fact that the Red Cross has stopped with its operations in several Pakistani cities, is something all of us should be ashamed of.

Men and women who are either beheaded or killed in other ways, just because they help our fellow Pakistanis with their health..

Do you "tough" guys realize this is unacceptable and shameful, to say the least?

What do you think of our Quaid-e-Azam? How would he have responded?

"Oh great, a few more red cross workers who need to die, and then they leave our country, so that our own doctors can take over"????

Most certainly not, he would be in tears. In tears because of the stupidity of some of his fellow Pakistanis, and for the fact that these organisations cannot perform their duties in our beloved country.
their activities were actually quite scaled back and minimal......in south asia they devote most of their resources towards poors in india. In Pakistan, few international aid orgs really want to operate simply because of the security perception

me personally, i wouldnt even shed a tear over it......the private sector in Pakistan, private donors, and Islamic charity groups like Edhi should step in and set up a fund where they can pool resources together

that is a more indigenous and honourable remedy towards aid and charity for the under-privileged

Thəorətic Muslim;2922418 said:
Dear "Pakistani Patriots",

Pakistan used to be able to say "India might be all that, but at least no Pakistani goes to sleep hungry."

Ok, the Red Cross will pull out of Pakistan, so will: WHO, UNICEF, and every other international NGO and any local NGO being funded by outside money will be closed.

No American aid, British, Chinese; just hard earned business deals. Think the Pakistani govt is up for that? Good luck.
While you think Pakistan is a superpower being held down by the West, why dont we take away the IMF and World Bank loans?

See how long your stupidity lasts.

The Pissed off World (No pun intended, the world is pissed).

P.S. To those millions of unemployed Doctors and specialists, why not do some charity work? Instead of whining at home.

And while your at it, since you all think that NGO are spy dens, what is the greatest intelligence service in the world doing sitting on their a$$es?


Open your eyes. The problems Pakistan faces is not because of "outside actors" or clone troopers from George Lucus's backyard.

YOU have no right to blame others for your conditions ONLY YOURSELF. SUCK UP YOUR STUPID PRIDE.

dude....who the heck are you and why are you spamming this thread?
their activities were actually quite scaled back and minimal......in south asia they devote most of their resources towards poors in india. In Pakistan, few international aid orgs really want to operate simply because of the security perception

me personally, i wouldnt even shed a tear over it......the private sector in Pakistan, private donors, and Islamic charity groups like Edhi should step in and set up a fund where they can pool resources together

that is a more indigenous and honourable remedy towards aid and charity for the under-privileged

Still though, regardless of the origin of aid, this is definitely a low blow for our nation.
Besides, if the Islamic/Pakistani organisations you mentioned do step up, who says they won't endure the same fate as the Red Cross regarding security.

Or would these domestic organisations be less vulnerable due to their origin?
hopefully less vulnerable, yes.

a lot of these cases with foreigners involve kidnapping for ransom; has nothing to do with ideological reasons IMHO

no doubt Red Cross has done good work in Pakistan but can't really blame em if their doctor gets killed, of course they will scale back on operations in the country.....it's a failure on our part to protect them however

i still believe that instead of relying on these foreign groups, we should be able to take care of ourselves. If Pakistan is run and administered properly it should have the basis to take care of ALL its citizens.
their activities were actually quite scaled back and minimal......in south asia they devote most of their resources towards poors in india. In Pakistan, few international aid orgs really want to operate simply because of the security perception

me personally, i wouldnt even shed a tear over it......the private sector in Pakistan, private donors, and Islamic charity groups like Edhi should step in and set up a fund where they can pool resources together

that is a more indigenous and honourable remedy towards aid and charity for the under-privileged

dude....who the heck are you and why are you spamming this thread?

How much open accounts do you think Edhi has? He cant be everywhere, he doesnt have the infrastructure. If there are other Islamic Charity Groups care to name a few that have as much experience, or even half the amount, compared to the Red Cross? How much money can Pakistanis gather amongst themselves when they cant even pay the electric bills?

