The government and party committee in Guangdong has already taken up the matter. Its a big time investigation with a member of the Central Disciplinary Bureau, the vice-governor of Guangdong and leaders from ministries of Civil Affairs, Land and Resources, Organization and Agriculture.
广东省委:认真解决乌坎村民合理诉求 严处腐败
Guangdong (Party) Committee: Carefully Meet the Reasonable Requests of Wukan Citizens and Harshly Punish Corruption
Table shows a list of government and CPC officials and ministries responsible for solving this problem.
It is basically bureaucratic document saying that the government and CPC show great concern for the reasonable requests of Wukan citizens and have the highest level of care, resolution and honesty in wanting to meet their demands. Central Discipline Committee (a Party/government organization whose job is to detect and punish corruption) Member and Guangdong Vice-Governor Zhu Mingguo has announced that this decision has been made, with the approval of the highest authorities such as Wang Yang, CPC Secretary of Guangdong.
Ever since the September 21st protests, the Wukan situation has been carefully monitored by the central government and the governmental and Party organizations of Guangdong. The Party committee of Guangdong, led by Secretary Wang Yang, has taken timely action to correct this problem.
more unimportant stuff.
First, we will place public opinion first, and resolutely, honestly make our best efforts to meet the reasonable requests of citizens.
Second, we will place the people's (interests) first, and rely on the people to solve Wukan's problems.
Thirdly, we will place people first, and use the utmost effort in compensating the relatives of those killed.
Fourthly, we will have an open policy and frequently update the public on progress made.
Fifth, we will follow the rule of law, as well as show compassion (hard to translate 讲情讲理 correctly) and satisfactorily solve the problem.
关于乌坎事件的成因和性质,朱明国传达了汪洋书记的指示:“乌坎事件的发生有其偶然性,也有必然性,这是经 济社会发展过程中,长期忽视经济社会发展中发生的矛盾积累的结果,是我们工作‘一手硬一手软’的必然结果。 作为负责任的政府,必须直面和解决好这些矛盾和问题。”
Regarding the Wukan incident's problems, Zhu Mingguo relayed Secretary Wang Yang's thoughts: "The Wukan incident's occurance has elements of both being accidental and inevitable. This is the result of neglecting the conflicts that naturally arise in social and economic development, and is the direct result of our "one hand hard, one hand soft" policies. As a responsible government, we must face and solve these conflicts and problems."
thx below_freezing