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Reactor of India's first indigenous nuclear submarine INS Arihant goes 'cri

by any chance is it arihant?

Wow, India finally has its first nuclear sub after years of boasting about having one. Now, once a ballistic missile is fired from the sub, India will have the first test fire of its first SLBM, after all the tests on the pontoon. India is only the country in the world that boast about PLSM (Pontoon launched ballistic missile) being a SLBM.

Until it has been put on the submarines it's SLBM = Sea-Launched Ballistic Missile; because it take off from underwater

After it's put on the subs it's SLBM = Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile; same as sea-launch BM but take off from submarine instead of pontoon.

Either way it stays an SLBM - you're point is as usual invalid.
Great moment not just for Navy but also for scientists at BARC. The reactor technology and experience gained here will pave way for future AC to be N powered. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Great, 6th world power where first ballistic missile submarine to be built outside the five recognized nuclear powers, the United States, France, Russia, Britain and China.What an elite club wao.This and the Monday's launch of Indigenous Air craft carrier INS Vikrant will give India more bargaining power to its quest for the permanent member of UNSC and will add more strength to already supportive Indian stance and ambitions.Great news the Indian Navy is growing incredibly fast.Indian Navy will be a formidable power towards the end of this decade.
Embarrassing ....

This is not the picture of INS Arihant,INS Arihant picture is not yet out except one that is being circulated in media that shows it in the dock (2008 Pics) and INS Arihant written on its background.
This is not the picture of INS Arihant,INS Arihant picture is not yet out except one that is being circulated in media that shows it in the dock (2008 Pics) and INS Arihant written on its background.

I know,,,,, this is an Iranian mini submarine......i just said the media was Emberassing
so i have a question. why does a submarine require a nuclear reactor. isnt 80 MW like the requirement of one small town? what do they do with power from one nuclear reactor all to themselves?
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