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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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Yeah who needs a country that is bombed by some other country with the consensus of it's rulers and military. Like come on even Somalia or Bangladesh are better states as compared to Pakistan.


Enjoy your ban.
behaviour comes from a person's own code of conduct...

Yeah I know and you should know that too.

[Pakistani]-evilX;1577907 said:
let me stand in front of you and look into your eyes and tell you I AM SHAMELESS PAKISTANI

Then go and bomb yourself up.
I have told you this is going to happen, soon, very soon!!!
To all you Pakistanis who argued with me that Davis will be sentenced in Pakistan - I have repeatedly told you that he is going to be released soon, very soon! But you did not want to hear. I have told you that some kind of deals will be reached and if the ISI and Army wants to make a deal, then the courts will cooperate.

This case only showed again the hatred towards the US in Pakistan and how reliable the official position of its government, and defence establishment.

I dont know who, but we all knew inside ourselves that he would be released, however he is trialed and convicted of illegal arms atleast, immunity according to geneva was ruled over by the local law, but the parties agreed on daiyat of Shariah Law.
siyasdaan apni maan ke rape per bhi politcs kerty hai ye kya hai?.:P

To all you Pakistanis who argued with me that Davis will be sentenced in Pakistan - I have repeatedly told you that he is going to be released soon, very soon! But you did not want to hear. I have told you that some kind of deals will be reached and if the ISI and Army wants to make a deal, then the courts will cooperate.

This case only showed again the hatred towards the US in Pakistan and how reliable the official position of its government, and defence establishment.

It appears, most unfortunately for Pakistanis, especially who are trying so hard to achieve something that makes their country better, that you maybe right.

I share the agony of such Pakistanis.
he was a moron and bites the dust at last though we gave him fair chance

if you had been following the case we also said he is going to be release at last but how it will be that remains to be seen.
Consider focusing on the actual problem, terrorism masquerading in the guise of religion, and help your nation of Pakistan bring lawless terrorism to an effective end.
Ultimately terrorism is merely a tactic in warfare. What if, after Pearl Harbor, America had declared War on Aviation? The Japanese would have concentrated on "conventional" naval and land warfare and their aggressions would have continued.

So the "actual problem" isn't terrorism but the minds of those who decide to employ it. Pakistan has not yet decided to confront this - indeed, as its few remaining liberal-minded ministers fall to assassins to the endorsement or lethargy of the populace, it appears to be cringing more and more from doing so.
I am sure money was paid and also the citizenship to shut their mouth.

Let us not justify the unjustifiable.

Do you think that blood money is perfect to be released for a man who is accused of plotting against Pakistan and in other words every single Pakistani?

If so, I will confess I have not understood the logic.

What bread winner?

They have turned out to be better than the Irish Sweepstakes!

bhai how many times i say, the guy should have been charged for other offences, but he was only charged for murder for which he should have got sentence if he had not paid for the compensation... its entirely upto the govt and other agencies to persue the case against this guy

he had been acquitted if he was registered for fake cases like theft case which obviously he didnt do..
i think this was the best outcome for both sides. US got it's man after the dust started settling. Pakistan could have charged him for espionage & put him away for good. However they opted for face saving exercise by letting the law take it's course by charging him only for murder. By this time ISI would have grabbed as maximum info from this guy!! there is no winners or losers here!!

No information crap sir. Only $$$$. $ for family, $ for ISI, $ for Mr 10%. $ for everyone who was shouting. Now everyone is happy
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