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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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I'm feeling that I was a drama. Very very sudden changes. What will the future relationship between two allies
lolzzz evil blood money.

look at Indians roaming in this thread and trying to put oil to the fire.

its your obsession with Pakistan its our law so none of your business to mention what is there in bharat aka India.

keep your laws to your country and dont lecture us on ours. you have no right. and when you poke your nose then be prepared to listen to the responses.

PDF being a open forum gives us right to say what we believe.
The way Indians have behaved particularly on this thread is commendable.
who told you it doesn't apply on non Muslims?

Its common sense- its part of Sharia- and Sharia is for Muslims only-
P.S for more info use google for more research-
some very indecent and low quality comments have been made by some very respected Pakistani members today in this thread.

They talk of shame and yet, shamelessly blutered remarks on behalf of the nation like selling of mothers and sisters for money. Utterly classless and characterless people they are.

I'm beginning to think they don't care about the deaths of the two young men, I know they don't sympathize with the families, they've already labeled them sellers of their sons. I think all this fuss is because their egos were hurt today and nothing more. For two months they thumped their chests and today all of that air was let out.

Well you want to curse out your mothers then fine, leave the rest of the nation and it's people alone you sick, egotistical lunatics.
if Diya is not applicable to everybody, then what is the point of it then?

Not everybody- it is not applicable to Non- Muslims-
Its just like Zakat is not applicable to Non- Muslims- but they have to pay Jizya-
It is very interesting to watch, how US neutralized Pakistan's right wing forces by using Islamic laws and Islam ke thekedars(Saudis) to its advantage...infact this exact course of events was predicted by Najam Sethi in one of his shows, a few weeks back.
Aren't you already.

I mean your people have killed many Pakistani's over the last few years.

And define liberal fascism.

Let me help you:

Liberal: broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies".

Fascism: a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government.

Can these words be jointly said, how can one be broad minded politically but also advocate or impose an authoritarian hierarchical government.

This is an oxymoron and a moron invented this.

Like I said, don't go by what you hear on TV, its no good son.

No point my friend they just can't understand that a society that has choice in all matters(be it rational or not) becomes progressive

When you view Islamic governance as the middle ground and secularism as fascism your rational capability to process ideas foreign to yours just isn't there. Let alone allowed.

People just can't understand that secularism is not against nor for religion but as to personalize religion between the individual and god. Not having it forced onto the masses.
It is very interesting to watch, how US neutralized Pakistan's right wing forces by using Islamic laws and Islam ke thekedars(Saudis) to its advantage.

This is the cause of concern and what some of us have been saying for some time.

USA uses Islam for its own goals just like it used Islamic Jihad against the Soviets through Pakistan and Afghanistan.

US looks out for its own interest and for them to achieve their objectives, they utilize Islam in our part of the world.

This is why we should limit Islam in this country and change our foreign policy.
I think he is ahl-i-kitab, qualify for that, " khon baha" is already in Tora (jews), so its not wrong.

Tell me one incident where ahl e kitab hands were cut because of theft- or he was subjected to lashes-

Pal- Shariah orderd lashed to alcohol drinkers- but to Non- Muslims where its legal- it allows it-

By Package- Shariah Law is ment for Muslims only- We cant just pick and decide which Shariah punishment is universal-
No point my friend they just can't understand that a society that has choice in all matters(be it rational or not) becomes progressive

When you view Islamic governance as the middle ground and secularism as fascism your rational capability to process ideas foreign to yours just isn't there. Let alone allowed.

People just can't understand that secularism is not against nor for religion but as to personalize religion between the individual and god. Not having it forced onto the masses.

It's a long battle but we have Turkey as an example to follow and some of us have to fight for it.

I do hope that we have something like Young Turks movement whereby an entire generation can fight together for a tolerant and progressive society.

All I want to see is a progressive, peaceful and tolerant Pakistan where the many ills that we face today are greatly reduced or do not exist anymore.

But these people I tell you are so rigid in their beliefs, its unbelievable.
Releasing of Raymond Davis after all the hoopla will be undoing of Pakistan albeit in a small way.

On one hand Pakistan claims that 'Blood Money' has been paid for his release and on the other hand Hillary Clinton says US has not paid any 'Blood Money' at all. This will surely lead to more outrage in an already conservative society. Surely, some prominent politician will be bumped off to avenge this insult to the 'ghairat' of Pakistan.
Releasing of Raymond Davis after all the hoopla will be undoing of Pakistan albeit in a small way.

On one hand Pakistan claims that 'Blood Money' has been paid for his release and on the other hand Hillary Clinton says US has not paid any 'Blood Money' at all. This will surely lead to more outrage in an already conservative society. Surely, some prominent politician will be bumped off to avenge this insult to the 'ghairat' of Pakistan.

Blood Money has been paid by the Saudis, not the Americans.

So there is nothing wrong with Clintons statement.

Read the news again.
Is blasphemy law applicable to non muslims?thats also part of shariah right..?

Nope- Blasphemy is not the part of Shariah?-
Take example of Saudi Arabia- there is no such law-
I don't find MBQ's deleted post between posts 1024 and 1025 to be either offensive or a 'low quality post'. Or TF's should go as well.

Dont be naive- the other part of the story is usually censored- thats called propaganda-
Thats why i prefer not to argue with MODS- :tup:
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