You think that domestic organizations are less targets compared to international? Can you tell me if the JUI is operating in Sindh, or Quetta, what about Peshawar. Also find how much they have helped. Domestic organizations can only appeal to the domestic audience; while International organizations with the caliber of the Red Cross can move entire governments.

How was my last post a spam? It was a direct response to those who think they know all about NGOs because they read about them in a 3 paragraph new article. I worked with one, you want to say that I am a CIA spy?
hopefully less vulnerable, yes.

a lot of these cases with foreigners involve kidnapping for ransom; has nothing to do with ideological reasons IMHO

no doubt Red Cross has done good work in Pakistan but can't really blame em if their doctor gets killed, of course they will scale back on operations in the country.....it's a failure on our part to protect them however

i still believe that instead of relying on these foreign groups, we should be able to take care of ourselves. If Pakistan is run and administered properly it should have the basis to take care of ALL its citizens.

Ofcourse, every Pakistani with heart and selfrespect knows that our country should and could be able to take care of ALL its citizens. But with the current government putting the emphasis on both "WOULD" and "COULD". Things seem highly unlikely to get better any time soon.

I guess everything has its traces and goes back to the basics, we need a change in the country, a political change.
Untill then, NGO's like the Red Cross better pack their stuff and head to other areas, for their own safety.
It's shameful to say, but if it saves innocent lives, so be it.
i could care damn less who you are.....move governments? really?

is that was aid organizations are supposed to be doing

Ofcourse, every Pakistani with heart and selfrespect knows that our country should and could be able to take care of ALL its citizens. But with the current government putting the emphasis on both "WOULD" and "COULD". Things seem highly unlikely to get better any time soon.

I guess everything has its traces and goes back to the basics, we need a change in the country, a political change.
Untill then, NGO's like the Red Cross better pack their stuff and head to other areas, for their own safety.
It's shameful to say, but if it saves innocent lives, so be it.

point well taken

the onus is really on Pakistani people to update and change their mindset. Some have, but some still sleeping or in denial.

but at the end of the day, we love our country and hope the best for it. Hopefully ''hope'' would translate into solid action.
Aid organizations are able to influence politicians, who care more about votes, into pressing for national resolutions condemning actions or funneling of public funds to the organ. and taking action etc. They can appeal to foreign citizens in opening their pocketbooks.

You should do your homework before you post, otherwise you just looking like an idiot happy to have an increased post count.

Why am I even arguing with any of you? Its pretty obvious your blinded by your Pride. Think you can do everything, talking about revolutions and tsunamis yet you'll still vote for the same old bastards and maintain the same old status quo.

Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans and Syrians seem to have more balls than you all; and they don't even have nuclear weapons or the strongest Muslim military/ intelligence service in the world.
Thəorətic Muslim;2922418 said:
Dear "Pakistani Patriots",

Pakistan used to be able to say "India might be all that, but at least no Pakistani goes to sleep hungry."

Ok, the Red Cross will pull out of Pakistan, so will: WHO, UNICEF, and every other international NGO and any local NGO being funded by outside money will be closed.

No American aid, British, Chinese; just hard earned business deals. Think the Pakistani govt is up for that? Good luck.
While you think Pakistan is a superpower being held down by the West, why dont we take away the IMF and World Bank loans?

See how long your stupidity lasts.

The Pissed off World (No pun intended, the world is pissed).

P.S. To those millions of unemployed Doctors and specialists, why not do some charity work? Instead of whining at home.

And while your at it, since you all think that NGO are spy dens, what is the greatest intelligence service in the world doing sitting on their a$$es?


Open your eyes. The problems Pakistan faces is not because of "outside actors" or clone troopers from George Lucus's backyard.

YOU have no right to blame others for your conditions ONLY YOURSELF. SUCK UP YOUR STUPID PRIDE.

An average Pakistani is Pisssed off as well.....and surely enough Pakistan will do much better if left alone..
These NGOs only bring bad publicity and little help.
There is a saying "There is no such thing as a free lunch"
So if the NGOs are desperate to get into Pakistan there must be an ulterior motive.Although an average worker or volunteer has nothing to do with the ulterior motive,they volunteer in good faith.

and enough of your bad language..If you want to debate..do so in a civil way,no need to be a pottty mouth..

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