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Reassessing America’s special relationship with Israel


Nov 3, 2008
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Too close for comfort? Reassessing America’s special relationship with Israel

Eleven minutes after Israel announced its independence in 1948, President Harry Truman recognised the new state, and American support has been crucial to Israel's survival and a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy ever since. But as Washington's focus has shifted toward Iraq and Afghanistan, and as President Obama has begun new overtures toward moderate Arab states such as Egypt, some are questioning whether that policy still serves the national interest. Should the U.S. step back from its special relationship with Israel? That was the topic of last week's Intelligence Squared U.S. debate at New York University.

Arguing in favour of reassessing the relationship were Roger Cohen, a former foreign editor and a columnist for The New York Times, and Rashid Khalidi, Professor of Arab studies at Columbia University and an adviser to the Palestinian delegation at the 1991-93 peace talks.

Arguing for keeping the relationship intact were Stuart Eizenstat, former U.S. ambassador to the European Union and undersecretary of state, and Itamar Rabinovich, former Israeli ambassador to the United States and professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at New York University.

The moderator was John Donvan of ABC News. Edited excerpts of the debate:

COHEN: In life, when we fail, we call it stupidity to burrow deeper into failure. Measured by any standard, American policy toward Israel has failed. We are no closer to peace. Israelis and Palestinians are farther apart than ever. What makes America's relationship with Israel special is its uncritical nature, even when U.S. interests are being hurt, and also the incredible largesse that the United States shows toward Israel-over the past decade, almost $60 billion. To what end is this money being used? The ongoing Israeli settlement programme in the West Bank has grown to 450,000 Israelis beyond the [1967] borders, a repressive apparatus of settler-only highways, reserved military areas, and a "separation wall"; of Israelis in their fast cars booming down these superhighways, while Palestinians on their donkey carts make their way on dirt tracks to their orchards.

"Two states for two peoples" is the declared U.S. objective, [but] the U.S. is bankrolling the very Israeli policies that are dashing these hopes by making two states almost unimaginable.

America's perceived complicity in Israeli violence carries a heavy price. It is a potent terrorist recruitment tool. If America is to pay the blood, the treasure, and lost peace of mind that comes with supporting Israel, it should be ready to speak openly and critically of Israeli mistakes when needed. For if there are not two states, there will be one state, and, sooner or later, the number of Palestinians in it will outnumber the number of Jews, and what then will remain of the Zionist dream?

EIZENSTAT: For the United States to stand back from its special relationship with Israel would betray the very principles of morality upon which U.S. foreign policy is based. It would mean abandoning the only democratic, reliable ally in the region. What message would this send to other allies? America has to stand behind its allies, or it will not have many left anywhere. It's a specious argument that President Obama's outreach to the Muslim world is inconsistent with a special relationship with Israel. This is not a zero-sum game; we can and do have both. The Arab states know that Israel can make concessions because it has a dependable American ally. To step back from that relationship would undercut the very basis of the only bipartisan foreign policy we have in this country.

KHALIDI: Let me list a couple of the problems that result from this special relationship. One is an almost total deafness to public opinion in Palestine and in the Arab world. Everybody knows there is a big fat U.S. thumb on the scales when the United States acts as a mediator. In the recent war in Gaza, it wasn't really a war: there were 1,400 people killed on one side and 14 on the other. Everybody knows we are funding, financing, supporting diplomatically, and selling the weapons that do these things. The United States has to pull away from this special relationship with Israel if it is to play an effective role in making peace.

RABINOVICH: What does "special relationship" mean? It does not mean the tail is wagging the dog. I was an ambassador to Washington and a peace negotiator [who] worked very closely with the United States. And I know how many disagreements we have had. I saw Bill Clinton, a close friend of [Israeli Prime Minister] Yitzhak Rabin, argue fiercely, and I've seen Rabin yield to Clinton because he was the president of the United States, the senior partner.

[Our] very close military and strategic alliance is defined, among other things, by the fact that Israel does not want American troops in Israel. Not having to station troops in that part of the Middle East because Israel is there is a huge advantage to the United States. Remember, when Al Qaeda attacked the World Trade Centre, the first reason they cited for attacking the U.S. [was] that the U.S. [had] troops on sacred Muslim soil.

