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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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Hey Myth Buster... Check out Zaid Hamid... he is saying that people who are questioning Pakistan Army's and ISI role in all of this are CIA cyber troopers... LOL what a joke!!!

yes yes we are but tell him before us you were the one who eat from CIA in afghan war time.
sister jana... what about the crimes of spying and terrorism??? It was nt just an issue of murder...

Brother no charges of any such kind were put on him for trial. he was arrested for murder and the families and all other parties agreed on solving it. so he is released.

you can now have a case study and prepare yourself for fighting it in future if any spying or terror charges were there in future but for that you need to have a strong case with backup .

in this case though you may know alot of things but he was allowed in this country by your own govt and orgs so no crying over split milk
2nd choice is better. Who wants to be called as a citizen of a slave fail state. In Kamran Akmal's case I just quit supporting the sattai baaz not the country.:)

The end result is what all matters-
Hope to see you back in green-
No they have sacrificed for fake ego for the good of the country and as well as for their future .

Good decision

Utter nonsense!

What about the two poor souls who died ,don't need to get justice ??

If we go by ur logic, no murderer will ever need to go to prison or only people who can't pay will have to go to prison.
Wasn't technically a murder, it was self-defense
I know, I posed the same question to Mastaan Khan, when he talked of blood money. I know it sounds like a shitty thing, to accept money for the murder of your brother or son etc but it IS Islamic law. And there is a very good reason behind it, I discussed it in my other post.

Yes, I would be very angry and I would want nothing more but to pursue charges against the killer. But that's because with Allah's graces I come from a family of little amount of means. And I take, many of here have good financial backgrounds. Sure, money isn't everything, but it is many things. So we wont understand the pains of living in poverty. The pains of watching your kids grow without any bright future.

That's why there is the law of Diyat. A family which looses a member and that too one who is the sole provider. What would that family get if the killer gets hanged?? Once again, this thinking will only hit you when you're thinking in calm and cool manner.

Right now emotions are running high among Pakistani people, just as when the murder took place and the families in their anger said they would pursue charges over anything. Two months past and they thought of their future and back tracked. A week from now, same people who are hanging their heads in shame will have calmed down and will think rationally and know what families did was justified from their POV and Islamic.

As a Muslim, you probably realize that eyes though this isn't unIslamic, there is such a thing as principle. Forget honor & dignity, but there is a thing as principle. Following your principles earns you respect. You shouldn't commit a robbery, not because it hurts your honor & dignity, but because it's against your principles. What the difference between what a drug trafficker or a robber does & what they did? Everyone is trying to support their families, but its the principle that counts, not even dignity & honor (they might be important to some, but not to others). Dignity & honor are secondary to principle.
Wasn't technically a murder, it was self-defense

When your family member gets murdered on the streets by a foreign national, we will see if it's self defence or not. And then I will be on my couch laughing my sick a.ss off!
You will die with this pipe dream of yours , i dont know why you zionists always talk about wars in other countries. Shame on you
It has to do with liberation, not Zionism. The strange idea that by personally fighting for freedom in one country one can help liberate another I credit to the Polish patriot, Thaddeus Kosciuszko. He knew he couldn't liberate a Poland divided up and surrounded by the Austrians, Russians, and Prussians. He helped liberate America from British rule instead. And two centuries later it was America in turn that helped to liberate Poland.

So what if I do die first? Kosciuszko's dream didn't start to approach reality until he had been dead for over a century. Both Poland and America honor him today.
Hey Indian Readers!!!! I want you to thank me for stating the following... (yes yes I am an enemy but even enemies can have respect for each other)...

Had this case involved India... they would never have succumbed to American pressure and most probably this guy would ve faced years of imprisonment for his crime!!!!

There... Pakistanis are even worse than Indians when it comes to licking the boots of America!!!!
Dude! You are being over-optimistic.

Every nation is susceptible to US pressure including Russia and China. Reason is obvious: US is 'most dangerous nation' on Earth. It is also the 'most blackmailing nation' on Earth.

Don't believe me? Check the case of China-US spy plane row, as an example. It resulted in loss of a Chinese life and property and in the end, US got its agents released without any compensation.

Is dunya mein power ka raaj hai. Jis ki lathi, uss ki bhense.

The powerful rules in this world. Pakistan had to comply with American demands. It was only a matter of time.
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