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Real Tony Stark?

whatr about the famous german aeronautical engineer named Kurt Tank who designed a lot of WWII german fighters single handedly
Those days are long gone.Now a days Fighter Jet's require plenty of things like Avionics, Radars, Ammo, Millions of Code (FCS )etc.
whatr about the famous german aeronautical engineer named Kurt Tank who designed a lot of WWII german fighters single handedly

Back then fighters were simple to build and operate but now they are so complex we need computers to do most of the flying for us.
IL be posting pictures of WWII aircraft and Modern Aircraft to prove to you that 1 man cannot design a aircraft on his own just look at the difference in the instruments used.

Lets start with The cockpits
WWII planes
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thanks for all your replies
you sure know how to crush someone's ambition

isn't there any chance if you are a mechatronic engineer
Kelly Johnson came close though

Argh, you beat me. :D

Clarence Kelly Johnson probably had a better grasp overall on post ww2 jet aircraft than any other man, but still, he personally could not design and build a jet engine. Still, he had the ability to so thoroughly understand the separate components, and how they should go together, it qualifies as genius.

When jets appeared in WW2, General Hap Arnold asked Johnson "We need a jet. When can you deliver one?" "180 days" was the answer, and the P-80 was delivered in 143 days. P-80 performance was comparable to the Me-262, but did not see combat in WW2.

Other C. Johnson designs:



But yes, the answer already stated is that it takes huge teams of brilliant engineers to create a moddern jet fighter.
you mean quaid e azam, or just across the border, abdul kalam etc etc etc

would you be fcuking respectful of this guy, he bloody sacrificed his life to make nuclear bomb and deserves the respect he has got, and all what you say is just like musharraf speaking from behind??

the government of pakistan and the nation of pakistan has given him the glory, people become heroes like quaid e azam though its not a single man's contribution!!


No sir---it is out of first hand knowledge----one of my dear uncles was one of the pioneers of the pak nuclear program even before Dr A Q Khan came into picture.

And please kindly----don't use profanities---you have yet to earn that right-----you are too junior of a member to do that.

Looking at your comments---seems like this dicussion is beyond your grasp momentarily----so please kindly be respectful. :cheers:
Munir Ahmed Khan played a great role in our Nuke Program but he is always forgotten by our people.
I am still wondering maybe we might be able to create one of our own
I want to ask a question we are working on JF-17 why don't we go for a technology upgrade and try to design a fifth generation fighter jet of our own i think many of our seniors know alot about planes, there avionics subsystems and radar i think we can make a plane of our own on this forum I mean suggest a plane for PAF if you ask me i geather some blue prints of F-37 Talon from different site's as i am a big fan of that plane i can post those but still the question can we do it ???
ya right... like a single doctor cant get the expertise in complete human body. there are different fields involve as the experts have already answered that

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