Faizan's mother sold her son for 33.3 million, wife 25 million, brothers 7.5 million and sister 3.7 million rupees
listen brother, this isn't about selling your son or brother. You are not in there position to judge them. This thread is too hot to post anything sensible, everything is getting lost in the shuffle. Diyat is not a loophole law as people here are calling it. It's a very valid law which gives a household to revceive a sum of money if they loose a member of their family (who could be the sole provider) so they can continue their lives.
Eye for an eye, life for a life, is not always justice. These families were poor, they lost their son, who isn't going to come back. At least, they've received some money to live their life. This rational thinking can only come with a cool head.