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Red Cross halts most Pakistan aid after beheading

One Questions why Indians are Alwayz Trollers? are you guys eat something which stuck at some back point?
it reflects the condition of security amongst the normal ppl and the foreign workers in pakistan.
for red cross militant group for ppl of pakistan local mullahs running ngo and doing social work.

Voluntary exit of these organisations will free up security resource of Pakistani security forces..
Thats a different subject..but the fact is that one christian charity packing up wont make difference..there are plenty of locl charities to fill the gap..if there will be any gap..
and right you are Pakistanis in general do not trust international charities anymore...

Yes. Many trust JuD like terror charities now. That's the change I see.
These incidents are bound to create more space for JuD like organisations.
And we have seen the amount of sympathy generated by 'so called charities' soon after Kashmir Earthquake.
Yes. Many trust JuD like terror charities now. That's the change I see.
These incidents are bound to create more space for JuD like organisations.
And we have seen the amount of sympathy generated by 'so called charities' soon after Kashmir Earthquake.

There are Plenty of Genuine well known charities..Ansar Burni,Edhi,Hilal e Ahmar..and many more....
and for your Info...after Kashmir earthquake an army of young people from all the large cities of Pakistan went on their own and through local charities to remote mountains for rescue and relief efforts....Plus local donations were made generously by Pakistanis..
The only foreign organisation which really helped was US Army and yes they did a great job in the rescue efforts by Using their Chinooks to fly Pakistani volunteers and relief goods to remote areas...
The money also came flooding through aid organizations,such as Red cross who had run an international appeal for flood relief and due to them being a well known organization,the world did donate..But the money wasn't channeled to the people..instead it went to the bank accounts of politicians who grew even more powerful after the Earthquake...by stealing the foreign aid money and much of that money is still being used for political horse trading...Thats one more reason why foreign aid is simply no good for Pakistan.
Voluntary exit of these organisations will free up security resource of Pakistani security forces..
if Pakistani security forces had provided the security to organization like red cross. the situation like this would not have taken place thus idk how this exit( involuntary) makes resources of Pakistani security forces free.....
There are Plenty of Genuine well known charities..Ansar Burni,Edhi,Hilal e Ahmar..and many more....
and for your Info...after Kashmir earthquake an army of young people from all the large cities of Pakistan went on their own and through local charities to remote mountains for rescue and relief efforts....Plus local donations were made generously by Pakistanis..
The only foreign organisation which really helped was US Army and yes they did a great job in the rescue efforts by Using their Chinooks to fly Pakistani volunteers and relief goods to remote areas...
The money also came flooding through aid organizations,such as Red cross who had run an international appeal for flood relief and due to them being a well known organization,the world did donate..But the money wasn't channeled to the people..instead it went to the bank accounts of politicians who grew even more powerful after the Earthquake...by stealing the foreign aid money and much of that money is still being used for political horse trading...Thats one more reason why foreign aid is simply no good for Pakistan.

Yes. Many rushed to kashmir in emotions. But most the help was provided by PA and International NGOs. Local NGOs help was negligible.

''When asked to identify the principal source of aid two months after the earthquake, most aid recipients identified the Government of Pakistan (including the military) as the primary aid provider of
food, shelter, livelihood, and medical services (See Table 6).
“If it were not for the Army we would
not have made it up to now,” stated one Batagram villager. Individuals were remembered as principal
providers of drinking water and clothing as well as relocation and counseling services. Toilet and sanitation services were identified by the majority as having been provided by INGOs'' source Fritz Institute http://www.fritzinstitute.org/PDFs/findings/PakistanEarthquake_perceptions.pdf
Was it not USA who confessed itself that fake vaccination run by a Pakistani Doctor helped spotting OSAMA...so who knows what?...Only God knows. We ordinary people can just make guesses or miss the guesses of these international political games...

I was being sarcastic....but it seems my intent is not visible in that post ....hence you are the second person after Safriz .

all i meant is that due to that Fake vaccination drive in OBL ....All these jihadis will be beheading Foriegners ...one of the usual excuse will be to prevent such fake vaccination drive that is used for spying
Red Cross shouldn't even be there it is to dangerous and they are making themselves target, best to stay out and if they are going to work in Pakistan they need to coordinate their security with PA or Police.
And what was Dana Rohrabacher saying again about insurgents in Balochistan?
classic case of biting the hand that do u know what ;)
Pakistan does not need aid.I echo most of the Pakistanis sentiment here that they dont need aid anymore.All money coming through aid does not reach to common people and is enjoyed by the elites of Pakistan.No more aid be it education,health should be given to Pakistan.

because most of these are the internet warriors are well off & most of them setteled outside. dont realy have the knowledge of the ground realities.
sad part is that ICRC is stopping its work & millions of the needy ones will suffer the decision. GOP must ensure the safety of ICRC volenters, so that they ca contineu the good work for the poors.
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