DONVAN: Stuart Eizenstat argued that turning away from Israel would be an immoral act because Israel has been such a loyal ally for so long. I want to ask him, what would actually happen to Israel if the U.S. created more distance?

EIZENSTAT: The United States would lose the influence it has used to encourage Israel to make the concessions it has made. And Israel would be completely alone. I can tell you, it would send a chill down the spine of every ally we have in Europe and around the world if this relationship were abandoned. Because they would say, we will be next.

COHEN: Nobody is arguing that Israel should cease being an ally. We are just saying that when President Obama says he wants settlements to stop, and settlements continue, and Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu declares that some settlements are Israel's for all eternity, there should be consequences. President Obama [has] gone a long way in words. But when it comes to actions, the Palestinians see more of the same. Can we be imaginative? The Hamas charter, calling for the annihilation of Israel, is vile; it is unacceptable. But can we look for new forms of engagement? Can we think outside the box?

RABINOVICH: You know, President Obama [has begun] distancing from Israel. His expectation was that the Muslim and Arab world would applaud. The real reaction was, give us more, we will not come to the negotiations, you have to deliver Israel. And Roger, when you say, think out of the box about the Hamas charter, I don't know how to think outside the box about that. I would rather be in the box. You can negotiate with a secular nationalist movement like the Fatah. Hamas is a radical religious fundamentalist organisation, and you cannot negotiate with it.

COHEN: Our policies up to now have failed. But any adjustment in U.S. policy toward Israel is extremely difficult. There is a state called Florida, with a large Jewish community, a calculation not lost on America's leadership. President Obama, I understand, has been told by some Jewish Congressmen, if you want your health bill, step back on Israel.

EIZENSTAT: This is a dangerous canard, that 2 percent of the U.S. population has somehow got its hand around the neck of American foreign policy. American policy toward Israel is supported by a bi-partisan majority because the American public recognises that Israel and the United States share common interests and common values. And those are always counterbalanced by the oil interests, defense interests, [and] major business interests.

RABINOVICH: Maybe you should elect a president from Alaska, where there are no Jews.

KHALIDI: [Laughs] You would like that.

Intelligence Squared U.S. polls the audience twice-before and after the debate-and the winner is determined by which side swung more votes to its position. In the first poll, 33 percent favoured a pullback in American relations with Israel, 42 percent were opposed, and 25 percent undecided. After the debate, 49 percent favoured a pullback, 47 percent were opposed, with 4 percent undecided. The side arguing for a reassessment won.

IQ Squared Debate: America and Israel - *Latest news around the world and developments close to home - MSN Singapore News
Food for thought :-

Even if the US step back from helping Israel no one still will have to courage on taking on Israel militarily , solo or combined islamic countries.. be it the participents of 7 Day war + pakistan...

Israelis are just too strong for the Islamic countries for a head in struggle.
Even if the US step back from helping Israel no one still will have to courage on taking on Israel militarily


be it the participents of 7 Day war + pakistan...

Please Minus Pakistan from it.Those Super Duper Israeli Pilots were not even able to shoot down a single PAF Piloted Aircraft.

Israelis are just too strong for the Islamic countries for a head in struggle.

Also true but then at least Israel would stop War.
Food for thought :-

Even if the US step back from helping Israel no one still will have to courage on taking on Israel militarily , solo or combined islamic countries.. be it the participents of 7 Day war + pakistan...

Israelis are just too strong for the Islamic countries for a head in struggle.


No body is talking about Egypt, Syria or KSA.

Let it be just Turkey,Iran, Pakistan and Jordan alliance. In a matter of minutes the only Jewish state would cease to exist.

I would suggest not to make any such assumptions again please. If you want us to assume you are a sane person.
Food for thought :-

Even if the US step back from helping Israel no one still will have to courage on taking on Israel militarily , solo or combined islamic countries.. be it the participents of 7 Day war + pakistan...

Israelis are just too strong for the Islamic countries for a head in struggle.

Why don't american withdrow full support and find out for the sake of experiment. Hell Hezubullah would be enough to cut them cowards.
so strange how can Pakistani members underestimate the strength of Israel

they have best weapons and they are the best fighter in the world

No body is talking about Egypt, Syria or KSA.

Let it be just Turkey,Iran, Pakistan and Jordan alliance. In a matter of minutes the only Jewish state would cease to exist.

I would suggest not to make any such assumptions again please. If you want us to assume you are a sane person.

Mate ,
Turkey will NOT join the war with Israel. It has a LOT to loose..U know that , also Pak has a lot to loose militarily.
US will never deliver spares to pak again, let alone the F `16s .

Also even if Iran and pak will want to use military force against Israel they will still not be able to bring the Jewish state down....
U love Ur country its great .... but sentiments cannot alone win a war my friend.
just google abt Israel`s military might.

also , pls give me ONE neutral link that pak pilots destroyed 4 israels planes.... i dont know why the ppl of pak believe omn it.
Why don't american withdrow full support and find out for the sake of experiment. Hell Hezubullah would be enough to cut them cowards.

But from where the world is seeing , it was the the other way around.
pelistine ,2009, remember, the fig was close to 1400 dead?

although wt the Israelis did was barbarism and they had no US backing on that.
Calling some body cowards will not make them one.

pls come out of Ur `muslim brotherhood emotion` , look where turkey is,:yahoo: , and look where pak and bangladesh are.
Mate ,
Turkey will NOT join the war with Israel. It has a LOT to loose..U know that , also Pak has a lot to loose militarily.
US will never deliver spares to pak again, let alone the F `16s
Pakistan wont go to war with israel.If it does for any serious reason....I think iran,syria,egypt and possiably turkey will join it.They all hate isra.... egypt will join to revive its honor,syria will want revenge,lebanon same.Turkeys recent aggressiveness towards isra cant be denied..Yes we will lose spare part but some muslim countries will help us remember 1990s saudis and turks gaves us spares.And now we are pretty much independent and dont require to us arms for existance
Also even if Iran and pak will want to use military force against Israel they will still not be able to bring the Jewish state down....
Hows that?isra total jewish population is no more then 3 million including women,children,patients and old.....now count two whole countries? Do the math.I hope u wont be surprised

U love Ur country its great .... but sentiments cannot alone win a war my friend.
Vietnam defeated USA?CHINA?North korea defeated USA and S.korea.Afghanistan defeated USSR we despite being 1:4 ratios defeated our enemy.......Morale and emotions love for motherland do matter

just google abt Israel`s military might.

also , pls give me ONE neutral link that pak pilots destroyed 4 israels planes.... i dont know why the ppl of pak believe omn it
Try asking solomon or go check out israeli military forum....I dont think it was just 4 israeli jets go google PAF kills against israel.
Or check PAK kills against india
change heading to Reassessing Govt of America’s special relationship with Israel..
Still many americans are not pro Jewish or pro israel..

funny thing..according to christians and bible jews killed biblical Jesus (biblical or story line by them as their belief and jews belief they did kill him as pride)
Yet its weird someone's god is killed by a party and you shake hands with them embrace them and go against those who saved you who protected you and who gave you freedom in their land!

Just as israel won't under estimate Pakistan, Pakistan too don't under estimate israel..history tell it all jews are deceitful to all that includes their own jews/christians/Muslims.

Let the last F-16 be delivered doesn't matter if us puts sanctions take a look when pressler amendment was imposed where do you think Pakistan got spares for 10/11 Years.

Hows that?isra total jewish population is no more then 3 million including women,children,patients and old.....now count two whole countries? Do the math.I hope u wont be surprised

Would you extend the same logic to 170 million population of Pakistan and 1.2 billion pop of India.. No na..??

Vietnam defeated USA?CHINA?North korea defeated USA and S.korea.Afghanistan defeated USSR we despite being 1:4 ratios defeated our enemy.......Morale and emotions love for motherland do matter
Each of them was a defensive war. And I will ignore your incorrect facts about defeating your enemy, if you are refering to any victory that you claim over india..
In this case you are talking about invading Israel
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